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Let's kalsarikannit it up
  • Or a pretty fun party.

  • femboys and egg culture rule
  • An egg is a trans person before they've realized/accepted they're trans.

  • My daughter lost her social studies essay because LibreOffice doesn't have autosave on automatically.
  • She already learned that lesson by watching her dad fuck up, then fix the problem with his own effort. If he made her sit down and do the whole thing over again she would've instead learned a lesson by watching her dad fuck up, then fix it by making it someone else's problem.

  • Gen Z is prioritizing living over working because they've seen 'the legacy of broken promises' in corporate America, a future-of-work expert says
  • Optimistic: an economist who specializes in speculation about the labor market Pessimistic: just some person who said some shit

  • Slightly different approaches
  • you can't even walk to the store in most places

    Or roll into the store.

  • Utah House passes transgender bathroom ban
  • They don't think anything needs fixing. They're just trying to break shit.

  • Why do hardly any straight men write about sex and dating?
  • So male sensitivity and awareness means men not talking about things? That doesn't sound healthy.

    I think it's more that sensitive men are less willing to come off as braggy and vulgar. Not that Sensitivity = Quietness

  • Superfluous face organs and luxury bones
  • Oh I'm so curious. What country, does that include urinary tract issues, or just reproductive stuff?

  • The whole movie feels like a DnD game that got out of hand
  • One of my favorite magic items to give players. I don't remember which DM I stole it from, but it's so fun. I don't remember the precise wording but it's something like

    All or Nothing Coin

    While in possession of this coin you may choose to expend one charge to replace your d20 with a coin for your next attack, save or check. Treat a heads as a natural 20 and a tails as a natural 1.

    The coin may hold a maximum of 4 charges at time. At dawn all charges are either depleted or restored (determined by coin flip)

  • Taco Bell's effort to 'liberate' Taco Tuesday nationwide comes to fruition
  • That's actually pretty common too. Just off the top of my head: Cleanex, Xerox and Nintendo have all had to do similar things to protect their trademark.

  • Texas Republicans Ban Women From Using Highways for Abortion Appointments
  • Alabama is trying, but there not quite at Texas's level yet.

  • Removed
  • This is why I've always preferred the term GSRM: Gender, Sexual, and Romantic Minorities. It's fully inclusive without ballooning out to an absurd size. I see no signs that it will see common use in the near future though.

  • Intel Launches Arc A580: A $179 Graphics Card for 1080p Gaming
  • I mean, climate change is kind of a global energy crisis. But this is just to buy new mansions and jets.

  • A Colorado airport said it was powerless to stop using leaded fuel. After a public outcry, it’s racing to get rid of it
  • But leaded gas in cars was banned in '96. Why has it taken them 27 years to begin phasing things out for airplanes?