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Furries raise $100,000 for Pittsburgh-area rescue dedicated to senior dogs
  • I was there and did a ton of fursuiting!

  • What are you currently excited for?
  • A new fursuit. Current one is almost 15 years old, has been to dozens of conventions with hours and hours of running around like an idiot.

    Fursuiting for me is a hugely important form of self expression and escapism, I absolutely love it.

  • Lemmy, what's your internet speed in mbps?
  • ~1000/1000 (usually more like 1300m on speed tests when wired)

    $55/month here in the Northeast USA

  • Stick shift drivers - would you get an electric vehicle?
  • I have an EV and a truck with a manual. I love them both.

    Every time I swap back to my EV I'm shocked (no pun intended) by how immediate the response from the accelerator is. There's no delay for air to flow, revs to build, nothing.. Just instant, push you back into the seat torque.

    That being said, I also fully expect my Toyota to outlast my Tesla lol

  • Oklahoma bill would require 'furries' be picked up from school by parents, animal control
  • Lol I read about this while hanging out at a furry con after fursuiting for five hours

  • Does anyone else feel like Lemmy is getting SO MUCH better?!!
  • Not really.

    The high volume of unoriginal Linux content is getting old, and that's coming from somebody who uses Linux.

    Behind that, there's very little in the way of niche communities/interests. But I suppose that's just because the total number of users isn't high enough for people with specific interests to reach some critical mass .

    So for me, Lemmy hasn't been anything more than a news aggregator interspersed with the occasional funny meme.

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  • I've used Linux off and on for quite awhile, all of my jobs have always included some level of Linux administration.

    Somewhat ironically my current role is senior .NET developer. Though I suppose that's a lot more platform agnostic than it used to be =)

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  • New laptop for myself. I've spent years using my phone and work laptops. I have a VM on a cloud provider I use for personal storage, tinkering, etc.

    Dell XPS 13 Plus, got it fully loaded but with the least amount of storage available. Immediately upgraded the NVMe to 2T and installed Linux.

    Despite making a descent income, I'm weirdly averse to spending on myself. In any case, totally worth it, it's been a month and I use the machine every day.

  • What are your programming hot takes?
  • Off the top of my head...

    • Too many layers of abstraction
    • Multiple copies of the same model (entities, domain objects, models, DTOs, etc)

    Ours is a .NET6 solution, for what it's worth. The solution itself has a few flaws, so that might be tainting my opinion a bit.

  • What are your programming hot takes?
  • Doing this is a hot take, but "clean architecture" is a joke.

    My company is obsessed with it.

  • Caught this duck mid duck

    This handsome boy was hanging around a wedding yesterday

    Whats a hobby/craft that you wouldn't expect that has an incredibly high ceiling either monetarily or in sheer skill?
  • I just ordered a second one a couple months from a top-tier maker and it was pretty expensive.

    The first one I got back in 2008 was $1450. I don't think it's possible to get a descent one for under $3000 these days

  • [RANT] I pay $70/mo for this privilege
  • Northeast US here. Fairly healthy competition in my area, the fiber at my home is about $50/mo

  • What would get you "back to the office"?
  • Systems Engineer/.Net Developer here. Currently have a super flexible hybrid setup. I work from the office 2-3 days a week. My commute is about 15 minutes when I decide to go to the office.

    I like seeing my coworkers, using the awesome conference rooms, free snacks and coffee. Change of scene keeps me focused and motivated.

    My main motivation for working where I do is that nobody gives a shit what I'm doing or where I'm working from day to day. We're all professionals working to deliver our projects on time. How we deliver is up to us.

    If my boss told me I had to start coming to the office every day at some set time, I'd immediately start searching for a new job.

  • Are you replacing Reddit with Lenny?
  • Yep. When RIF died, Reddit was dead to me. I refuse to give the owners of Reddit the satisfaction of me switching to their app.

    I'm also slowly pushing myself from Twitter to Mastodon. Hoping more of the accounts I follow on Twitter make the switch too.

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