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Suddenly seeing more hexbear posts. Did we re-federate with them?
  • I get it, I get it. I talk like a nonbinary person who has opinions. And that's not what the patriarchy has conditioned people to expect, so there's a reaction of fear and uncertainty from people used to living in the patriarchy.

  • Suddenly seeing more hexbear posts. Did we re-federate with them?
  • Ada the Admin is in a position where she has the technical skills to run a platform, and the social skills, but not the political skills. Political skills include things like identifying dogwhistles, understanding the relationships between different kinds of bigotry, and knowing how to identify a problematic worldview from an unrelated comment. I told Ada that one of the users had offensive views, and a day later that user was misgendering me and spouting misogyny. Ada didn't believe me because she doesn't understand trans issues well enough, and when time proved I was right, she stuck to her guns when she should have been taking tips on how to create a safe space. What Ada has done is create a space where it is unsafe for trans people to defend themselves from bigotry more complex than Ada can personally understand. And Ada puts little effort into understanding bigotry. This is dangerous.

  • Suddenly seeing more hexbear posts. Did we re-federate with them?
  • Oh hey, you're talking about me. Yes, a user on blahaj repeatedly misgendered me after they claimed to be apolitical and I warned the admins they were a transphobe. Yes, the admins did nothing about it. Yes, someone made a pass at me in PMs and then acted transphobic on my posts. Yes, the chaser pinged me while harassing someone who was repeatedly asking to be left alone. Yes, I got the chaser banned from .world and SLRPNK for harassing them. Yes, the chaser who got banned was harassing someone who didn't want to talk about politics, because she wanted to argue her point that people shouldn't be forced to talk about politics. Yes, she was a hypocrite and a disgusting person and I am unsettled by her advances towards me. No, I am not the same person that chaser harassed, but I am a person that chaser harassed. Yes, the chaser also made a post in which they leaked their private messages to me and tried to dox me. A lot of what you have said here is true and it's the parts concerning disgusting behaviour from chasers in the community, and that's why I don't use blahaj anymore. I got here because Hexbear was making fun of you for obsessing over me.

  • Suddenly seeing more hexbear posts. Did we re-federate with them?
  • Well yeah, you got called a bigot because you said something that wasn't true. A trans person is someone whose gender identity differs from their assigned gender at birth. Did you try apologising and correcting yourself?

  • Suddenly seeing more hexbear posts. Did we re-federate with them?
  • I'm not a troll. You can go look up my new Hexbear account I made after they told me Hexbear wasn't transphobic, and you can see me talking about my gender consistently for the past week, and you can see transphobes on Hexbear calling me an anti-hexbear troll because they think swarmgenders are a joke.

    I also saw that same user tag a admin to tell them to ban a trans Blahaj user for being a chaser

    Oh, you mean the chaser who was harassing a user and who had been warned by the admins that if they kept engaging they'd be banned? That chaser? The chaser who also got banned from, which is where they were harassing the .world user?

  • Suddenly seeing more hexbear posts. Did we re-federate with them?
  • Hey, you're talking about me! Yes, I was repeatedly misgendered by a user who claimed to be apolitical. Yes, I warned the admins that this user was going to be transphobic and they did nothing. Yes, I believe that trans people are capable of transphobia, because not every trans person knows every single thing in the universe about being trans.

  • A summary of what happened between Blahaj.Zone and Hexbear.Net
  • It's not just the triggering nature. I know that this language will be used to attack trans people in the future. Hearing it reinforced is increasing the chance that someone thinks this view is normal enough to attack a trans person over it. It needs to be removed so that trans people can be safe from abuse in the future.

  • A summary of what happened between Blahaj.Zone and Hexbear.Net
  • Seeing other queer people say they hate politics is triggering to me, because it reminds me of the way transphobes have attacked my gender in the past. Subjectively, it feels the same as seeing a slur. And I know that this language has horrible effects on the queer community, because I've seen it happen. I've seen gay people attack bi and trans people for being political. I've seen trans people attack enbies for being political. I've seen enbies with more acceptable genders attack xenogender people and neopronoun users for being political. And I've seen white people all over the queer spectrum attack BIPOC queer people for being political. I know from experience that speech like this is going to radicalise queer people against minorities and may contribute to someone being abused.

    A person's right to avoid having anyone disagree with them ends when they harm other people. And this speech is harmful. If the goal is to make everyone safe and prevent hostile disagreements, then the place to start is with removing harmful speech that embraces the narratives of the oppressor and ends with people getting hurt. Nobody had to go and use this speech, it was a choice. It wasn't an informed or considered choice but it was still a choice that impacts other people. That's why it needs to be informed and considered. It's inflammatory and controversial in the impacts it has on how other people think, and I don't want to see it here. Removing political controversy means removing speech like this.

