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Stepping back from the Tusky project
  • show me those principles please ?

  • Stepping back from the Tusky project
  • Oh no they are blocking the worst right wing extremist instances from using there work.... what a shame....
    are the blocked domains which are right wing heavens

  • I feel like all fedi software has problematic devs, Calckey
  • I am active on the main server since bevor there where 300 users on that server.

    I can say that the devs off calckey( now firefish) are not reactionary or a problem.
    They react quick to moderation and server problems. The care for the community and marginalized people. There are queere people part of the team.

    Buuuut, if you dont like it you can use Hajkey or iceshrimp(both forks of calckey).

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Its called firefish!

  • Regarding hate communities that try coming here , there's also m/trutrans a truscum community i saw on top bar one day while working on userstyle
  • @Eigengrau
    Keep it up, I will document them.
    I will not make my documentation public(to keep it from being used by facist to connect with each other) but contact ernest directly.

  • What If: Signal Was Part of the Fediverse?
  • Can you link the project you mean? Cant find “session”

  • What If: Signal Was Part of the Fediverse?
  • All my friends and familiy are still on signal.
    This is a you problem not a signal problem.

    Maybe you should have told your familiy why facebook is bad instead of being “look fancy chat”
    I never needed the sms tool(who writes sms anyways?) what i need is more secure coms that I can use.

    One thing that still bothers me is that with the phone number…. I am still waiting for uniq identifiers to uncouple my phone from my messenger!

  • kbin Enhancement Suite: a community-curated script manager that lets you customize your kbin experience
  • Im stupid, looked at the wrong place. Its in the hamburger menu on the left side. Thank you once again.

  • kbin Enhancement Suite: a community-curated script manager that lets you customize your kbin experience
  • I just updated to 2.0.7 and it is still not in the hamburger menu.

    When i switch in the desktop view(flip the phone) and refresh the page the wrench shows up.

  • kbin Enhancement Suite: a community-curated script manager that lets you customize your kbin experience
  • Ipad with safari works with out any problem.

    Iphone iOS 16.5 works only if i flip my phone to the side. Then the wrench is visible. I am on 2.0.6. Iphone 10 (not even in the “hamburger menu”)

  • kbin Enhancement Suite: a community-curated script manager that lets you customize your kbin experience
  • Yes your correct!

    It will work for me, it would be nice if there is a workaround in the future but it is not immediately needed.

  • kbin Enhancement Suite: a community-curated script manager that lets you customize your kbin experience
  • Correction: I’m using safari on iPad iOS on 16.5.1 and don’t have any Mac.

    My desktops uses Windows 10 and Firefox and that works with out any problem.

  • kbin Enhancement Suite: a community-curated script manager that lets you customize your kbin experience
  • Good news, it seems to work in Safari! But not when I add kbin as a PWA/add to Home Screen. But I think that is by design of Apple?

  • kbin Enhancement Suite: a community-curated script manager that lets you customize your kbin experience
  • I did the update but still have no wrench, but it’s late for me and I will try tomorrow from scratch.
    I appreciate your work!

  • Me, an intellectual, judging people for making the same mistake I recently learned to stop making

    Me, an intellectual, judging people for making the same mistake I recently learned to stop making

    kbin Enhancement Suite: a community-curated script manager that lets you customize your kbin experience
  • Do you know if it should work with the „add to homescreen“/PWA-function?

  • kbin Enhancement Suite: a community-curated script manager that lets you customize your kbin experience
  • I am using safari with userscript, and will give an update as soon as it works.

  • "Antiwoke" magazin on posting bullshit like "how to end Wokeness" and "Time to reject the extrem trans lobby harming our society" How to report ? he is the moderator of that magazin.
  • thank you!

    I appreciate all you do and your quick respond.

    Multipile Things I noticed as a creater of this thread:
    can I close comments ?
    can I hide comments ?
    can I pin a response?
    can I quickly see from what server peope are interacting?

    I am no coder but would love to support you with all the work that is done.

    At least some of the costs can be taken of your shoulders:

    Edit: Can you close this thread for me ?

  • "Antiwoke" magazin on posting bullshit like "how to end Wokeness" and "Time to reject the extrem trans lobby harming our society" How to report ? he is the moderator of that magazin.
  • keep digging, your doing "gods work" ;)

    strange to see someone as crazy as 10A on, feels more like a Fox-Viewer who chose the wrong server.

  • "Antiwoke" magazin on posting bullshit like "how to end Wokeness" and "Time to reject the extrem trans lobby harming our society" How to report ? he is the moderator of that magazin.
  • its a far right talking point, do you want extremist on

    Edit: Funny, your the guy agreeing with "ps".

    "No normal person who obeys the laws of sexual morality calls himself a "cis". It's a slur used by those who hate being called something they don't call themselves (their God-given gender), but have too much cognitive dissonance and too much hatred for normal people to let that stop them. We need to reopen the asylums yesterday" - this you ?

    more hatefull stuff from you "We may not all have been Christian back then, but almost all of us were, and everyone supported Judeo-Christian values without question. Homosexuals were regularly taken outside and beaten to a pulp, so it was extremely rare for anyone to think such behavior was acceptable."

  • /kbin meta Noki
    "Antiwoke" magazin on posting bullshit like "how to end Wokeness" and "Time to reject the extrem trans lobby harming our society" How to report ? he is the moderator of that magazin. Nyme (@Uwu) how do I report a Magazin on ? There is a usere called "ps" who is posting to his own "antiwoke" Magazin on Please remove this and dont give them a chance to etablish them self on When I report his stuff it will go to him because he is th...

    Nyme (@Uwu)

    @ernest how do I report a Magazin on ? There is a usere called "ps" who is posting to his own "antiwoke" Magazin on Please remove this and dont give them a chance to etablish them self on When I report his stuff it will go to him because he is the moderator of the magazin? Seems like a problem. Screenshot of the "antiwoke" Magazin /sub on 4 Headlines are visible, 2 exampels: "Time to reject the extrem trans lobby harming our society" "How to end wokeness" #Moderation #kbin 📎

    edit: dont feed the troll, im shure ernest will delet them all when he sees this. report and move on.

    Edit 2 : Ernest responded: "I just need a little more time. There will likely be a technical break announced tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. Along with the migration to new servers, we will be introducing new moderation tools that I am currently working on and testing (I had it planned for a bit later in my roadmap). Then, I will address your reports and handle them very seriously. I try my best to delete sensitive content, but with the current workload and ongoing relocation, it takes a lot of time. I am being extra cautious now. The regulations are quite general, and I would like to refine them together with you and do everything properly. For now, please make use of the option to block the magazine/author."

    Noki Noki

    Testing things out, ready to get rid of Twitter/Reddit/Twitch/Discord!

    Embrace the fedivers!

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