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Badly aged
  • Googling around but not seeing anything - did something happen in France?

  • We're Democrats now
  • 👨‍🚀🔫👨‍🚀

  • Hillary Clinton is H-O-T TO GO... (nuclear cringe democrat gloms onto 'hip' music)
  • Why did she say “but you know, anything’s possible”

    The joke of the trend is that the person points out that they’re at an event that would be unlikely to play hot to go and then smash cut to the song being played

    How did whatever social media intern that put this together misunderstand the comedy of the trend they were imitating?

  • Climate change
  • Who’s joining me in Corsicado?

  • I just got dumped by someone who is really into astrology, so I just wanted to say...
  • I personally think astrology is destructive to the people who take part in it. I see a lot of arguments along the lines of, “people have fun with it and it gives them comfort” etc. and if that’s all it was, that would be fine, but anyone who’s met someone really into astrology can see that it primes people to apply a totally illogical and incoherent framework to problems in their lives. The problem with that is that you’re never going to grow and learn as a person if you continually grab for this totally illogical tool in your emotional toolbelt every time one of life’s challenges arises. You’ll never reflect on the emotional genesis of a lot of your feelings or responses to the world if you just think, “I did that because I’m a Leo” or whatever. You’ll never get to, “I realize now that I responded to x situation negatively because y factor happens to be a trigger for me and I need to be conscious of that in the future” if you never get past “I responded to x situation negatively because mercury is in retrograde.” Overall I think it’s a toxic trend in our society that prevents people from being able to grow in a healthy way.

  • I just got dumped by someone who is really into astrology, so I just wanted to say...
  • How does astrology explain two different people with the same birthday having radically different personalities and traits?

  • My B.S. meter is going off

    So Israel is suddenly ready and willing to discuss peace terms but that gosh darn rascal trump is up to his ol’ mischief and is rallying against it because it’s going to make Kamala look too good?

    I don’t buy it.

    Zionists just out there quoting Fartlow to the goys like this will get us on their side
  • Ah gotcha. In that case



    Alright, with that out of the way, Eve Barlow, may I please continue voicing protest against the slaughter of thousands actively occurring right now?

  • Zionists just out there quoting Fartlow to the goys like this will get us on their side
  • Am I correctly understanding that what she’s saying here boils down to “you are hypocritical (antisemitic) if you only care when children are killed in apartheid within the occupied zone, but not when they die of other causes in an imaginary region of Palestine that’s not under occupation”?

  • Oh no. Nooooooooo! Nooooooooooooo!
  • There are times where people walk away from a piece of media with a weird interpretation and are accused of “no media literacy” and it’s a bit harsh because the piece of media might be more subtle in its politics or message or whatever, but bioshock literally opens by delivering a libertarian screed and then IMMEDIATELY showing you the havoc and ruin that resulted. There’s not more than two dots to connect. It’s so on the nose. How could you walk away with a different interpretation?

  • According to the Savior of Humanity's privately owned treat printer, *this* is the "funniest picture of all time" and he affirms that with "😂 "
  • Anything generated by AI is going to be low quality slop just due to the very nature of how these images are produced. Because it can only cobble together existing images, it’ll never truly -

    sees the image in question

    spits out coffee





  • Millions of Americans Now Exposed to Bank Data Leak
  • Let’s force Americans to entrust their most sensitive personal data to private companies who are incentivized to cut down on costs around cybersecurity. Let’s also not hold those companies accountable when they inevitably get hacked as a result of their negligence and penny pinching. This is a good system because the only net gain is a larger bonus for the members of the c-suite.

  • Cyberpunk minus the cool robot arms
  • That’s the final straw, I’m giving up food once and for all.

  • The utterly ridiculous reaching arguments were bad before, but this one is just embarrassingly pathetic
  • This is like how right after Oct. 7th Israeli officials tried to argue that it was like 50x worse than 9/11 because more people died per capita measured against the full population of both countries.

  • Dialectics
  • Marx failed to consider pussy in bio.

  • A bat flew into our bedroom, we were taken to ER and had to pay $600 for rabies shot, the system is working as intended, vote Kamala
  • The $600 the author describes is just the copay, which for me was only $250, so they actually might end up owing way more than me.

  • A bat flew into our bedroom, we were taken to ER and had to pay $600 for rabies shot, the system is working as intended, vote Kamala
  • It was subtle in the beginning. Heightened awareness. Aversion to sun. A distaste for garlic. But ever since that fateful run in with the bat, I’ve felt more…powerful. Over the course of the last week, I’ve gained access to powers most unnatural. Most occult. The principle of which being my newfound ability to take flight upon leathery wings as a bat. Now, I use my newfound powers to harass the bootlickers of the oppressive system that had impoverished me in a previous life. Wherever there’s an opinion piece on how we should be grateful that our healthcare insurance overlords deign to give us anything at all after paying them, I’ll be there, wings and fangs out. For I am…COMRADE DRACULA


  • Rant: I had to go to the hospital and got stuck with an exorbitant bill.
  • This is all great advice and I have spoken to the hospital. They more or less told me to go fuck myself. Worth a try, though!

