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China's commercial 'artificial sun' achieves first discharge
  • Hey, please avoiding words like totalitarian and authoritarian. They're often used to make a false equivalence between fascist and socialist projects.

    Horseshoe theory is ultimately rooted in holocaust trivialization.

  • US Government Criticizes Vietnam’s Decision to Host Russia’s Putin
  • I would look to historians like Dovid Katz and search for "double genocide theory", I would not like to make this an argument.

    Please change your language when posting in the comm. "Authoritarian" and "totalitarian" are not useful descriptors and are historically connected to trying to equate the USSR and nazi Germany in order to do holocaust trivialization.

  • US Government Criticizes Vietnam’s Decision to Host Russia’s Putin
  • Yo, define authoritarian in a way that doesn't include western bourgeois democracies or find a different word

    The whole "authoritarian" nonsense has its roots in holocaust trivialization attempts in countries that collaborated with the nazis.

  • Russia and North Korea sign mutual defense treaty
  • This is good for the dprk, the US still runs massive mock invasions to force them to spend massively on their military, this plus the nukes makes them a lot less precarious, especially with dedollarization too.

  • Elections
  • Exploiting cheap workers in inhumane conditions, resembling 19th century capitalism. Exactly what communism was supposed to end. China is getting robotized somewhat, since its society ages dramatically, but they want to keep polluting the world with cheap throwaways.

    Taking everything you said as true, that isn't imperialist though. Imperialism is a specific thing, have you read any academic writings on imperialism?

    DPRK constantly threaten South Korea and Japan. Apart the famous missile launches, it performs abductions, drug smuggling, marine poaching, and spying. And we have cyber attacks as well. The country is too shitty to invade another country full scale, but it does what it can do to be a bully, officially uses imperialist rhetorics and throw threats.

    Taking everything you say is true, that also isn't imperialism

    The elections were carried out in such a way, that an average worker had no chance to vote for a social demoratic party, anarchist party, or liberal democratic party. They even killed their communist opposition, Mensheviks. There is no democracy with a single party system, don’t be ridiculous.

    Okay, see my original point about not being informed.

    Setting aside manufactured famine in Ukraine and genocides like Katyn, very cautious estimates says that around 30 millions of people were victims of gulag, with lethal 2,7 million victims. This is probably massive underestimation, since many of gulag documents were destroyed in 2014. But hey, the mortality rate was smaller than in Nazi death camps, great job USSR! /s

    Your estimate should be 1.7 million, Nazis aren't people remember?

  • for all the "anti-authoritarians" out there
  • Lol, no. Power was incredibly monopolized by the bolsheviki and their Komisars.

    Okay so the first problem is that you're basing your ideas around the soviet union on popular western media and not an actual understanding of how the system worked.

    Here is a fun rabbit hole to go down.. how did too much horizontalism lead to a failure to cyberize the planned economy ala cybersyn?

    The video used the same definition. I never claimed it was congruent with the essay on the anarchist library.


    It’s ok, if you didn’t get the video. How is steam a monopolization of power?

    The decisions made regarding the nature and circumstances of operation impose restrictions on all operatives in the system, ergo decisions made on a local level affect everyone. It is the monopolization of the use of literal power (and torque) unless you reject specialization, it is the imposition of authority. And rejecting specialization on a practical societal level requires a massive imposition of authority.

    Do you know the difference between a free and an imperative mandate?

    Yes, are you asking a ML if they don't understand the difference between strong and weak delegates? Y'all know democratic centralism is our thing right? Which is a much more thorough application of the principle.

    The robbery example would not be authority, but force, according to the anarchist essay.

    LOL. Someone pointing a gun at you and giving you instructions isn't authority? It isn't the monopolization of violence in this context?

    The essay’s author doesn’t view self-defense as “blind obedience”, hence they don’t think it is authority.

    The essays author establishes that some anarchists define self defense as a justifiable exercise in authority.

    You claim that the anarchist definition is incomplete, which you try to prove with Engels’ definition.

    No, the argument is that the anarchist definition isn't grounded in materialism.

    I say that no anti-authoritarian uses the same definition as Engels and the cycle continues.

    That is because Engels is a dialectical materialist and convinced that definitions grounded in dialectical materialism are superior- his problem is that anarchists are being idealist in their definition, and that they should embrace a more coherent definition of it.

    Just admit that you don’t want to consider anarchist perspectives.

    I spent a couple years reading anarchist literature, and turned to reading marxist lit when the anarchists started giving unsatisfactory explanations.

    This might be your pipeline. But I would suggest avoiding wasting time on YouTube.

  • for all the "anti-authoritarians" out there
  • I follow a different definition, that’s more complete, IMHO: Authority is the monopolization of power from the hands of the many to the hands of the few.


    1. then don't link a video to defend your point that you don't agree with

    2. then Marxist Leninist projects meet your definition of anti-authoritarian?

    They give this example of a robbery, where they try to reach a point with the anarchist’s definition and call it absurd. The only reason, they do so, is begause in the middle of their argument, they switch definitions back to Engels’ definition.

    The robber example rebuts the claim by the most popular anarchist rebuttal that authority is established by unquestioning obedience. Did you not read the anarchist rebuttal?

    This feels like a basic misreading of the text.

    No. The video and the essay huse different definitions. You didn’t watch the -ideo, or didn’t listen to it, properly.

    No, you don't get to claim this after your failure to read, I spent 45 minutes that I will never get back listening to inane shit like him claiming "steam isn't authority" without understanding how the circumstances of prime mover operation is socially created and influences downstream production processes, or "delegates and representatives are different actually, silly Engels" It was the same inane failures of reading along similar thrusts to the article.

