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Egypt pyramids: Scientists may have solved mystery behind construction
  • I'm not saying they didn't have a lot of slaves, just thinking that they might be exaggerating slave count (as a metric of how powerful they were) while using something like this river (something innocuous that they wouldn't need to brag about) to augment the bodies in use.

  • Egypt pyramids: Scientists may have solved mystery behind construction
  • Because, again, it's kind of hard to argue against what they literally carved into a rock.

    Not arguing with you here, cuz I have no dog in this fight, but you're seemingly ignoring the possibility of the emperor bragging about crowd size the number of slaves workers utilized?

  • Lots of times the restaurants won't even have milk
  • Some people crave or have to have some kind of flavor with their liquids or they don't want it. I have known multiple people who thought water tasted gross, which is somewhat legit because I had to get used to the different water taste when I went to school on the opposite side of town, but they just thought any kind of water was gross. They'd always have a soda or coffee or something.

    My issue isn't flavor necessarily, its carbonation. But plain/unsweetened soda water is gross and soda streams aren't worth it to make my own infused water.

  • Slack has been scanning your messages to train its AI models
  • At this point, you should be able to ask, if you missed something important in the last few years. Is there any open conversation waiting for a reply somewhere?

    Not sure if you've ever used Copilot (I have it at work) and it offers the ability to summarize conversations and tell you what you've missed. I've used that a lot for high chatter conversations when I don't feel like catching up or I've been out. Pretty nice.

  • Anon catches his wife
  • My thoughts exactly. My wife loves being with other women, and we both like mff relationships, so we just got a girlfriend. Solves so many problems and makes raising a kid together so much easier with an extra set of hands. Makes the various medical issues between all of us easier to deal with.

  • Locked Removed
    Results of new NYT poll being called into question
  • they are targeting polls on purpose to maintain a "horse race".

    This one right here. Maintaining a horse race makes people think the candidates are struggling against each other and increases eyeballs and engagement, which is more money for them.

    When it comes to media, follow the money and Occam's razor for the answer to questions like that.

  • Obscure screw added so appliance cannot be disassembled
  • If you haven't already, look into getting a ratcheting screwdriver with replaceable bits, and a pack of various bits for it. Idk where I got it, but I've got all kinds of screwy bits (including the H-bit head) that I need very infrequently, but I'm always happy when I do and I already have it.

    I think the bit pack I got was for the security torx and it came with a bunch of other stuff.

  • What are some personally spiteful things you want to do against society because of how much you don't like it's direction?
  • Accelerationism is a weakness of those who don't have the courage to do what it takes to better society. Cowards who would rather destroy than try to create, because they have no creativity of their own and lash out in ignorance when people try to explain it to them.

    Vote for who you want, but it's clear you don't give a fuck about anything in your thoughtless rant. But at least try to improve your local community. Maybe having a bit of human connection will break the childishness of thought and actions shown in this post.

  • Don't worry, I'm sure you'll be privileged and safe
  • Yeah, but that requires doing more than just doom posting, and we can't have that now can we? /s

    So many of the things people bitch about could be lessened (not necessarily resolved, but ffs, perfect is the enemy of good) by getting involved locally and trying to make things better for themselves and their neighbors. Fuck, even working on 3rd party support locally while stemming the bleeding nationally until there's real ground level support would be better, but I guess we gotta tilt at windmills nationally and ignore the local level to get shut done......

  • Are there any household gadgets you found unexpectedly useful after you'd gotten them?
  • Also not a gadget in and of itself, but I built a home assistant server and zigbee network with all kinds of automations for time based, motion or event activation. Makes me feel like I live in the future lol. But that wasn't exactly unexpectedly useful.

  • Are there any household gadgets you found unexpectedly useful after you'd gotten them?
  • It wasn't a gadget, but we put a grocery bag dispenser on our wedding registry. We ended up getting it, and it was nice to have a good place to put them that was easy to grab them out as needed. Haven't used it nearly as much now that we are using reusable grocery bags, but it's still nice when I need to put a bag in my office trash can.

  • Centrists gonna centrist...
  • "Reeeeeeee people don't like my lame anti-Biden posting reeeeeeeeeeeeee"

    It wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't always such lame criticism or some nobody's opinion like we should give a fuck what Ja says.

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