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YouTube TV on steamdeck with more than 720p
  • i use Freetube on my deck which you can set the default video resolution to 1080. works well in gamemode.

  • Saber won't say whether their CEO wrote this highly baity comment about games "imposing morals on gamers"
  • good lord I just want to scrub reading this "article" from my memory.

    i feel dumber for having read it.

  • I have a HUGE favor to ask of all my #StitchyFriends...
  • honestly I'm just as bad as you are if not worse. i sometimes will run them through a little fabric pinch in my pants I'm wearing to hold them for a moment.

    my arms have been scratched many times for my stupidity on that one. 😅 my mouth might be safer place, actually. lol

  • The internet is worse than it used to be. How did we get here, and can we go back?
  • ...pardon?

    you automatically assume I'm some weird corporate drone? you're not exactly making your case very clear and you sound patronizing.

    I'm not entirely certain who this rant is for, but i can't imagine anyone who is labeled as a "consumer of the internet and not a citizen" is going to take you seriously.

    and for that matter, those with good heads on their shoulders won't either.

    Stop blaming random people for the bullshit that corporations do and get away with. you're pointing fingers at the wrong people and it makes your cause look fabricated.

  • Bookworm's Village by Alexandra Petruk
  • like hermaeous mora's apocrypha. but the cozy version. i like it.

  • The internet is worse than it used to be. How did we get here, and can we go back?
  • Better tech education would definitely help take some power away from corporations

    If you truly believe that, then vilifying more "simple" and less tech-savvy individuals is not the way to do it. Don't be angry that they click on ads. Be angry that they've been poisoned to think that behavior is normal on the internet.

    Education is absolutely possible for those new to things like the fediverse. But education doesn't work when you use those labels for people. It widens the gap, it doesn't close it.

  • The internet is worse than it used to be. How did we get here, and can we go back?
  • I'm not sure that categorizing people as "normies" is a great idea. nor is it a way to entice new people and voices to join and learn how to use the fediverse so that it can become a more reliable place.

    i think blaming enshittification on "normies" is a lot easier than holding greedy corporations accountable for directly making everything worse. it's surely easier, but the real issue remains unchecked.

    if anything, it's a good thing that more people are learning how much better the fediverse is. it helps the fediverse get stronger, not weaker.

    "us" vs "them" is not a mindset that will produce anything except cesspools of toxicity. at least imho.

  • Undertale 9th Anniversary Newsletter & Deltarune Updates
  • that dog coffee cup is very adorable in concept, but if you're someone that mixes your drinks with other things, it will be annoying to stir.

  • Spare Charger to Giveaway or Exchange
  • oh my goodness! is that an abyssinian kitty?

    i do not need the cable, but i just wanted to say the cat is beautiful. <3

  • Unity cancels the stupid Runtime Fee
  • they've already lost so many devs who walked away or restructured their projects for Godot or other engines.

    They're far too late on this. And their pricing is still too expensive.

    not the brightest bunch.

  • Decky Loader 3.0 is out now for Steam Deck plugins on the latest Steam update
  • considering decky broke completely when the new update dropped, a new version of decky was needed for most of us.

  • Mojang give an update on the future of Minecraft development
  • they keep dropping the ball, so I'm not going to hold my breath.

  • Nightmare at 60,000 Light Years
  • it's not just jerboa. i think it might be a bugged image because I can't see it on voyager either.

  • Tav and getting affection
  • thank you <3

  • Tav and getting affection
  • thank you! it makes sense now.

  • Tav and getting affection
  • i am still confused. how is this meant to be read?

  • Google uses anti-competitive advertising practices, UK authority finds.
  • they're carefully wording a strong email as we speak. a very strong email.

  • Day 51 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots
  • Bucket% sounds awesome, honestly. i feel like I can hear the sound effects just from the ui and screenshot.

    thanks for sharing this. i look forward to more.

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