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Raspberry Pi Smart TV?
  • Dont. They are notoriously bad at such things. Lack of Hardware acceleration mainly. These old Chips and problems with single-board-complications are just not worth it at such high prices.
    An Intel N100 MiniPC will have much more compute with less complications.

  • Do you use the device you torrent on for personal things as well?
  • Not really a problem with putting other stuff on it, apart from adhering to security standards. If you want to separate your personal stuff from hosted stuff, go ahead, but just because its torrent, doesnt make it much different.
    Put it in a VM if you dont have a second machine i guess.

  • Intense Aurora visible from Belgium
  • Very pretty, was able to see it here too, should still be possible next evening too, depending on the conditions.
    Next even bigger flare is already on the way again, lets see how much material it brings.

  • Novel attack against virtually all VPN apps neuters their entire purpose
  • To be fair, any proper VPN setup that only relies on the routing table like this is flawed to begin with.
    If the VPN program dies or the network interface disappears, the routes are removed aswell, allowing traffic to leave the machine without the VPN.
    So it is already a good practice to block traffic where it shouldnt go (or even better, only allowing it where it should).

    Many VPN-Programs by Providers already have settings to enable this to prevent "leaking".

  • Novel attack against virtually all VPN apps neuters their entire purpose
  • To be fair, any proper VPN setup that only relies on the routing table like this is flawed to begin with.
    If the VPN program dies or the network interface disappears, the routes are removed aswell, allowing traffic to leave the machine without the VPN.
    So it is already a good practice to block traffic where it shouldnt go (or even better, only allowing it where it should).

  • Here’s How That Disney 360° Treadmill Works
  • Unikely.. Kinda why VR also didnt get too popular, most players just prefer "classic" controls and not movement-controls.
    But this is huge for VR and other usages of this, probably even useful for production routing, but i dont have any knowledge of that.

  • Google Kneecaps Loads Of Very Big Websites After SEO Change
  • to be fair, they specifically target the way google ranks these websites. If google would rank them with less impact of what the website "bastardizes", this could be generally less of an issue in the first place.

  • Raspberry pi as a streaming box?
  • Dont bother with raspberrypis for most things anymore. Too expensive for that old shitty hardware they put on the boards..
    Machines like the Intel N100 is much simpler to deal with. No more shitty hardware incompatability and old CPU which doesnt even have proper modern HW offloading (looking at you Pi4.. what a shitboard)

  • Ah, reddit
  • too bad.. inconveniencing other users was also part of the point. Not sure how not doing anything, but not deleting it has more impact.. def. feels like alot less.
    Guess you cant use reddit reliably anymore for searching for stuff, too bad. Use a different platform or hope it has the chance to grow and is less shitty.
    Sorry you are so inconvenienced for continuing to use reddit, otherwise.. why would you care?

  • MFA
  • No problems with yubikeys or the receptacle they are plugged into yet.. no idea what you do while these sticks are plugged in.. doesnt seem like a major concern per the reviews

  • Self hosted AI chat like OmniGPT?
  • you want a frontend, not the "service" itself.
    Under "service" i usually understand the main logic part of something. In this case the LLM-processing itself.
    Thats probably where the confusion is coming from here.

  • Backdoor found in widely used Linux utility breaks encrypted SSH connections | Ars Technica
  • Well you only have to reinstall if you had affected versions installed.
    For e.g. Debian stable, thats not the case. Or e.g. Arch sshd doesnt link to xz, so thats not a concern there.

    Most systems wont be affected because their sshd doesnt link xz, didnt update to that version yet or simply isnt accessible from the outside.
    Though it does show how vulnerable critical packages can be and how much better we need to protect them.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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