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How mysterious!
  • For us, the opposite happened

    The DM had a list of names but forgot to delete one and reused it 10 sessions later

    Turns out the old noble is the grandpa of the guard drinking at the tavern, and therefore, they share their name

  • [WP] You are interrupted when _that_ phone chimes. You already know who it's from before opening the message. A hollow laugh escapes your lips as you realize they've doomed us all.
  • You would assume your job is not too different from most jobs in this country. You sit around all day and wait for your 8 hours to end. You are not supposed to read during it, but as controls are rare and lax, you do so anyway.

    It is generally said that only the least competent people are transferred to your branch. That is not completely correct. In your opinion, the least motivated people end up here. You don't share the whole pride of the country, serving your country with your life mentality the rest of the military seems to have. When you became a young parent, you needed the job, and your options were limited. The ringing snaps you out of your thoughts. You pick up the black phone. The one your supervisor calls you on. The number that is in the official register.

    The line is dead. The ringing continues. You look around and see that the other phone is ringing. The phone is red funnily enough. You look at it bewildered for a few seconds before you stand up and take your coat. You take the long elevator out of the silo and call your partner. You tell them to take the kids earlier from school and meet you at your favorite ice cream parlor.

    Some silo will pick up that call. Here or on the other side of the world. You might have to break a few traffic laws to make it in time to the shop. You sit in your car, turn on your favorite radio station, and start driving

  • Like a prion
  • One cell contains 2 meters of follded dna 1

    A human has 36 trillion cells 2

    The distance between Earth and Jupiter varies from 588 million km to 999 million km and averages at 601 million kilometers 3

    36 trillion * 2 meters / 0,6 trillion meters

    120 times to Jupiter (or 60 times back an forth) on average

    Or 72 times to Jupiter (36 times back and forth) at the highest distance

    1 Alberts B, Johnson A, Lewis J, et al. Molecular Biology of the Cell. 4th edition. New York: Garland Science; 2002. Chromosomal DNA and Its Packaging in the Chromatin Fiber. Available from:



  • 88-2: Only Markey, Sanders Oppose 'Expensive, Risky' Nuclear Power Expansion
  • Nuclear is the most expensive energy technology used, so expansion is only useful if all renewable sources are already built out to the limit

    This is not the case, so investing in renewable is the smarter choice environmentally and fiscally

    Of course, the route we took in Germany reducing nuclear to upscale coal is even stupider, but it is far too late to reverse that

  • France’s far-right leader says he will not be PM without absolute majority
  • I am happy if he doesn't become the prime minister and all, but his reasoning might be dangerous

    As long as they are in the opposition, they can blame anything on the government without actually solving problems.

    So they want to wait to get to power until it is so undisputed that they will be able to get the media and jurisdiction under their control in one election cycle

    (Just my theory, of course)

  • The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom – Announcement Trailer – Nintendo Switch
  • I am very interested how well riddles will work, when it looks like somethings can just brute force you through any problem

    In totk they solved this by limiting your abilities in shrines. I wonder if they will do something similar here

  • Volt; das steckt hinter ihrem Erfolg

    Von: DIE DA OBEN!

    Meines Erachtens ein ausgeglichener Bericht mit pro und contra

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    Kommentar zum Boykott der Selenskyj-Rede: Unanständig, unwürdig, respektlos
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    Lindner will Milliarden-Steuerentlastung durchsetzen
    How many of you are swarmed with Kong x Godzilla ads on YouTube?

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    Kommentar zu "Taurus": Es braucht keine 83 Millionen Verteidigungsminister
    Dice Bot

    Hallo zusammen, Da Feddit und Lemmy allgemein doch eher nerdige Communities sind, wollte ich fragen, ob es hier einen dice bot gibt. Und falls nicht, was wäre nötig um einen zu etablieren?

    spy x family ch90.5

    Hey there I found this short story very weird. Why make a big deal out of the fact that loid wrote her name wrong in the certificates?

    The only thing I could see as a reason why to focus on it is, that anya is not from ostania. Anya sounds generell more eastern European than the other version used.

    But I feel like it is allready well established that anya is from the region of France, is it not?

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    Bundesverwaltungsgericht Leipzig: Schwer kranke Kläger dürfen Medikament für Suizid nicht kaufen

    Zwei schwer kranke Männer wollen Zugang zu einer tödlichen Dosis Betäubungsmittel. Vor dem Bundesverwaltungsgericht in Leipzig sind sie mit ihrem Anliegen gescheitert.

    "Das ist ein schwarzer Tag für die beiden Kläger und ein schwarzer Tag für alle suizidwilligen Menschen in Deutschland"

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