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I have started Dead Money

I don’t have any long stories for this one. This screenshot just felt appropriate for the DLC

Day 64 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots

Game is Still Fallout New Vegas (Almost Done! I just have to do Lonsome road after Dead Money and then Hoover Dam). I went ahead and started Dead Money. I don’t have any long stories attached to this one, but this screenshot felt appropriate regardless

Day 63 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots
  • My Uncle gave me the Game for PS3 when he gave me his old Hand Me down around 13 years old. I only got to Honest Hearts on there but I love the game to death after getting past the intro

  • Day 63 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots
  • They’re a pain to fight but I love them because of how campy they are

  • Day 63 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots
  • A few years ago when I was playing through 3 and 4 I spoiled myself and watched a let’s play. It’s definitely one of my favorites from what i saw. But ig I’ll have a chance to fully judge after I play. I just started it today

  • I beat Old World Blues

    I beat the robo-scorpion and talked to Mobius. I ended up downing some mentats and a lab coat and convincing the Scientists that I was Mobius so they wouldn’t break out. I think my next plan is to gather Stimpaks and then head onto the Sierra Madre

    Day 63 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots

    The game is Fallout New Vegas. I’m going to mark this I beat Old World Blues today. I fought the giant robo-scorpion (I had to use up all my grenades left over from the death claw quarry to do it). I ended up lying and saying I was Mobius in order to beat it peacefully. I think for now I’m going to scavenge Stimpaks and other supplies before heading onto The Sierra Madre

    Day 62 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots
  • The Stealth suit is currently my favorite armor. I’m debating wether to lose the AC of the ranger armor just so I can wear the Stealth Suit more

  • Day 61 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots
  • It’s worth picking up imo. Especially when it goes on sale for like 5$

  • I got the stealth suit today
  • The suit is definitely my favorite character(?) yet. If it wasn’t for the Armor level of the Ranger Armor the Stealth Suit may actually be my go to.

  • I got the stealth suit today
  • I’m playing entirely Vanilla

  • I got the stealth suit today

    I meant to get a picture of the Suit or of me wearing it, but I’ll have to settle for this screenshot of the suit talking because Steam didn’t want to share the screenshots to my phone for some reason with the new update. I have to say. I wasn’t expecting to be emotionally manipulated by her when I’m low on Stimpaks. If I wasn’t constantly low on Stimpaks I think I would have felt bad.

    Day 62 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots

    I got the Stealth suit today. I meant to grab either a picture of the Stealth Suit or of me wearing the Stealth Suit, but none of the screenshots I took Steam wants to share with the new update. So I had to settle for this picture of her talking to me. I’m all out of Stimpaks and other healing supplies and now she’s been guilt tripping me by saying things like “Maybe you’d be better off with an Auto-Doc suit”. I was not expecting to be manipulated by a Sentient suit tonight. I also did the first stealth Mission for the Mark II suit, and I think I’ll go ahead and clear it tomorrow before I move onto the final mission of the DLC

    Day 61 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots
  • I’m dreading to do that one with how poor I’ve been with my health management

  • I broke this creepy thing out of its prison
  • It’s one of my favorite parts about the DLCs. I love seeing how they all tie together

  • Day 61 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots
  • I forgot to put the game title in the post like I usually do. My bad

  • I broke this creepy thing out of its prison

    I got around to getting the sonic upgrade and getting this thing out. It’s really creepy. I’m still going to wear it though because although the night vision is annoying it’s handy and it’s also the best armor I have on me since my Desert Ranger armor broke. Overall love the thing though, especially knowing the lore behind it

    Day 61 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots

    Im still working my way through Fallout New Vegas. I finally got the sonic emitter upgrade and broke this guy out. Really fucking creepy. Also the night vision is annoying (but helpful). I’m still going to wear it though because of all the effort I went through to get it (I Still feel bad about killing Gabe). I have one more part to finish then I think i head to the… Forbidden Zone

    Day 60 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots
  • Far Harbor for me I feel like had the same feeling I had with the Base Game (except I love Far Harbor’s vibe far more). When I’m in the mood for it, it’s one of the best experiences I can have, but when I’m not I just can’t get into it. I still love both F4 and Far Harbor though

  • What are your favorite racing games?
  • Not the Greatest of all time, but Growing up the two racing games I’d play the most was Forza Horizon and Little Big Planet Karting. Sadly I had to drop LBPK after my PS3 died and Forza Horizon I can’t find the disk for anymore.

  • Someone suggested I share my screenshots of my NV play through here, so here a screenshot i took of Ulysses' Point

    being in here kind of reminded me of Honest Hearts and the kind of creepy factor that i felt when i was in the Survivalist's Cave or the REPCONN test site after doing Come Fly With Me (or just the entirety of dead money). Everything felt kind of haunted and empty and i had a creepy feeling like i was being watched. It also kind of reminded me of Lone Wolf Radio (Both the location and the old creepypasta by association). It also felt weird knowing that Ulysses had been here at some point and i am following his footsteps.