    The hexbear author fails to do so and doesn’t properly represent the anarchist’s essay’s point of view.

    How would you know? You didn't fucking read it, if you didn't source the argument of "authority is created through unquestioning obedience"!

    Engels created a straw-man. No anti-authoritarian thinks that necessity, or self-defense is authority.

    There are literally those who think self defense is authority but justifiable authority, did you read the "Problems with "On Authority""? No?

  • "Tankies"
    ML ww2 historians

    Hello! I can feel a new hyperfixation coming on, does anyone have any recommendations for books about ww2 written by Marxists, preferably MLs?

    China court lauds rule of law, backs transgender worker fired for being ‘absent’ while on leave recovering from reassignment surgery Trans rights boosted in China as court backs sacked worker, calls for ‘respect’

    The rights of transgender workers in China have been given a shot in the arm after a Beijing court ruled in favour of an employee who was fired for taking time off to recover from gender reassignment surgery.

    Trans rights boosted in China as court backs sacked worker, calls for ‘respect’
    Why can't we be friends? Why can’t we be friends?

    Some people understand being in favour of something as a kind of thought act: it happens in one fell swoop in the realm of intentions, and it can be verified by a simple declaration of support. It is enough for me to declare I’m in favour of, for example, abolishing the…

    Why can’t we be friends?
    Any attack on a space asset of the DPRK will be considered a declaration of war

    Press Statement by Spokesman for DPRK Ministry of National Defence Pyongyang, December 2 (KCNA) -- A spokesman for the Ministry of National Defence of the DPRK released the following press statement "Any attack on space asset of the DPRK will be deemed declaration of war against it" on Saturday:

    The brigandish nature of the U.S., which regards it as its main lever for realizing its hegemonic wild ambition to commit outrageous and unlawful military intervention against sovereign countries, has been brought to light more clearly, occasioned by the DPRK's reconnaissance satellite launch.

    An official concerned of the U.S. Space Command recently spouted rubbish hinting at a military attack on the DPRK's reconnaissance satellite, saying that the U.S. can decrease the enemy country's outer space operation capabilities by employing diverse "reversible and irreversible methods".

    American military affairs experts comment that the U.S. Space Force can physically destroy not only opponent's satellite and satellite earth station but also get rid of enemy state's space force through jamming and virus-using cyber attack.

    The U.S. Space Force's deplorable hostility toward the DPRK's reconnaissance satellite can never be overlooked as it is just a challenge to the sovereignty of the DPRK, and more exactly, a declaration war against it.

    Article 8 of the "Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies", the main international outer space treaty, stipulates that any object launched into outer space definitely falls under the jurisdiction of the launcher state and the ownership of it never changes no matter it remains in outer space or returned to the earth.

    This means that the reconnaissance satellite "Malligyong-1" is a part of the territory of the DPRK where its sovereignty is exercised.

    Furthermore, reconnaissance satellite is not regarded as a space weapon by international law for its technical features aimed at observation.

    If the reconnaissance satellite of the DPRK is regarded by the U.S. as a "military threat" that must be gotten rid of, countless spy satellites of the U.S. flying above the Korean peninsula region every day, exclusively tasked with monitoring the major strategic spots of the DPRK, should be deemed the primary targets to be destroyed by the armed forces of the DPRK.

    By openly unveiling its aggression scheme to mount a military attack on a space asset of other sovereign country, a part of its properties and territory, the U.S. has proved itself its true colors as the chief culprit of evils seeking to realize its wild ambition for dominating the world by turning outer space, common wealth of humankind, into a theater of war.

    It is the mission of the armed forces of the DPRK, specified by its constitution and other laws, to exercise their war deterrent to protect the state sovereignty and territorial integrity in case a lethal military attack is carried out against the country's strategic assets or it is judged that such attack is imminent.

    In case the U.S. tries to violate the legitimate territory of a sovereign state by weaponizing the latest technologies illegally and unjustly, the DPRK will consider taking responsive action measures for self-defence to undermine or destroy the viability of the U.S. spy satellites by exercising its legitimate rights vested by international and domestic laws. -0- (Juche112.12.2.)

    Is Ukraine's counteroffensive failing? Kyiv and its supporters worry about losing control of the narrative Ukraine and its supporters worry about losing control of the narrative

    Some U.S. officials are frustrated at the pace of Ukraine’s counteroffensive, which has gained less than 100 square miles of territory.

    Ukraine and its supporters worry about losing control of the narrative

    Some U.S. officials are frustrated at the pace of Ukraine’s counteroffensive, which has gained less than 100 square miles of territory.

    Is Ukraine's counteroffensive failing? Kyiv and its supporters worry about losing control of the narrative Ukraine and its supporters worry about losing control of the narrative

    Some U.S. officials are frustrated at the pace of Ukraine’s counteroffensive, which has gained less than 100 square miles of territory.

    Ukraine and its supporters worry about losing control of the narrative

    Some U.S. officials are frustrated at the pace of Ukraine’s counteroffensive, which has gained less than 100 square miles of territory.

    United States | News & Politics OurToothbrush
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    The US military can't use a 110 million dollar drone base in Niger The US can’t use its $110 million drone base in Niger

    The US military cannot conduct drone operations from a base in Niger because the country’s military junta has closed its airspace.

    The US can’t use its $110 million drone base in Niger

    Why was it there in the first place I wonder?

    The US can't use a 110 million dollar drone base in Niger The US can’t use its $110 million drone base in Niger

    The US military cannot conduct drone operations from a base in Niger because the country’s military junta has closed its airspace.

    The US can’t use its $110 million drone base in Niger

    Why was it there to begin with I wonder?

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