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Steam announces game recording beta.
  • Excellent.

  • More details on MS Flight Simulator 2024, including full 3D landscapes in 30 biomes
  • X plane is leagues more stable than MSFS, I can guarantee that

  • More details on MS Flight Simulator 2024, including full 3D landscapes in 30 biomes
  • I bought FS2020 a couple days ago and was unable to download the game. It was 160gb and the connection to Microsoft servers kept cutting. Most of the times I tried opening the program it would just crash on the loading screen. I was almost 2 hours in trying to just get it to download the game when I made the executive choice to just refund it before my refund window was past.

    Bought xplane 12 instead. Less pretty by all metrics but it takes barely any time to open and is highly modable. At least now I can fly planes.

  • Removed
    Elon Musk has another secret child with exec at his brain implant company
  • Dude genuinely thinks he needs to spread his DNA round because he believes he’s a divine being.

  • Have you ever owned a rare or unusual car?
  • I drive a 2018 Prius. I’m convinced it’s the only Prius in my very rural corner of Canada. I don’t like driving it on highways cause I get subjected to road rage by all the pickup trucks. People pass me on double solid lines even when I’m 20km/h over the speed limit just because of the type of car it is.

    Considering this reaction happens almost every time, I conclude my car is very rare.

  • Pornhub to leave five more states over age-verification laws
  • Pornhub as a monopoly??? Wow lmao. Someone never got creative with the search bar and it’s very apparent.

  • Is This The Electric Mini-Supermoto We’ve Been Dreaming Of?
  • This is basically a modified Surron. Instead of a 60v system this ones 72v. Bigger battery by a little bit, motor may as well be the same as the Surron stock motor can pull 15kW max and this does 13.

  • Habbo Hotel going vintage with original game rerelease
  • I had so many girlfriends in this game I felt like such a king. Had maybe 8 so basically anytime I logged in. One time I was in the hot tub with one and then another logs in and teleports to me. She was all “who is this” and then my stomach dropped and I turned off my computer.

    To be 11 again.

  • What does the world think of India?
  • To someone from my culture and to me when I was there, I hated it. It felt the absolute opposite of friendly. It felt predatory. I didn’t feel safe, I felt uncomfortable, I felt I was a freak and an oddity and it made me embarrassed to go anywhere. And this was with Indian-American guides who were familiar with which places to go to and which to avoid for tourists.

    I say this to you with no disrespect to you as a person. I’m just trying to state things without sugarcoating them. I appreciate you explaining the cultural perception.

  • What does the world think of India?
  • It was the loudest and smelliest country I’ve ever been to.

    I’ve never seen a country where the cross-country sleeper train bathrooms had literal holes on the floor to shit and piss out of. You saw the tracks wizz below you from the toilets. No plumbing, just excrete onto the tracks.

    Chennai train station had the strongest most overwhelming diarrhea smell I ever experienced in my entire life.

    Dudes were creepy as hell. They see you’re white and then you’re swarmed everywhere you go. People trying to scam, trying to appoint themselves as your tour guide and won’t stop following you and trying to guide you to “the mall”. Calling you Harry Potter because you wear glasses. I couldn’t imagine what would happen if I was a woman there. I shudder to think.

    Crossing the street means walking into oncoming traffic and hoping and trusting everyone to just drive around you. Absolute fucking chaos. The people are not warm or friendly. They stare and get too close and touch you all the time. I kept having people touch my shoulders and try and touch my face when I was in public or queuing.

    I never ever want to return to India ever again. I don’t recommend any of my friends go there. There were very few positives about that trip other than it being an eye opening experience as to how over 1 billion humans on the planet live.

  • Fck it, we ball
  • Roley poleys

  • 'Torrent galaxy is offline. Updates will be posted if there are any changes'.
  • This is unfortunate. More replacements will pop up though no matter what though so all is not lost :)

  • Wells Fargo fires more than a dozen employees for faking work using mouse jigglers and keyboard activity simulation
  • I was written up due to having tasteful stripes on my otherwise business casual shoes. Two stripes. I’m a non client facing computer monkey. Everything in the office is a weird game of house that everyone has just forgotten that they’re playing.

  • iOS 18 in one image. What are you most excited for?
  • Locked apps! All the porn, and all the incriminating evidence of my affair. Thank u Tim Apple! Very cool.

