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Which movie characters piss you off the most?
  • All of them right now. There is nothing I want to see because it's not quality stuff or interesting to me. It would be nice to have something new to watch that is actually good.

  • My daughter lost her social studies essay because LibreOffice doesn't have autosave on automatically.
  • Manually save often. She learned the hard lesson all of us learn. I never rely on autosave anywhere. It does not always do it's job.

  • Microsoft in their infinite wisdom has replaced the Hide Desktop icon with Copilot.
  • Thanks. My win11 install is coming up. Looks like I may need this. Bookmarked

  • Cat Litter Issue
  • Wow that was interesting. Thank you for sharing.

  • Cat Litter Issue
  • It could be the food. I had my cats on Friskies. We changed to Meow Mix and their poo suddenly stinks so badly. They also have been barfing kind of frequently now. We just got them a bag of Friskies again today, and we should be back to normal poo shortly 😂💩 which also smells when they poop and run (not covering) but definitely a lot lighter smelling.

    If you try different foods (wet too) and it's still not working out, especially poo sticking to the bottom, a little vet visit might be good.

  • Journalist says he finds it ‘surreal’ to have account on X suspended after writing critique of platform
  • Yeah what did he expect. It's not a people's platform anymore. It's the owner's. Better he be off and do his own thing elsewhere. Find better fields!

  • California's war on plastic bag use seems to have backfired. Lawmakers are trying again
  • Yeah. Why are they even offering these? Use paper for instacart shoppers only. Everyone else needs to bring their own. Why is it so hard to put this into play?

  • Do you dream in first or third person?
  • Wow this is so interesting. Always first person for me - maybe there were other times otherwise but I don't remember. Wow I never imagined people would dream otherwise.

    I shocked me when I read somewhere else that a lot of people don't dream in color. What the hey?

  • What recent video game do you have buyer remorse for?
  • I'm glad I didn't but that new Enshrouded. I was really excited for it. I'm so picky about new games and thought this could be one. But the first moments I saw some playthrough today, and I saw the crappy graphics, I was out. I don't even want to see anyone play it. Yuck.

    Why in 2024 do they release these "hot" games with jaggy graphics, low quality graphics, cartoony and low color graphics?

  • Source Who Revealed How Taxes Steal for the Rich Rewarded With Five Years in Prison
  • America built on the backs of the poor, with the rich with whips whipping at their backs. But we all knew this. We know that the rich are evading axes, and we poor are all paying for the criminey! government funding that we hate. (there are some good things the government funds, but nothing compared to what they put in crazy wars and overseas spending. But that's another gripe.) I kind of feel bad this guy got 5 years for telling us all what we already know. Now if he would have given us all a way to fix this problem, that would be something for the rich and government to be in an uproar about.

    And five years is quick, compared to the life sentence exile that Edward Snowden got. We all knew all that stuff too.

  • Pope Francis: I don’t bless a ‘homosexual marriage.’ I bless two people who love each other.
  • I'm not a Christian but okay. I believe Jesus would stand on God's side and not go against His rulings. When people state truth that others don't want to accept, they can be verbally attacked. They have the right to say their truth as well.

  • TIL that there are two words in the English language that rhyme with 'purple'
  • Yes I knew it's not real. But I like to think it is. I would like a car with blurple racing stripes!

  • TIL that there are two words in the English language that rhyme with 'purple'
  • Nope. But I think I might have had that on my pancakes yesterday

  • TIL that there are two words in the English language that rhyme with 'purple'
  • I like blurple: a mix of blue and purple.

  • ‘I’m so scared, please come’: Hind Rajab, six, found dead in Gaza 12 days after cry for help
  • They will pay. It's written in prophecies. How can any people who had terrible horrors done to them, do the same and worse to their neighbors? They are hypocrites. To think I cried and was depressed when I visited the Holocaust museum. I'm ashamed I felt that way now, and have no sympathy when they cry about what happened to them, because they are today's Hitler. They are today's murderous Nazis.

  • Are there more child predators in the USA or is it just being recorded more often because of cameras being everywhere?
  • I'm so sorry this happened to you. It should not happen to anyone.

    Please filter all your news and social media so that you can enter words into the filters. Filter out all words and topics that upset you. Don't use social apps that don't have these filters. Get used to not reading news apps that show you whatever they want. You be in control of what news and social media content you see. Doing this will help you a lot and block out all the awful news in this world. A lot of us who have trauma just are too sensitive to it and must protect ourselves.

  • Everyone's a nerd about something. What are you a nerd about?
  • So many things. Japan. Star Trek. 90's cartoons. Computers. Those are just a few.

  • Can't see what I'm posting

    We can adjust the size of posts and comments (I'm at extra large for both right now). I have some eye issues. But when I post - the text is smaller than some ants. I can't see what I'm typing. Please let us adjust the size of that too.

    Thank you.

    Word Filters


    You asked me to post here about word filters that are missing from the summit app!

    There are posts I want filtered out, if they have particular words in the body or the title or the community name. Like, certain swear words 😀 certain ex-president drama which posts I really don't want to see anymore, and certain communities like sh*posts, which are just a nonsense waste of my time (although I can see how others might like this!) I'm sure you understand by now. Connect has this word filter and you can add any word or part of a word, if you want too see an example.

    Filtering helps keep out posts and communities you don't want to see in your feeds.

    That's all! 👍

    Orionza Orionza
    Posts 2
    Comments 87