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  • Wow. I didn't realize these guys were still putting out videos.

  • Lemmy is the best social media
  • Which one is the bot and which is the troll?

  • This pisses me off so much
  • That's not an unfair portrayal in the southern US.

  • Prospect of low-priced Chinese EVs reaching US from Mexico poses threat to automakers
  • No, I want a light pickup from the 80s or 90s but with a warranty and a full size bed and no back seat. Y'know, something kinda utilitarian. A fucking Ranger is bigger now than an F-150 was in 2000. An F-150 is a goddamn SUV with a worthless 4 foot bed. What the hell is that good for?

  • Begging for all the Lemmy Audiophiles recommendations on computer speakers!
  • Acoustic instruments are going to come back in a major way. Eventually folks are going to get tired of listening to computers masturbating.

  • Prospect of low-priced Chinese EVs reaching US from Mexico poses threat to automakers
  • Or , hear me out, what if US auto makers stop trying to force overpriced oversized trash on us? Maybe try to compete?

  • Music industry giants allege mass copyright violation by AI firms
  • Beethoven would have loved DAWs and synthesizers. He would have vomited at the thought of a machine plying HIS trade autonomously.

  • Music industry giants allege mass copyright violation by AI firms
  • With all of the tools you described the entire creative process is still done by a human musician. Sequencers have to be programmed. VSTs are just instruments and they DAWs have simply replaced expensive studio equipment so poors like me can produce a decent sounding track.

    I don't want to see generated images or AI coded video games either.

  • Music industry giants allege mass copyright violation by AI firms
  • Fuck the music industry, but fuck AI made music even more. The goddamn robot is supposed to take my factory job and leave me with the time to write songs not the other way around

  • Hey she tried her best ok
  • No, you see the joke is that teachers aren't people.

  • Cooking kombucha scobi pellicle
  • I downvoted you for lying to your child. What possible excuse is there for that? You should be excited about trying a new thing and showing them that trying new things is still a thing even for grownups. That was cowardly and I am ashamed for you.

  • I was not playing with the beetles mother
  • No outrage over the tan suit?

  • As you get older, how do you feel about being the next forgotten generation?
  • We were forgotten the second we were given the moniker of Gen X, only ever to be mentioned by our own. People talk about Boomers, Millennials, and Zoomers. It's fine. Not like it matters in any measurable way.

  • Give Blood or Life
  • Fight me for it, ya fuckin vampires!

  • Supreme Court Upholds Law That Bans Domestic Abusers From Owning Guns
  • Driving around looking for an oak tree to park under since that excuse worked the first time.

  • Trump ally Bannon asks the Supreme Court to delay his 4-month prison sentence on contempt charges
  • There's exactly no reason why that asshole should be able to ask the supreme court a goddamn thing.

  • What the hell is "cumtown"
  • Nut City?

  • A question on formatting in comments

    When I make a comment on a post, no matter how I type it up, it always just shows up as one paragraph.

    Is there something that I am doing wrong?

    1: now I'm also wondering what it does to a post so... 2: I'm splitting up this sentence like it was bullet points

    Edit: Spacing seems to be the difference, but I still feel like I shouldn't have to skip lines to start new lines.

    NSFW Images not loading from hidden

    Have noticed that about half of images not showing after clicking on them no matter how long I wait.

    Pat_Riot Pat_Riot
    Posts 2
    Comments 751