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Why does nobody maintain PPAs anymore?
  • I used to crash my Debian and eventual Ubuntu distros with regularity due to outdated PPAs. It was such a headache, and it’s why I still put my /home directory on a seperate partition just to make a reinstall safe for my personal files. I thought I didn’t like Appimages and their bloat until Snap came along. I hated Snap so much it convinced me switch distro’s again. Now I’m on Pop! and I love Flatpaks by comparison and now think Appimages are alright…

    It’s 10+ years later and I still irrationally worry about crashing my system due to outdated & conflicting source dependencies. In hindsight the problems with PPAs clearly had a lasting impact on me.

  • Why does nobody maintain PPAs anymore?
  • I used to crash my Debian and eventual Ubuntu distros with regularity due to outdated PPAs. It was such a headache, and it's why I still put my /home directory on a seperate partition. I thought I didn't like appimages and their bloat until Snap came along. Snap convinced me switch distro's again. Now I'm on Pop! and I love flatpaks by comparison and think appimages are alright....

    It's 10+ years later and I still irrationally worry about crashing my system due to outdated & conflicting source dependencies. The problems with PPAs clearly had a lasting impact on me in hindsight.

  • What's the most alarming thing you've done while drunk or high?
  • "guess I finally dazed off and I went I to the afterlife and saw how if you get buried your mind gets returned back to the main fungus and how our bodies are just things to spread the spore and why we like exploring so much so we can go die somewhere new and be buried and our mind will go into a hibernation where we see all the knowledge of everyone else who died there until eventually you get to choose when you want to go back out"

    Strangely, that's not a completely uncommon experience.

  • What's the most alarming thing you've done while drunk or high?
  • Got defibrillated in the back of an ambulance. I had 6 or 8 caffeinated beverages over an 8 hour period which also involved a 7+ mile walk across town on an 80+ degree Fahrenheit Saturday morning. I was feelin' pretty great and thought it could use the perfect compliment, so I drove across town and bought some gray-market d9-thc gummies. I believe i took a ~25mg dosage worth of gummies. An hour later my heart rate was very high and very noticeable. I couldnt catch my breath and i had begun to panic. That's when i called for paramedics. when they arrived my heart-rate was 160 bpm and still climbing. We got in the ambulance. They applied the the pads for the AED. I was still relatively conscious when i heard the AED call out "one-eigthy." A few moments later I heard it call out "two-hundred." That's when I very suddenly jerked forward and moaned from the shock and then I felt my heart rate begin to slow a little. In the hospital we learned I was deficient in potassium which made sense given the pathology. The shock was surprisingly painless and I would recommend it if ever needed. The panic attack and the residual albeit minor case of ptsd, those I would not...

    I've since learned how both substances work physiologically and while they feel like psychological polar-opposites, they have compounding effects on the heart and circulatory system. I am religious about limiting my caffeine intake now, two years later. —No more hippie speed-balls either

  • Biden is dramatically out of touch with voters on Gaza. He may lose because of it | Moira Donegan
  • If you want a third party candidate to have a chance of winning or even influencing politics then you have to actually vote third party. My comment was no more in bad faith than the people who dogmatically shout "vote blue no matter who." or "A vote for third party is a vote for trump." or some other condescending remark. The point is that people like to try to brow-beat others into voting for candidates that they also claim don't represent them. I've long been tired of making fear-based political decisions just so I can elect someone who doesn't represent me. If it's truly only a choice between some guy I don't like and some guy who will end democracy, then you have no real choice and Democracy has already ended -if it ever began. I will likely be voting for Cornel West or Green Party (as I did during the last General Election) because I actually like and agree with their proposed policy, not because I'm scared of someone else winning. So yes we could really use your vote even if it's just to get us to 5%. If you choose not to then that is your choice, and at least we are offering you that.

  • Dunes vs Star Wars
  • When I said my biggest problem with the story was the same problem I had with Star Wars, royalty starting wars. My buddy who likes both said they were "Space Operas". I think that's the perfect way to describe them and how they are similar.

    —Wait till they find out about Rebel Moon and how it was churned out with the specific intent of creating a space-franchise to capitalise on.

  • Parents called for mental health help. Police arrived and fatally shot their son.
  • There are some police departments with salaried social workers and "community specialist" officers that are employed explicitly to deal with issues like this. The problem is that a change to law enforcement in this direction must come directly from each individual community and must be supported by those in charge of the local department.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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