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Electric Boat Costs 40–50€ to Cross Baltic Sea, vs 750€ Refueling Gas Boat
  • 213kWh feels like quite a lot of juice. Admittedly, I usually don't go at planing speeds.

    I have an 80Ah lead-acid battery to power the electric trolling motor on my inflatable dinghy. That's 80A*12V = 0.96kWh. That gives me 5-10Nm range depending on speed. My dinghy would sink with 213kWh on board.

    My 7 tonne sailboat uses ~2l/h of diesel at twice the speed. 213kWh of lead-acid would double the weight.

  • Fond memories
  • MeeGo, then Maemo. It lives on in the successor SailfishOS.

  • How old is the oldest building in the town you live in?
  • There's a church (still maintained and used!) from the 13th century. And a farm from the 18th century, which is a museum now.

    My house is from 1969.

  • If AI is so rampent and used for evil purposes. Can we not use it for good purposes like creating a personalized JARVIS like in Iron Man? Would that not be better than using it for fake images?
  • I trained an ANN back in 2012 to trade bitcoin for me on mtgox. It performed quite a bit better than just HODLing until mtgox happened.

    Now I live in a van down by the river.

  • K1 Acquires Mariadb
  • He does!

    Say hello to MaxDB!

  • Plex; Introducing Plex Photos Beta
  • Their main product is telemetry and selling your watch history to advertisers.

    That's why Plex doesn't work without an active internet connection.

  • `chown` on a sdcard directory impossible...
  • What filesystem do you have on that SD-card? Likely FAT32, which does not support ownership.

  • Jellyfin burning subtitles for AndroidTV
  • The Android client seems to have dropped a few player engines in a recent update. Previously there was an option to use libvlc, omxplayer or a third option that I can't recall. Seems the developer opted to go with the worst option.

    The AndroidTV app can use external players such ss VLC. I went with kodi as a client instead.

  • Youtube or Spotify?
  • I self-host with navidrome. I fill up the library with spot-dl. I listen to it with tempo on Android.

  • When did the Pirate Bay become full of malvertising?
  • I've been using qbittorrent for ten years, and now you're telling me it has a search engine built-in?

  • People who pirated in the late 90s and early 00s what is the most dramatic change from then till now? And if you had the power what would you bring back?
  • One of the local secondary schools had a mailserver. No one knew or took security seriously in the mid-to-late nineties. As a result, it also hosted an ftp-server with widely shared credentials that held some 20GB worth of mp3s when it was shut down after three years in service. It was one of the biggest in the country at the time.

    Irc and DCC-transfers were huge, too. As CD-writers became common place, a lot of it took place over snail mail or sneakernet. A guy at school had printed lists of all his tunes and took orders to burn them to music CDs.

    I think the limited selection and limited transfers/storage made you cherish things more. Today you'll never finish your library in your lifetime.

  • best linux terminal emulator
  • Yes, and now they're looking for a real terminal

  • best linux terminal emulator
  • People keep recommending terminal emulators, but I think they're missing your point.

    I'm not aware of anyone making new terminals these days. In my opinion DIGITAL is still king. They are getting a bit hard to come by. VT220 used to be the gold standard, but a VT420 or VT520 is still worth it if you can find one.

    Looks like there are a few VT420s on eBay going for up to $200. Prices aren't what they used to be.

  • Was it my imagination that most people believed in a 9/11 conspiracy?
  • not just a theory

    You mean like gravity?

  • Despite tech-savvy reputation, Gen Z falls behind in keyboard typing skills
  • A youth wasted playing MUDs, I guess. I was pretty fast before that, but I probably doubled my pace in a few years.

  • Despite tech-savvy reputation, Gen Z falls behind in keyboard typing skills
  • I guess I might be a millennial or Xennial, then.

  • Despite tech-savvy reputation, Gen Z falls behind in keyboard typing skills
  • Gen X here. I've got an average 123 WPM on typeracer, which puts me in the 99,8th percentile.

    I started looking at the screen instead of the keyboard early on. There were touch typing classes as an option around 8th grade, I think, but it was literally just having a map of which fingers go where and typing text focusing on using the right fingers. I didn't take one, but I think I'm using the right fingers for 80% of the keys. I'm moving my hands back and forth a bit to let my dominant fingers do the work.

    I started playing MUDs in 1997 at age 13, and building up that muscle memory for every combination of two- or three letter commands probably did more than I'd care to admit. I still miss the responsiveness of a proper DOS prompt, or Linux tty.

  • How many pairs of sunglasses do you think you've owned in your lifetime?
  • I'm going to guess 20. I wear them a lot. I probably buy a new pair every other year. I go for no-brand, but always polarized.

    The leading cause of death is getting scratched up while getting tossed around in the car.

  • PetteriPano PetteriPano
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