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I enjoy the process too much
  • I prefer weighing beans instead of eyeballing it to get more consistent quality (I use 14 grams for two-cup pot). Also try to take off your mokka just before it gets angry and splushy, that's the point where most bitterness comes out.

  • That's LTT in the bottom
  • Oof, hoops you have to jump through to get two disks in a mirror on windows still haunt my dreams sometimes

  • That's LTT in the bottom
  • But in your example raid controller driver was covered in an out of the box install in windows. If it wasn't you'll still need to do pretty much the same. Also there was a couple of weird steps in your linux list like switching DE to run a couple of CLI commands and disabling AHCI for some reason.

  • Problem player kills new campaign by being a creep
  • Sorry that you've had to do with all this BS. I never understood people who sign in to something that requires so much investment from everyone involved but clearly are not interested.

    You sound like a good dm and it would be great to play with you, but I think we are in completely different timezones which might be a problem.

  • Real talk
  • Dutch is like a German describing to Englishman that he just took a bite of a very hot potato

  • dm_me_your_rule
  • Hello there!

  • Anon is in hell
  • But they never post anything

  • What's the most absurd thing you've seen someone refuse to do because of toxic masculinity?
  • My father once chose course of intravenous therapy over intramuscular injections because apparently exposing your butt to a nurse is not manly enough

  • What's the most absurd thing you've seen someone refuse to do because of toxic masculinity?
  • Funny? Funky? Frisky? Feisty? Frosty? What mystery do you hide behind these asterisks?!

  • Weirder than I Thought - The OTs-38 (2001)
  • Yakovlevich is not a name, it is a patronym. His real name was Igor.

  • Siri is concerned about the weather
  • My first dog HATED rain with all her poodle heart. She did all her duties right near the front door and then just dragged her feet behind me while I did my obligatory 20 min route so I don't get yelled at by my parents for not walking the dog enough

  • Siri is concerned about the weather
  • Actually, no. Her full name is Serenade ¯_(ツ)_/¯

  • Yes I actually had an argument about this
  • Suicide bombers may not wear backpack very often, but when they do, they wear it to the end of their lives

  • Text faces appreciation post
  • ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

  • ♫ Boom boom boom ♫
  • Oh, german calling people corcroaches and orks? Did the third reich really go away?

  • Why did you choose your username?
  • I love dogs

  • Which filesystem should I use for stable storage?
  • Ten years is a long time. In ten years 4Tb storage will be less than a crappy thumb drive.

    For reliant storage I personally would get two hdd for a price of one ssd, slap a software raid1 with ext4 on them and forget about them until the mdadm alerts