  • Rant: I had to go to the hospital and got stuck with an exorbitant bill.
  • Great to meet a fellow rabies survivor. Lot of coincidences here - maybe too many. Could the bats possibly be on the insurance company’s payroll, strategically dive bombing unsuspecting people for a cut of that sweet, sweet vaccine revenue? Very concerning - looking into this.

  • Rant: I had to go to the hospital and got stuck with an exorbitant bill.

    A few weeks ago, I was taking an evening constitutional when, out of nowhere, a wayward bat flew into my face. Fortunately, no biting occurred by either party, and after we collected ourselves and exchanged information, we parted ways with no ill will between us. Being the cautious type, I chose to seek medical council. Bats are frequent carriers of rabies, and I quite enjoy being alive. Little did I realize that I was about to encounter the true blood sucker: not the bat, but the American Healthcare System.

    I arrived at the hospital and was advised to receive the rabies vaccine. I obliged, being the #trustscience resistance lib that I am. After all, I opted for the better employer-provided insurance plan available to me. How bad could it be? I received three shots: in the arm, the leg, and the butt. However, there was a secret fourth shot: one directly in the wallet.

    After three more shots spread out across as many visits, I got the bill. I could feel the joker makeup materializing on my skin as I read the amount: almost $40,000 before insurance, of which I owed almost $6,000.

    Reader, if the hope of this treatment was to prevent me from frothing at the mouth, all efforts were unsuccessful. I was shocked. Surely, this must be a mistake. I reviewed the bill with someone familiar with the putrid, demonic world of medical billing. No mistake was to be found. They actually called the insurance company to negotiate on my behalf. No dice.

    Despite spending over $100 on insurance each month, I’ve been saddled with an exorbitant debt that will take months to pay off. For no reason other than to add to my mental anguish, I looked up the CEO of my insurance company. Rather than finding the old west style wanted posters of this clear outlaw I expected to encounter, I found only LinkedIn posts lauding her #girlboss nature, effusive accolades and awards, and a spot on Forbes’ most powerful women list. This for an individual whose livelihood is based on withholding potentially lifesaving healthcare from those who need it for exorbitant costs.

    An economy, on paper, should be built on the production and sales of goods. Unfortunately, we live in hell, where instead of an economy, individuals are arbitrarily saddled with debt to be paid off in installments.

    It’s too late for me. I exist now not as a human, but as a half-alive creature writhing in the churning maw of the healthcare-based debt creation machine. But perhaps, through voting blue no matter who, asking politely, and owning enough republicans in epic debate, future generations may have some of their medical debt forgiven, granted they are a Pell grant recipient who opens up a business serving an underprivileged community for three years. Then, and only then, will this nightmare be over and we will be free to walk again with dignity and humanity intact.

    There is hope.

    Oh fuck off.

    New York State will probably go red at some point in the next twenty years. It’s got an incredibly rare combination of some of the wealthiest capitalists in the country living in the same electorate as some of the poorest and most disillusioned. People forget that Trump was born, raised, and became wealthy in this state. That it has one of the most overfunded police departments on the planet. This kind of rhetoric would be expected from someone like desantis, but instead it’s coming from New York. Crazy.

    FBI Raids Corporate Landlord in Major Rent Price-Fixing Probe FBI Raids Corporate Landlord in Major Rent Price-Fixing Probe: What It Means for You - Uprise RI

    The FBI's recent raid on Cortland Management reveals a nationwide conspiracy to inflate rents, potentially impacting millions of renters, including those in Rhode Island. Discover how RealPage's software allegedly manipulates rental markets and what this could mean for your rent.

    FBI Raids Corporate Landlord in Major Rent Price-Fixing Probe: What It Means for You - Uprise RI

    Probably going to see a few more cases like these with some of the other large corporate landlords. If Biden had any political sense he’d campaign on the fact that his dept of justice is cracking down on corporate landlords whose greed presents direct material problems in people’s everyday lives but he won’t for some unknowable reason.

    A child slaver wrote this article. Lab-grown diamonds: Popular with Gen Z, millennials but not sustainable | Fortune

    Most don't know they're made in China and India from electricity generated by burning coal.

    It’s got all the hits. Huge !smuglord energy. Extremely patronizing toward younger people.