  • Average capitalism enjoyer
  • Either they're a tankie and start singing the praises of the USSR and PRC and all sorts of totalitarian hellholes, or they start talking about hypothetical economic systems and states which haven't been shown to be practically achievable

    Well allow me to present the third option: communism has been tried in Australia and North America, and it worked. Marx's ideas of what a communist society would look like were informed by descriptions he read of how the Haudenosaunee people actually organised their society. They did communism for thousands of years and it worked.

  • A summary of what happened between Blahaj.Zone and Hexbear.Net
  • I think you're misunderstanding my intention. I don't want Abigail to get into arguments about hot button issues. I want Abigail to voice their disdain for arguments about hot button issues in a better manner. I want Abigail to say "I dislike controversy" instead of "I dislike politics". I think Abigail is embracing a definition of the word "politics" that harms trans people and a lot of other groups, and I think the entire issue could be solved by swapping one word for another. I completely understand and accept Abigail's dislike of controversy, but I think they've been tricked by politicians into thinking controversy and politics are the same thing. I'd like them to have a better understanding of the word "politics" and use it in places that don't remind me of transphobic arguments.

  • A summary of what happened between Blahaj.Zone and Hexbear.Net
  • What are my options here? I could act like Abigail. I could use the language of my oppressor and say I hate politics, and redefine politics into whatever I don't like. I could implicitly accept the control of the ruling class and use their words to try and defend myself and the rest of the trans community. I could try to make my identity palatable to capitalism. "I'm not political, I promise. I won't disrupt the status quo"

    Or I could say screw that, I'm political and I'm proud. I could reject the premise of the game that capital plays with my life. I could say the things they're doing are wrong, and I won't participate. I could use words as I see fit, and use them to protect myself and the community. I could construct a worldview that makes sense and doesn't oppress anyone.

    And that worldview says: everyone loves politics. You're human beings, and that's a political identity.

  • A summary of what happened between Blahaj.Zone and Hexbear.Net
  • I'm trans and I've spent my whole life being told my gender is political. I believe that.

    I'm gay and I've been told me whole life my sexuality is political. I believe that.

    I'm pagan and since I became religious, I've been told that's political. I believe that.

    I'm neurodivergent and I've been told asking to not be the victim of hate speech is political. I believe that.

    Patriarchal society says everything good and decent in my life is political. I believe that. Everything good is political, and politics is awesome.

    My whole life people who talk like Abigail have told me that apoliticism means they get to be transphobic. Homophobic. Sexist. Neuronormative. Ableist. Religiously intolerant.

    I don't want people to talk like Abigail anymore. People who talk like that are mean. I want a safe space with lots of politics and trans people and gays and pagans and NDs and disabled people.

  • A summary of what happened between Blahaj.Zone and Hexbear.Net
  • You're right that when most people say politics, they mean "opinions I disagree with". But if someone hates hearing differing opinions, they should say that instead of saying they hate politics. And the reason for that is that our belief that politics is disagreement with the status quo is propaganda. The ruling class wants us to hate it when people disagree with the status quo, so they find a name for it and tell us it's bad.

    I've spoken to dozens of people who "hated politics", and 90% of them couldn't even define what politics is. Probably because they didn't want to admit that what they hated is differing opinions. The word politics as it exists in propaganda is a thought terminating cliche. It destroys introspection, critical thinking, and rational decision making.

    The truth is, human beings are given at birth a tremendous love for politics. Humans are a social species, and politics is the building of society. Humans love that shit, they can't get enough of it. That's why all the best books and movies are political. That's why Disney is "woke". Politics sells because everyone loves it.

    I'm not of the mind to bow down to this thought terminating cliche and let people walk around demanding things with no critical thinking. If someone wants to tell me that politics is bad, they better have thought it through, or I'm going to make a fool of them until they stop making a fool of themselves. They better bring a definition to the table, because I've got a definition and it says everyone loves politics. If someone can't define what they hate, then they obviously have no idea what they're talking about and I'm not going to go along with their cliche. They're going to have to explain what they mean and say "I want to stop everyone on the internet from disagreeing with me".

  • A summary of what happened between Blahaj.Zone and Hexbear.Net
  • Oh, you enjoy cute animals apolitically? That's super weird. Most people enjoy pictures of cute animals politically. They want to go into the comments and talk to other people who also find the animal cute. They want to make puns and use pwubby spweek. They want to engage in the collective action of agreeing on something simple as a way of feeling part of a community, to satisfy the primal urge within the human species to be political.

    I guess I can understand not wanting to enjoy kitty cat pictures politically if you have ASPD or something.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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