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Addiction is a scary thing.
  • I worked so hard for so long that I'm like this and it's awful.

    When I get time off, I don't know what to do with myself. Right now I have a full time night/ weekend job and I'm attending university with 5 courses. This summer I'm considering picking up another job because I won't know what to do with myself.

  • Top post of PCMR on Reddit today XD
  • I don't even know what my display drivers are.

    They're handled and updated by the operating system.

    Once a week I check for updates, and click a button to install anything I want updated.

    I literally have no clue what you're talking about.

  • Ads in the Start Menu
  • The problem I have is normalization. People complained about micro-monetization in video games, but that was normalized. People complained about corporate interest in open source, but that's normalized. Now people are complaining about your operating system advertising to you against your will, it will be normal soon.

  • Tribler: Peer-to-Peer decentralized torrent client
  • I'm not sure I need to onion my torrents. I feel like routing through a decent VPN is probably good enough. I guess if I had all night to transfer a 5MB PDF document that was going to collapse a government this would be what I'd use?

  • Apple keeps flogging 8GB of RAM for its Mac computers but it's still a dead horse
  • The 8gb ram MacBook works great for your average Mac user. The person who uses it for writing resumes and surfing YouTube which I'm sure is a huge chunk of the market. Devs/Gamers/power users can't make do with 8gb, but my sister in law who just does paper work and teams meetings all day is served well by her 2016 laptop, and wouldn't have any issue with an 8gb MacBook.

  • The future is a branching path
  • I'm actually super mad at the stagnation in the way of life.

    The first manned flight was 1903, Apollo 11 was in 1969. I'm still going to work by chasing an exploding machine on four round dinosaurs, the same way someone in 1969 would. I still get hungry and homeless the same way someone in 1969 would. I have an 8 hour, five day work week just like someone in 1969 did.

    This is bullshit.

  • Small Phones are Dead and We Killed Them
  • This is true, and honestly my biggest gripe with the phone. I don't wear small mitts, and I can only comfortably reach 3/4 of the way up the phone. This is exacerbated by the fact that phone application design is in a very top-centric stage right now. I wonder if there's a way I could extend the android nav bar to take up the top 1/4 of the screen...

  • Canada's GED high school equivalency test ends after March, leaving adult students in limbo
  • I gave up getting my ged. It wasn't worth the time it took just to get everyone to agree about what you need.
    It sucks that some jobs require it, but weirdly enough I managed to get into university by upgrading a couple courses.

  • Star Citizen 1.0 'Twinkles on the Horizon', Dev Says — 12 Years and $669 Million Later - IGN
  • I guess this needs a preface, so, I invested $45 in the initial Kickstarter.

    That being said. Every time I log in I'm amazed by the scale and scope of the systems in this game. It's a game in a mind blowing scale, with so much crazy detail and so much to do. It's also a massive clunky mess that I can't play for more then an hour. Nothing is really cohesive. Nothing works together, and everything is constantly broken.

    There's a multiverse where this is the meta-universe that people interact with in a natural way, and people can exist in for almost their whole lives. But our universe rolled a one...

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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