  • Anybody using a framework laptop?
  • I’ve got an AMD Framework 13. I love it. I don’t like how most linux distros don’t upscale well to its hidpi screen but as long as you stick with x11 everything is clear and sharp. I don’t like how the usb c modules are so flush that it’s impossible for me to pull them out. Not that I have any need for it but maybe one day…

  • Wells Fargo fires more than a dozen employees for faking work using mouse jigglers and keyboard activity simulation
  • If you work in an office job you will find that it’s all a scam. You must work very slow. Otherwise, you get rewarded with MORE WORK.

  • iOS 18 Hints At A Buttonless Future For iPhone 16, Improved Battery On The Horizon
  • This is excellent. But I want some real innovation. Forget buttonless, I want screenless! I want no screen at all. I just want it to play random notes at different intervals to relay me information. Now that’s innovation.

  • What LGBTQ+ topic you wish more people knew about?
  • This me. Bi guy and it took me like several decades to realize that. Was convinced all my life bi was not real

  • This ad I got

    Take on a second job to fulfill your civic duty to De Beers.

    Switching from GNOME to Plasma 6 on Ubuntu - what makes the most sense?

    Hi all!

    I have a laptop running Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS and I want to switch to KDE Plasma 6.

    How should I change over and why?

    Option 1: Install KDE Plasma 6 alongside GNOME

    Option 2: Backup and fresh install KDE Neon.

    Can’t log into my Nextcloud

    Hi all!

    I’ve had Nextcloud installed on Docker and it has been working for a while until now.

    I had to change my server from wifi to Ethernet and gave it a new static IP. I also uninstalled docker and reinstalled it so I’d be starting fresh.

    I have Nextcloud working and when I go to localhost:8070, Nextcloud works properly. When I use another device connected to the same network by wifi, it doesn’t work.

    I made sure the config.php file has the server’s static IP address listed in the trusted domains category.

    This used to work before but now after hours of troubleshooting, I’m all out of ideas and frustrated 😩 Any help is appreciated.

    EDIT: My wife to stroll by and casually was all “did you check Windows Firewall?” and lo and behold, Windows Firewall chose today to block private connections on Docker Desktop backend -_-

    Once I enabled it everything worked perfectly. Leaving this up here in case someone else stumbles upon this exact issue.

    Adopting a 2 year old dog tomorrow. Any tips?

    My wife and I have always wanted to have a dog and out of an interesting turn of events, we have the opportunity to adopt a 2 year old dog that a family friend cannot take care of anymore (they developed an illness that radically saps their energy).

    Super excited but a little worried about making sure the doggo is taken care of properly. We’ll have to drive him back in our car for 3h30 and we have an old overly-affectionate cat.

    What do people think? Any tips? Relevant stories? Give me your thoughts and have an awesome day!🙂

    KDE in high res screen with Wayland?

    I’m running KDE Wayland session on a Surface Pro 6 and the UI is much too small.

    I changed the UI scale in System Settings which works for all my apps except for the system text (panels, menus, Dolphin). The text in my system UI is super blurry.

    I’ve done a bit of research and it looks like Wayland may not support fractional scaling properly, but I’m finding conflicting info on this.

    At this time, is it possible to run a Wayland session in KDE with 150-200% UI scaling?

    I’m about to throw my entire Pihole out the window

    Every month or so all my devices lose internet and the only way to connect them all back is to disconnect them from the DNS server that Pihole is running.

    I set my Pihole to have a static IP but for some reason after around a month or maybe longer, it just fails. This has happened 4 times over the last while and the only fix is to essentially uninstall everything on my Pihole, disable it, and then reconfigure it from scratch again.

    I’m not sure what’s going on so any help would be appreciated.

    Does anyone here play vr games?

    What games and systems are y’all playing? How does weed effect your gaming?

    Hello friends

    Hi its me, your other you that you arent being right now. Or something like that. Idk I was on 3.5 grams in sort-of silent darkness and it felt like that in my eyeballs.

    Post your trip reports, questions, harm reduction advice, and any other related content to psilocybin mushrooms in this community!

    Be excellent to each other.

    PerogiBoi PerogiBoi

    A soup.

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    Comments 1.1K