Or really just someone on a shit wage with rent and bills that saw 50k as an end to their immediate issues.
Protect the pilot
Yeah well getting invaded by a country twice in living memory will do that to you.
Lol because russian is so open about who they give nsl to. Or they just poison/defenestrate them
Finland was no NATO and not even the USSR touch it Yes because they had one of the largest regional armies. And why do you think that is? Maybe because they already had Russia invade twice within living memory
Worth noting that they stayed out of Nato until it was obvious their lunatic neighbour with "imperialistic aims" wouldn't stop invading others....
My local has these but they only stop you from leaving through the entrance. If you leave through the checkout area you can take the trolly out
I often think about how much better the world/ my local area would be if I was allowed to taser people at will for things like that. 😀
Lol no longer relying on immigration. Last year had the highest immigration level ever....
Titanfall2. Damn I got attached to BT
Lol an American criticising Europe for car use...
Also worth looking at k3s if its running on a single node to reduce resource usage
Let's not be descrimatory here. I don't think Dianne Feinstein is doing too well either:)
Are you sure about that? Where I'm from stop means stop regardless of traffic. I've been warned about it after been pulled over but not from US
As someone who is left handed and grew up being forced to adapt to a right handed world I can understand how it could be considered a disorder! So many things were just that little bit harder
I've used Mint for a couple of years now. Gaming has never been better on Linux. It's not perfect and there are still a lot of issues with games that use intrusive anti cheat. It depends on what you like to play. COD type games you may have issues with but almost every single player game works these days. Some times it will require a little fiddling to be fair but generally it only takes 10 min to check what's required. Protondb is your friend if you want a good idea of whether it will work before buying
I use them daily so imagine how much worse they would be with generational debt.
It would be used as an excuse to privatise every thing left :(
I really can't understand how it wouldn't affect the average person. You can't just hand wave away the impact of a very large amount increased debt.
Ironically the people that would have had the least amount 'benefit' from the slave trade would be the ones that feel the most impact from any reparations.
Social programs would be the first ones hit
Of course they are, roads, hospitals, railways etc are vote buying. Doesn't mean they are doing it out of a sense of civic duty because they are generally scum. But if you think that 14 trillion in reparations (450k per tax payer!) Isn't going to have a massive impact on future spending then I have a bridge for sale!
Except you would feel the effects. The government would end up with less money for services so worse roads, hospitals, schools etc and probably higher taxes