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Anon helps with his gf's vaping addiction
  • Did you actually lower by only a percentage a week, or were you doing the normal thing and just buying weaker juice? Commercial vape juices have multiple percentage differences in their nic content between the different "tiers" of juice. That would be much more sudden and noticeable than 1% a week lower.

  • Warner Bros. to Release First New ‘Lord of the Rings’ Movie ‘The Hunt for Gollum’ in 2026, Peter Jackson to Produce and Andy Serkis to Direct
  • Oh yeah don't get me wrong, as long as they don't fuck with established events I'm not mad about this movie existing. It just doesn't appeal to me at all. The only lotr movies I really want are ones based on the Silmarillion stories, and sadly I suspect we'll have to wait another 20 years(or more, if the copyright considers Tolkiens son the author) for it to enter public domain before that happens.

  • Shell sold millions of carbon credits for carbon that was never captured, report finds
  • Not practically. You'd have to be replacing the trees faster than you chop them down just to account for the energy(and thus carbon) used to chop them and process them. Then there's the fact that decomposition will also release the carbon, so you HAVE to use the lumber for stuff that is intended to last at least as long the tree grew, or else that tree is still a net negative.

  • Shell sold millions of carbon credits for carbon that was never captured, report finds
  • No, you can't. There are trillions of trees on earth and the impact they have on carbon emissions is relatively minimal, planting a forest or even many forests isn't going to cut it.

    Not to mention that for trees to be an at all viable long term carbon capture method, you can't ever cut those trees down. If we can't leave the fucking Amazon alone, what makes you think we won't chop up that artificial forest in 50 years?

    This is the same issue with kelp. Kelp has a ton of uses, and is an even better carbon sink than trees are, but to be a carbon sink you have to forgo all of those other uses because you have to literally sink the kelp to the bottom of the ocean and leave it there, because actually using it for anything just rereleases the carbon.

  • PlayStation official response to Helldivers 2 fans
  • They might require it for crossplay or give some goodies for linking, but there's no fucking way they try to make it retroactively mandatory just to play at all again. After this statement, there would be ACTUAL grounds for a class action lawsuit if they did.

  • Harm Reduction
  • When MLK did sit-ins, they didn’t destroy property and graffiti walls and the like. It’s not the same

    You're an ignorant fool if you truly think MLK would be on anyone's side in this situation except the protestors.

  • US intelligence believes Putin probably didn't order Navalny to be killed, Wall Street Journal reports
  • The Kremlin has denied any state involvement.

    Of course they would.

    Putin called Navalny's demise "sad"

    Children being taken from their families and trafficked to Russia is also sad(and a war crime), and yet Putin does nothing about that. Somehow I don't think he's actually all that sad about Navalny.

    said he had been ready to hand the jailed politician over to the West in a prisoner exchange provided Navalny never return to Russia. Navalny's allies said such talks had been under way.

    It's an awful coincidence that the moment they decide to start considering releasing him, that he dies, isn't it? Nevermind the fact that he'd at this point been sentenced to over 20 years in Russian prison and a mere 2 months prior to his death was secretly sent to an arctic circle prison that is essentially a death camp, with none of his team knowing where he was for weeks. No no, forget ALL of those facts and trust Daddy Putin at his word that they were totally going to release him if he hadn't died when he did.

    What a load of bullshit. At best, they knew Navalny wasn't doing good and were hoping to release him before he died so they could wipe their hands clean of it. Realistically though, what happened was always the plan.

  • A web search tip to avoid AI generated SEO junk
  • Sure, but I don't need reviews for that stuff. I would've already seen those when they were actually, y'know, new.

    The bleeding edge stuff isn't stuff I personally need nor can afford. I just like learning about the newest and greatest tech.

  • A web search tip to avoid AI generated SEO junk
  • I'm a computer guy, 90% of the things I'm gonna wanna see reviews for are ABSOLUTELY things where older means worse. A review of a year+ old cpu, for example, is absolutely meaningless to me, I wanna see how good the bleeding edge stuff performs.

  • A web search tip to avoid AI generated SEO junk
  • and basically everything tha you can attach an affiliate link onto (e.g. product reviews)

    Y'know, something you'd want up to date results for so you're not potentially buying older worse products.

  • Lemmy communities need a distinct one word name for communities like how reddit has "subreddits"

    Part of the latest migration wave. Something I realized when looking for communities on google is that "lemmy community" is super clumsy.

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