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Did you ever experience TPK?
  • So many.

    Curse of Strahd in 3.5: Who knew Con damage to a mostly spell caster group could be dangerous not just once but 4 times. In comparison both fights were Strahd were a f**ing walk in the park.

    More of a test game than an actual campaign: We were testing if a CR appropriate group of goblins with levels vs a group of players would play out for the players: Well as it turns out I suck at calculating CR so our first fight was 5 players vs 5 goblins level 15 (Same as players) plus 10 starting goblins. We adjusted it for a correct CR and it was still a massacre. Ambush is a HELL of an advantage.

    Anything goes campaign. Well turns out anything goes for the DM too so Level 3 half colossal half minotaur barbarian opponent with a posse of gobs with a ballista safely away means players die every other round or so.

  • Question about Perdido Street Station (minor spoiler)
  • Oooooooh, I have one:

    It's like a 5 page spread for the whole spiel but this is the most relevant page.

    The one thing i will add it that the eye thing primarily is super true and backed up by science as 20% of our brain is dedicated to visual functions and adding a third would make our heads very very hard to handle for almost 0 benefits.

  • [Troubleshooting] Fluidd randomly shows a blank screen on specific browsers, while others work fine.
  • Call me mister suspicious if you like but I have had this exact issue daily with Chrome since they started complaining about adblocking. And wouldn't you know it, the moment any form of adblock is disabled it miraculously does not happen. I can also fix it by clearing my cache every day and restarting the browser. I would start with those steps.

  • Why does my printer suck so much?
  • Bit of both really. Ok, the bed tramming is normal, even GREAT printers need it done every few weeks or so. The physics and mechanical properties of how the bed is held down mean changes in temperatures and normal shifts even in an ACed house mean they loosen naturally a little every day and after a few weeks they will be bad enough someone who likes a really level bed will need to clear them again. After a few months any bed that isn't welded down is going to need to be redone.

    Z offset and bed auto level follow from that. You need to redo them when you do the tramming anyway.

    I would say run your printer more often but that won't fix it. You're running against physics and nothing can stop that. Maybe you can store up prints for say 6 months and then do them all in a week or so and you only have to do this once?

  • Your beginner keyboard and regret buying that?
  • I was given a Razer with blue because the guy who owned work in a small office with multiple people. I Got hooked but not bad enough i have more than i have computers to use them on.

    Now I use the retro 9bit do for everyday and I have a 36% for when my kids force me to use only one hand.

  • change my mind
  • Lifelong fan of SW. I have seen all of them up to Last Jedi. I have read all of the EU back when it was cannon. Never went to New Jedi Order. Because the emotions it brought me were pain and suffering. They kill Mara Jade. The only other bad ass female character in a series of 30+ books. What about Children of the Jedi? I mean the entire Trilogy is whiny 70's sci fi emo writing all it's own but that the Star Wars stamp was put on it just adds insult to injury.

  • isekai subgenres
  • Well now, I'm not offended or anything, you asked a question and I'm answering it with my opinion. That's just it, where do we draw the line? What about travel books? On the origin of species was written on the other side of the world in a time where that kind of travel was crazy dangerous. is that an isekai? What about Woman marrying against her will and going to another city far enough away she know no one or anything and especially not the local customers? What about Rabbit the great and powerful? He travels from one kingdom rules by necromancers to a world where magic itself is different. is that enough travel? Your question is valid. The answer is no, not because you asked a bad question but because the more you stretch the definition the less it means anything. Pride and prejudice isn't an isekai. If you broaden isekai to cover it than you just made it into the word: Book.

  • Removed
    Recommend book based on the fact that harry potter books series are the ones that i most enjoyed .
  • I'd ask first and foremost WHAT did you like about it and which part. Leaving my personal crazy theories out There is a HUGE tonal shift at the end of book 4. Did you like it more before that? After that? Did you like the magic? Did you prefer the sorta mysteries?

    Did you love reading about those people growing and changing?

    Personally i cannot recommend enough Superpowereds by Drew Hayes. 4 books and a few side stories, set in college and has that adventure and fantasy feel with a serious mystery woven through the whole series.

    BUT i pretty much have never reread any of the HP books after 4 once the 7th came out.

    If you liked the later books and the coming of age than Yes, Percy Jackson, the first few books at least capture a lot of that grim dark coming of age in a world that was messed up by the previous generation.

    I would also recommend the Books of magic. The novels have no mystery but they "inspired" HP a lot.

  • isekai subgenres
  • The first is just multiverse fantasy and not an isekai amd the second is a time travel story that has its own subgenres like "Connecticut yankee in king Arthur's court" and are not isekai either. You're over broadening a term and loosing it's meaning.

  • 3D printer for someone who rarely prints
  • Sorry about the late response, OK, brackets and cases for microcontrollers are actually great on a select mini. I agree with others that a Bambu would serve you great AND give you MUCH better finish etc... but the footprint of that thing is about twice that of the mini. I know of at least two prototype printers that are smaller BUT they are prototypes with all the faff that involves including troubleshooting them every time you move them.

    Good luck.

  • 3D printer for someone who rarely prints
  • How "not use it very often" are we talking about? The critical thing for any printer is first and foremost bed leveling. If you get something like an MP select mini The footprint is about 30cm^3. You can absolutely throw it in a box and just pull it out whenever BUT you will need about 30 minutes to relevel the bed just perfect and potentially run a test print. That said, this machine also only prints a 10cm^3 and it will handle PETG IF it's been modded otherwise it's PLA and that's it.

    Which segue nicely into my next question: What will you be printing? Models and minis? Functional parts? Random statues you find online of waifus? (Only slightly kidding)

    This matters a LOT.

    For the first: The mini will sorta work but not be great with details. Fort the second plan on a printer that can handle PETG at least. For the latter, you want to look into a resin printer. They WILL fit into a closet when emptied and cleaned BUT the cleaning process is both lengthy, tedious and potentially noxious and requires quite a bit of space so I didn't even mention them in the first part.

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