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Sonic's googles
  • I both agree and disagree, I think Sonic does have normal eyes and those are his goggles, but I don't think those are all the white of his eyes as we see them.

    I think they look white just because that's how the light reflects off them and they're actually polarized lenses to help him see even when he's traveling through deep sunset or sunrise when shit's at its most blinding, or through brightly lit cities that can hit pedestrians with heavy glare.

  • How I date
  • Rust is to programming languages what a drunken orgy is to a night out.

    That is to say, you have no idea where all these new tattoos came from have a head pounding migraine afterwards and some the hell how you learned how to use Rust as an end result.

  • I ordered my daughter a pizza, something I don't usually do. I got Domino's smallest size with two toppings. I got her cheese sticks and two sauces and tipped the driver 20%. $31.07.
  • It could be the "haven't been able to eat solid foods myself in over a month", but this post just reminded me of my favorite order from dominos that'd usually cover me for a couple nights

    Cheesy breadsticks and a large thincrust with fixins, and now I'm doing the Homer Simpson drool, yes it was garbage pizza but it was good tasting garbage pizza to a lonely college student!

  • I wouldn't worry about it ,Jack
  • Honestly, reminding them they're too poor to be affected probably isn't the best way to make a convincing argument.

    Then again, that presumes good faith, and redcaps wouldn't know good faith if it burned them when their skin was exposed to it like a vampire.

  • Done and done.
  • Separation of church and state, letting any educational institution present religion as a truth that must be obeyed on pain of damnation is an abdication of preventing establishment.

  • Ah Bernie, what could have been...
  • Yeah how dare I be an ass about a fight I've been having with fucking children since 2016 over their shock and awe that having other plans on primary day doesn't win your preferred candidate the nomination.

    You aren't owed being corrected gently when you step into a fight that's been going on for almost a decade now.

  • Ah Bernie, what could have been...
  • That why the delegate counts actually tilt the scales in Bernie's favor?

    In any case, any argument you could make about the superdelegates basically amounts to "look what you made me do!" for not going to vote against this supposed she devil everyone had a violent hatred for. Y'all didn't vote. You just didn't. I'm saying this as a guy who did vote for Bernie, there was no fix, you all just abandoned Bernie at the one place it matters and have been trying to shift blame for your own slackoff asses since.

    Bernie deserved better than every last fucking one of you!

  • Ah Bernie, what could have been...
  • Hi, Palestinian American here, I think securing Gaza's natural resource rights and being the point of negotiation that secured a bunch of people getting to see their families again is good actually.

    I also see all the white kids raising stink about my people's struggle and feel fetishized and used by people who couldn't even begin to understand what my people's struggle is like and who need to BTFO using it as their excuse to be petulant little twits about doing the bare minimum duty to defend their democracy from the guy who'll make our struggle exponentially worse.

  • Ah Bernie, what could have been...
  • Yeah, we can absolutely recognize that the FFs were quite radical for their day. I don't question their merits as their day's progressive wing, my beef with their document is in how poorly it's aged with the nation, to the point that serious overhaul if not a complete rewrite is needed to address the problems we face today because of problems in the document.

  • Ah Bernie, what could have been...
  • Yeah how dare Hillary and the DNC respect that more people voted for her instead of applying EC logic to make Bernie win despite him losing by a wider margin than Trump lost the popular vote, and how dare the moderates still be more popular than Bernie to the point that all it took was there being only one in the primary field for Bernie's chances to be "sabotaged".

    Harry Potter and the magical thinking of Bernie bros who still can't get over other people not voting the same way they wanted them to while also not voting themselves.

    Bernie deserved better than fucking all of you.

  • Ah Bernie, what could have been...
  • You can tell they're telling the truth because they didn't mention how the vote tallies have Hillary beating Bernie by an even wider margin than she beat Trump by in the popular vote.

    Figures the people still moaning about Bernie losing twice now would think other people voting is the DNC putting in a fix, these loons have actually said that votes shouldn't count and we should have counted individual donations instead. Because if anything says democratic process, it's a literal donor class literally buying the candidate they want over the candidate who got more votes.

  • NSFW Removed
    All of Them
  • Claims came out a while ago alleging that Boerbert was the non stage identity of a local escort in her area, IDK if it was ever verified, but it was followed with an even worse accusation that her "services" are what brought her in contact with the GOP agents who eventually lit her rising star.

  • Done and done.
  • Nah, private schools shouldn't get to do this shit either except in a specifically dedicated theology course, and even then they shouldn't be allowed to get all high control group propoganda missionary about it.

  • Political Memes PhlubbaDubba
    PoV, You're the governor of Arkansas getting a message from the president on September 24th, 1957.

    Felt like we could all use some throwback humor.

    The Joker is Probably Completely Sane and Just Uses his Public Image of Being Insane to Keep Others Underestimating Him as Just Some Lunatic

    The man regularly outwits far more supposedly cognizant opponents including Batman and Lex Luthor, who are canonically recognized as two of thr smartest people on the entire planet.

    Edit: I'm not saying insane people are stupid, I'm saying that Joker's mental illnesses are pretty obviously behavioral, they don't affect his perception of reality. He's perfectly capable of understanding what he's doing and how it's wrong, in fact his character almost doesn't work if he doesn't, he just thinks that it's all hilarious anyways. That's why I said he's not insane, he just pretends to be, because he'd be fit to stand criminal trial as fully competent and cognizant of his actions.

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