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Anyone know what this is before I click on it?
  • If you're interested in doing anything Cool, you should really never post to this website at all. I've resigned myself to a life of being boring and not doing anything particularly controversial, so I blather on all day, but the powers that be can track your social media accounts a lot more easily than your web browser.

  • Taiwanese Parliament member reportedly stole a bill and ran away with it to stop it from being passed
  • Imagine Kamala Harris dashing out of the Senate with a USB key containing all 1,776 of the US Congressional $VOTE tokens.

  • Taiwanese Parliament member reportedly stole a bill and ran away with it to stop it from being passed

    News from Dexerto via Twitter   Also why does Hexbear strip audio from uploaded videos?

  • I always liked Chapter 4, tbh. The backtracking wasn't that bad, and I felt it was good for the atmosphere.

  • Requesting an emote for the pig in the TTYD concept art

  • Beating US Sanctions, Chinese Scientists Achieve Mass Production Of Optical Chips At Low Cost
  • Can you please remove this post or find a better article? This one was written by GPT 4 and not a real person.

  • Vietnam bans Valve's monopolistic game platform Steam
  • I did only hear from one guy when I asked about this, so I'm not sure what the full extent of the situation is, but aforementioned singular Vietnamese developer called the provided explanation a "very wild theory" and that the quote seemed to just be speculation from a random guy, "...and as of today, people can access Steam normally."

  • Vietnam bans Valve's monopolistic game platform Steam
  • This story seems to be a bit exaggerated - a Vietnamese game developer I spoke to reported that people still have access to Steam and that the source for this story isn't super well substantiated.

  • Syndicates of the Father

    Original tweet:   Labornotes article linked in post:

    SEC intends to sue Robinhood Crypto
  • Because the crypto companies really really wanted them to not be securities and kinda just went "Nahnahnah, I can't hear you!" This is just the SEC slowly working through its backlog because suing an entire industry isn't something it was ever really intended to do.

  • SEC intends to sue Robinhood Crypto

    Link to post in screenshot:

    hate it when this happens
  • Love how there's no fucking water on the snake. Talk about hydrophobic lmao

  • NSFW
    (CW: sexism, domestic violence, SA-R) The ancaps are not alright
  • I gathered as much from the Wikipedia page, but I was curious about the "mentality" being talked about, the psychological aspect, since Wikipedia mostly just discusses basic facts and events.

  • NSFW
    (CW: sexism, domestic violence, SA-R) The ancaps are not alright
  • What do you mean by "Schlafly mentality?" I'm not really well-read on the history there.

  • Canadian Citizens & Permanent Residents, the Petition to Stop Killing Games just went live! Please sign it here.

    The Petition   General Information:

    I might actually be an owl cuz I really love infodumping
  • Do you know the source for this art?

  • They're going to try to put AI in everything.
  • Move fast and break things !!!1!

  • Is there some sort of "fuck it show me everything" option on the Steam store?
  • You can sort Steam games chronologically, which will show you an unfiltered list of new games by release date. To do this, go to "New & Noteworthy" at the Store page header, click "New Releases" from the submenu, then scroll down.

    Switch the games listing from "Popular New Releases" to just "New Releases." This will show you a list of the most recently released games on Steam.

    If you want to see a full, page-based list of all the releases on Steam, click the button "All New Releases." The results here can easily be narrowed by genre, release type (e.g. excluding Sountracks and Demos), language, price, and other factors. Bear in mind Steam will still exclude Adult games if you've set Steam to do so (which I believe may be the default). Other filters for mature content will also be applied if you've set them up to. Steam will tell you at the top of the page if it's doing this.

    If you do want a more curated experience (but don't want an opaque algorithm filtering things out), you can always change the sort method at the top right. There are other ways to get to this menu (it's the same one Steam uses for user searches!), and other cool ways to find games, but this is one that works if you genuinely want to see everything with no algorithm deciding on your behalf what you want to see. Asset flips are actually not too common these days because they're not financially viable on Steam any more (because new releases need to "earn" featuring from Steam and because of the refund policy), but you will still find a lot of mobile ports if you do this.

  • Is there any way to trick the algorithm to stop showing me a type of ad?
  • I've heard about pi-hole, which is a system where you can set up a Raspberry Pi to block ads across your entire network. It's a little involved to get one set up, but could be worth it.

  • UK Government Petition to Stop Killing Games just received more than 10,000 signatures, guaranteeing an official response. UK citizens & residents, please continue signing, the next milestone is 100k! Petition: Require videogame publishers to keep games they have sold in a working state

    Require publishers to leave videogames (and related game assets / features) they have sold to customers in a reasonably working state when support ends, so that no further intervention whatsoever is necessary for the game to function, as a statutory consumer right.

    Petition: Require videogame publishers to keep games they have sold in a working state

    If this gets 100,000 signatures, it will be discussed in parliament. We have half a year, so this is doable! Sorry for indulging in so much electoralism lately, but this really does feel achievable.

    Go to for information about the campaign. Be sure to follow all the steps the website gives you if you can, especially if you live outside the US, and sign up to the mailing list if you want to be notified of any future actions that open up to you.

