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What was it that convinced you to start using NeoVim? | How long was your "evaluation period"? | What convinced you that NeoVim was the best for you?
  • Conjure is what did it for me. I kept running into trouble with Clojure vs ClojureScript vs Babashka projects with vim. Just couldn't get the config to work consistently when switching between projects.

    The eval period was about a day.

  • NuShell 0.88
  • Yes, that changes the borders. But it doesn't turn a column into a table. Compare ls /proc in both bash and nu. It's a simple kind of thing that I can't find a solution for in nu.

  • NuShell 0.88
  • Sadly that's still not a compact output. The listing is still just as long as before scrolls right off the terminal

  • NuShell 0.88
  • Hey Nu fans: is there some way to get compact ls output? Like a table of just names. No type, date, size, etc.

  • [Weekly thread] What is the best movie you watched last week? 23 September
  • Dr. Caligari

    I did not know what to expect going in to this one. 10 minutes in I was thinking it would be unbearable. 20 minutes in and I was laughing. It somehow gets weirder and funnier all the way through. And when I say weird, it's like Eraserhead level weird.

  • LED pendant I put together 📿💡(cyberpunk jewelry)
  • I have the same weird obsession with GITD stuff. One of my pendants has tritium-powered glow tube in it.

  • I hope we see more Notcurses apps in the future

    Wouldn't it be nice to have, say, a Mastodon TUI that could show images in-line? A lot of terminals are capable of that.

    Here is an interesting demo showing 3d rendering in the terminal:

    The case for nushell
  • Nushell is nice, but the lack of vi-style keybindings killed it for me as a replacement for bash. If that ever changes, I'll try it again.

  • Cyberpunk in the Nineties
  • This one hit home for me:

    We're just not much good any more at refusing things because they don't seem proper. As a society, we can't even manage to turn our backs on abysmal threats like heroin and the hydrogen bomb. As a culture, we love to play with fire, just for the sake of its allure; and if there happens to be money in it, there are no holds barred. Jumpstarting Mary Shelley's corpses is the least of our problems; something much along that line happens in intensive-care wards every day.

  • Any shows that I'm missing?
  • One of the real gems I had missed until recently: Orphan Black. And I'll second the recommendation for Severance.

  • What are the most funny and positive movies or series?
  • Here's something nobody has seen, but is sweet despite the premise: Brigsby Bear

    I think this fits, too: Moonrise Kingdom If you have my sense of humor, you'll also find this one rather funny.

  • Nundrum Nundrum
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