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Samuel Alito’s Mysterious Absence From Supreme Court Raises Questions
  • Oh, dear. I sincerely hope it's nothing minor.

  • In the end, I created a new mail
  • Most or all e-mail services allow you to create e-mail aliases, which are alternate e-mail addresses that deliver to the same mailbox and use the same login.

  • Eugene Levy invited me to a pool party at his house, but when I got there in my Volt nobody was swimming.
  • Tom Wopat and John Schneider were there too, but they were just getting drunk and complaining about having grey hair.

    The good ol' boys were drinking whiskey and rye, saying "this'll be the day that I dye."

  • What's a fun office prank? Christmas themed if possible.
  • Well, you wanted a prank... 😆

  • What's a fun office prank? Christmas themed if possible.
  • Buy large bags of Christmas themed M&M's, Reese's Pieces, and Skittles. Mix them together in a single bowl. Don't tell anyone.

  • Therapy is expensive, but oversharing with strangers is free!
  • "Therapy is extremely expensive. Poppin' bubble wrap is radically cheap. You choose which one helps with your problems; I'm gonna' get some sleep."

    Jimmy Buffett I Don't Know And I Don't Care

  • Perrin42 Perrin42
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