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India to mandate USB-C connectors on smartphones and laptops by 2026
  • Yup. With VOIP, you can spoof any phone number. If this technology were fixed, 99% of spam calls would disappear, and Caller ID would be worth something again. Our government is either too lazy or bought-off to fix this problem.

    They DID enact the national Do Not Call list and created heavy fines for people who violate that list, while knowing full well that they couldn't catch the spammers in the first place (because of VOIP spoofing).

  • Mr. True can't help himself. [Outbursts of Everett True]
  • Well, you give them food one day and the next day, they're hungry again! What's up with that?

  • Netflix mulls introducing free ad-supported tier. The circle is complete
  • "Free ad-supported" makes you no different than a hundred other garbage-tier streaming services.

  • FCC hits Verizon with $1M fine for dropping 911 calls, again • The Register
  • Yup, the fine needs to be much higher. People could have died because of this.

    The entire point of fines is that they're punitive. They're supposed to HURT. To make you change your behavior and not do the Bad Thing again.

    If fines don't even make a dent in your daily profits, then laws become nothing more than suggestions. They become just a cost of doing business.

  • The new Chinese owner of the popular Polyfill JS project injects malware into more than 100 thousand sites
  • This is probably connected to China cloning the entire GitHub website to their own servers.

  • Windows 11 is now automatically enabling OneDrive folder backup without asking permission
  • I finally switched to Linux Mint a few weeks ago. CoPilot/ Recall was the last straw.

  • Also "parasite".
  • It is long past time we got over our child-like worship of billionaires.

  • Religion is sick
  • "God never gives you more than you can handle."

    I know people who have been driven batsh*t insane by what God has given them.

  • Leg day, bros
  • When you're a centipede, EVERY day is Leg Day!

  • Windows 11 is now automatically enabling OneDrive folder backup without asking permission
  • Whoever is downvoting this needs to have an encounter with the U.S. legal system, so they find out how little their precious freaking "rights" are worth.

  • moneybags
  • This is also why gas pumps measure gasoline to the thousandth of a gallon. Consumers LOVE to see those numbers racing upwards and think, "Whoaaaaa! Look at those numbers GO! I must be getting an awesome deal!"

    It's a deliberate psychological trick, played on you by energy companies to fool you into thinking you're getting more than you really are.

  • Visions of a Post-Apocalyptic Internet: The Future of Democratized Information
  • It will definitely be decentralized. The biggest blows to real representative democracy happened when the courts made the "corporations are people / money is speech" arguments.

  • Sorry I can't do it.
  • I switched to Linux Mint a few weeks ago and I'm not having any problems with games. Everything in my Steam library plays fine.

  • Is there any real physical proof that Jesus christ ever existed?
  • Now ask yourself if there's any real, physical proof that Zeus, Thor or Anakin Skywalker ever existed.

  • Microsoft Account to local account conversion guide erased from official Windows 11 guide — instructions redacted earlier this week
  • "Why won't our human assets appreciate being exploited? Creating a worldwide, distributed surveillance network is hard work!"

  • Microsoft insiders worry the company has become just 'IT for OpenAI'
  • Copilot is going to want 50 gigs on YOUR computer's hard drive to store snapshots. MS also wants you to buy dedicated AI hardware to run a few of their apps. They're going to steal your computer's storage and processing resources to create a worldwide AI and surveillance network.

    No thanks. I finally switched to Linux. Microsoft can become Skynet without my help.

  • “We Can Still Contact Technical Support in the West”: Russian weapons are being manufactured on foreign machinery — but why are they still running?
  • The Russian enterprise should not seek customer support from the manufacturer directly: “You will simply compromise the legitimacy of our legal entity, which presents itself as an organization not connected to the Russian Federation in any way.”

    Lol. The "legal entity" is literally telling you, "don't compromise our 'legitimacy' in this illegal as f*ck transaction."

  • Internet Archive forced to remove 500,000 books after publishers’ court win
  • There are a lot of books that are out of print, especially reference books. And if you look for them on Amazon or eBay, they've been snapped up by scalpers who are reselling them for obscene profit.

    Either make the books available for sale or quit complaining about "copyright infringement." But whatever you do, quit hoarding knowledge like a dragon sitting on a pile of gold.

  • Removed
    Has Elon Musk made any sexist remarks?
  • Musk is an apartheid-loving fascist. Him saying mean things is the least of his problems.

  • NutWrench NutWrench
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