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Simulateur d'Impôts du Nouveau Front Populaire - NFP
  • Si t'en veux pas du SMIC a 1600 euros, laisse la place a ceux qui en veuleut.

  • Dead Game News: Response from the European Commission [companies shut down single player games you bought with always online DRM]
  • I have no problem with you believing on the market auto-balancing itself at the sole benefit of the users. But it is just you believing something, and you are lucky you can afford to live in a way that enforce that belief.

    In my country there was an unregulated market for everything (in the 19th), and workers (among them children) were getting very low paiement with the excuse that they weren't working enough. So I don't believe in the auto regulated market in the benefits of users.

    Let's take the tobacco industry (based on slavery and addiction) do you think it is an industry that thrives on the good health of people ? No, tobacco needs regulation to start lowering the number of people killing themself with cigs.

    You can make up examples (and I can do myself a all bunch of things with 'ifs') but I prefer some facts and some studies as arguments.

  • How people manage to play and chat online with random people?
  • Just play games you like, you can play most multiplayer games with randoms without chatting or talking. You will probably miss some fun, but it's not a big deal I assure you.

    Just play the game you want to play, you're not the only one who does it without talking online (like me).

  • Dead Game News: Response from the European Commission [companies shut down single player games you bought with always online DRM]
  • This isn't working, it never have, consumers can't 'vote with their money' in face of constant capitalism and heavy marketing.

    This is why regulations are needed.

  • Searching for artists/bands (and songs)
  • I let you search them online : Osiris Saline, Pablo Hasel, Plagiat (songs in some kind of bizarre french), Sebkha-Chott (old band from Plagiat members), Circus Marcus (piano/emotional music). You can find them on Bandcamp or My own solo project called NT, although good luck to find it.

    Mostly you should look for band that publish under libre/free licences, as they are often leftist, feminist and they are political by design.

    From more 'conventional bands' : Godspeed You Black Emperor!, Laibach, The Residents, DJ Spooky.

  • Is there a website where I can upload stuff for free and the files stay there forever?
  • Indeed, that's why I talked about Yunohost. Nextcloud install is just one click button on Yunohost.

  • Is there a website where I can upload stuff for free and the files stay there forever?
  • if you are looking for a public place.

    If you are looking for private use, I would recommend taking a small/old PC and run Yunohost with Nextcloud.

    Also all depend on the stuff you're talking about...

  • Change to Adobe terms & conditions outrages many professionals - 9to5Mac
  • Tu veux dire Krita plutôt non ?

    Après le meilleur est l'ennemi du bien et ça se vérifie ici. On a le droit d'utiliser un outil objectivement moins performant, ça rend pas invalide la production.

  • Ultrakill dev says it's fine to pirate his game if you don't have money to spare: 'Culture shouldn't exist only for those who can afford it'
  • Piracy isn't a libre licence.

    Libre licence means sharing the source code and the game assets.

    Here piracy means free to play.

    And you're right free software doesn't mean the author doesn't get paid. But that's not the point here.

    Lastly, in some legislations (author's right), a statement like this one don't work because the author himself cannot violate his own rights. Which mean that people can be sue for pirating a work even if the author stated that people can pirate it. To me, it's endangering the audience.

    On the bright side, it's still nice to have an author acknowledging piracy doesn't steal sells and that culture is meant to be shared.

  • Removed
    only as in free beer
  • Libre office draw or Scribus.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Puppy linux (debian version), small, light, 32b.

  • Source for a DAW?
  • In that case you should find midi arpeggiators plugins. There are many in lv2 format that are easy to find and to use (like euclidean rhythm and such).

  • Source for a DAW?
  • What do you mean by 'sequencing features' ?

    Try LMMS, it's close to the old flstudio and there will be no need for piracy. There are also some free daws that might interest you as such as Ardour or Zrythm.

  • Developing a game on Linux with no budget and (mostly) FOSS tools.
  • Ok, regarding to the assets you can release them under their initial licence with the code on another one. It's not a problem.

    You can even publish things under multiple licences if they aren't exclusive (I've done this on my game).

  • Developing a game on Linux with no budget and (mostly) FOSS tools.
  • Well, I'd say libre software comes with an activist approach on this kind of non-sense. It would be appropriate to make some kind of statement regarding this issue.

  • Navigator Noo

    Music composer, game design and cybermancer.

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