    Netflix Accused of Using AI Photos in Documentary
  • The headline didn't spell this out, but the newsworthy part is that they're using an AI image and presenting it as though it were a real life photograph in the context of a documentary. They're actively using AI to advance a narrative without telling anyone, not just using it to save time or whatever.

  • "Spy Pet" secretly recorded your Discord messages. Now, they're being sold to anyone with a few dollars. A Spy Site Is Scraping Discord and Selling Users’ Messages

    404 Media tested the service, called Spy Pet, and verified it is collecting information on Discord users, including the messages they post across usually disparate servers.

    A Spy Site Is Scraping Discord and Selling Users’ Messages
    More Progress in the Fight to Save Games! Relevant links in post.
  • Maybe, but at least don't let them get away without paying up. Lawyers and lobbyists aren't cheap.

  • More Progress in the Fight to Save Games! Relevant links in post.

    Petition for UK citizens & residents: Ross' Email:   For those who want to sign up to the mailing list, scroll to the bottom of the home page.   Ross' Twitter:

    Young Hong Kongers who defied Xi are now partying in China
  • I love how the audio reading for this article is just straight-up AI generated. Like literally they mispronounce Xi's name within 3 seconds of the thing starting, kinda wondering why they even bothered.

  • The president of Blizzard is trying to get a temp check for adding tip screens to single player campaigns
  • so-true Better give this good ol' Bethesdarino fella an extra $20! I'm sure this will support all the people who made the game and definitely weren't laid off the moment it came out!

  • Updates on Ross Scott's Campaign to save The Crew

    Ross' Twitter Page: Ross' Email:

    Thrift Tips #1: Save Money by Eating Poison


    Why I'm Skeptical of AI "Art"

    Before we start, let's just get the basics out of the way - yes, stealing the work of hundreds of thousands if not millions of private artists without their knowledge or consent and using it to drive them out of business is wrong. Capitalism, as it turns out, is bad. Shocking news to all of you liberals, I'm sure, but it's easy to call foul now because everything is wrong at once - the artists are losing their jobs, the slop being used to muscle them out is soulless and ugly, and the money is going to lazy, talentless hacks instead. With the recent implosion of the NFT space, we're still actively witnessing the swan song of the previous art-adjacent grift, so it's easy to be looking for problems (and there are many problems). But what if things were different?

    Just to put my cards on the table, I've been pretty firmly against generative AI for a while, but I'm certainly not opposed to using AI or Machine Learning on any fundamental level. For many menial tasks like Optical Character Recognition and audio transcription, AI algorithms have become indispensable! Tasks like these are grunt work, and by no means is humanity worse off for finding ways to automate them. We can talk about the economic consequences or the quality of the results, sure, but there's no fundamental reason this kind of work can't be performed with Machine Learning.

    AI art feels... different. Even ignoring where companies like OpenAI get their training data, there are a lot of reasons AI art makes people like me uneasy. Some of them are admittedly superficial, like the strange proportions or extra fingers, but there's more to it than that.

    The problem for me is baked into the very premise - making an AI to do our art only makes sense if art is just another task, just work that needs to be done. If sourcing images is just a matter of finding more grist for the mill, AI is a dream come true! That may sound a little harsh, and it is, but it's true. Generative AI isn't really art - art is supposed to express something, or mean something, or do something, and Generative AI is fundamentally incapable of functioning on this wavelength. All the AI works with is images - there's no understanding of ideas like time, culture, or emotion. The entirety of the human experience is fundamentally inaccessible to generative AI simply because experience itself is inaccessible to it. An AI model can never go on a walk, or mow a lawn, or taste an apple, it's just an image generator. Nothing it draws for us can ever really mean anything to us, because it isn't one of us. Often times, I hear people talk about this kind of stuff almost like it's just a technical issue, as if once they're done rooting out the racial bias or blocking off the deepfake porn, then they'll finally have some time to patch in a soul. When artist Jens Haaning mailed in 2 blank canvases titled "Take the Money and Run" to the Kunsten Museum of Modern Art, it was a divisive commentary on human greed, the nature of labor, and the nonsequitir pricing endemic to modern art. The knowledge that a real person at that museum opened the box, saw a big blank sheet, and had to stick it up on the wall, the fact that there was a real person on the other side of that transaction who did what they did and got away with it, the story around its creation, that is the art. If StableDiffusion gave someone a blank output, it'd be reported as a bug and patched within the week.

    All that said, is AI image generation fundamentally wrong? Sure, the people trying to make money off of it are definitely skeevy, but is there some moral problem with creating a bunch of dumb, meaningless junk images for fun? Do we get to cancel Neil Cicierega because he wanted to know how Talking Heads frontman David Byrne might look directing traffic in his oversized suit?

    Maybe just a teensy bit, at least under the current circumstances.

    I'll probably end up writing a part 2 about my thoughts on stuff like data harvesting and stuff, not sure yet. I feel especially strongly about the whole "AI is just another tool" discourse when people are talking about using these big models, so don't even get me started on that.
