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What do we know so far about the mysterious crash of the helicopter carrying Iran's president?
  • I mean I hate the shit out of Israel and the US but this ain't it. Israel has nothing at all to gain from doing something like this and turning the figurehead (who doesn't actually present a material loss for Iran) into a martyr. This does everything to weaken opposition to the Irani regime and strengthen said regime and nothing to give Israel an advantage in their conflict with them.

  • The Mac vs. PC war is back on?
  • I've never used a Mac but my experience with iPhones and iPads (not mine) has convinced me to never touch anything Apple makes. The requirement of iTunes to send files between an iPhone and a PC is, for example, just ridiculous.

  • A Jewish New Orleans City Council staff member's home was vandalized Thursday night with blood red paint
  • Ok, so when was the last time someone was stabbed over a Nazi flag?

    I never defended stabbing people over raising the Israeli flag. The person in the article is mad someone put some paint on a small part of their home. Their safety wasn't threatened in any way. Also making it clear Zionism is not okay does contribute to ending the violence. Israel's genocide (and more general ethnic cleansing project) lives and dies by Western public goodwill.

  • A Jewish New Orleans City Council staff member's home was vandalized Thursday night with blood red paint
  • Even if we take your point for granted (which we shouldn't) this man is raising the flag of a country currently committing genocide. That'd be like raising the Nazi flag during the 40s (or any time period really); it's just socially acceptable for some godforsaken reason.

  • A Jewish New Orleans City Council staff member's home was vandalized Thursday night with blood red paint
  • all my peers and I viewed said flag the same way we view the cross

    That's seems like a you problem for considering a symbol of genocide (which the Israeli flag has always been) to be a symbol of your faith. The Israeli flag is a socially acceptable Swastika.

  • Why do mines hate being stepped on?

    Why do mines hate being stepped on?

    It's triggering for them.

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