    Day 60 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots

    I'm still doing Fallout New Vegas (Someone else pointed out that 60 days would be considered a habit!). I went inside Ulysses' Point in the Big MT. Being in here kind of reminded me of Honest Hearts and the kind of creepy factor that i felt when i was in the Survivalist's Cave or the REPCONN test site after doing Come Fly With Me. Everything felt kind of haunted and empty and i had a creepy feeling like i was being watched. It also kind of reminded me of Lone Wolf Radio (Both the location and the old creepypasta by association). It also felt weird knowing that

    i doubt this is a spoiler, but just to be safe for anyone new playing

    Ulysses had been here at some point and in the DLCs i am following in his footsteps.

  • I enjoy sharing them. probably one of my favorite parts of the day is going through my screenshots folder and picking out which one I took that day to share

  • Day 59 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots
  • That’s what we used to do (hence our chef’s “accident”), but then we all realized “Fuck. That’s the boat we spent 3 months saving up to buy for ourselves” And rushed to save it so we didn’t lose our log

  • Day 59 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots
  • My crews go to song is the Infernal Gallop. Brings the moment from a sad one to a more appropriate clusterfuck as we rush to save the boat

  • It’s Wild seeing me referenced out of my posts. I’ve just been posting screenshots daily of my games and NV is currently what I’m playing through. I’d love to post here during my duration with NV though.

  • Day 59 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots

    Today's game is Sea Of Thieves (sorry for the awkward Crop, one of my friends was talking in chat and I didn't want to put his username out there).

    We were celebrating with a friend today (still managed to make some time to work on FNV), and our "Chef" forgot he left some grubs cooking on my ship. We go to sell our loot, and come back to this. We just barely managed to save it while laughing our asses off about it.

    Day 58 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots
  • yeah, I've been doing a play through of NV, and Old world Blues is currently the one I'm on. Next I plan to do Dead Money (after I get some levels to prepare)

  • Day 58 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots

    The game is Fallout New Vegas. I grabbed this one pretty early in my play through today when i decided to make a quick run by the Radar Dish to grab some ammo that i lazily didn't grab last time i was there. I took a detour back up to the top to share this screenshot of The Sink from the dish because i thought it was cool last time i was up here and wanted to get a picture this time.

    Day 56 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots
  • Damn, there's my reminder to watch Venture Bros. I always mean to give it a try but never get around to it

  • Day 57 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots
  • I rushed to get out of there because I was worried my game would crash. Somehow I made it out at 2 fps

  • Day 57 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots

    Today's game is Fallout New Vegas again. I was going to share a gorgeous pic i took at the top of the X-2 radar dish, but i went with this one instead because this stupid ass protectron for whatever reason in death decided he wanted to lag my game down to 2 FPS and clip around. So now i'm sharing the screenshot i took of him.

    Day 56 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots

    Today's game is Fallout New Vegas. I finally got it to work again after it kept crashing whenever i entered VATS. i ended up reinstalling (after backing up my saves) and now it works fine. I think this game i'll spend a while on because it works well with my schedule (I can save at any time and it uses up a low amount of battery on my Steam Deck). I at least want to get old world blues done, but i hope to finish the DLC, complete the game, and 100% all achievements.

    I took this screenshot while hunting down parts for the "all my friends have off switches" quest. This was in the area with the Spore People and Mr. Gutsy. I struggled with Mr. Gutsy and ended up saying Fuck it and used a grenade launcher on them. In this specific screenshot there is one right below the bridge from me which killed me right after the screenshot.

    Day 55 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots

    Today’s game is Red Dead Redemption 2. Me and a friend managed to find time to play Red Dead Online today and while we were delivering a bounty I came across this river and noticed how gorgeous the water looks (I have a thing for water in video games if you saw my Mario Galaxy Post). I quickly hopped over to single player to take a screenshot with the photo mode and it was raining when I got there.

    Day 54 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots

    Today’s game is Halo CE (Sorry to people who like to guess the game. This one is a bit of a trick). This is in fact not Ocarina of Time, this is me and my friend playing a Halo CE map that looks like Ocarina Of Time we found on the steam workshop. The controls were a bit glitchy (kept forcing me to target him), and I drove a horse into a ditch trying to run him over (said horse also didn’t have animations so it was just rolling). But besides that it was a lot of fun. I completely kicked my friend’s ass with my OoT knowledge.

    Me and him have also been doing a modded OoT multiplier run after I started my original one. So I may end up sharing a screenshot from that tomorrow if we play then.

    Day 53 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots

    Today’s game is Mario Galaxy. I decided today was my day to be productive for once, and I dumped all my Wii games ROMs for safe keeping, along with all my Blu-Ray discs. While I was testing the Wii Games to see if they worked, I got distracted by Mario Galaxy.

    I chose this screenshot specifically because it shows off the water. Mario Galaxy is one of those games that has gorgeous water.

    Day 52 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots

    I was playing Sea of Thieves again with a Friend. We figured out we could get on top of the mast and were messing around with emotes. We thought it was the funniest shit ever. Here’s a screenshot I took of me laying on the Mast. I have another of me in a barrel too.

    Day 51 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots

    Today’s game is Half Life 2. I heard it got a UI update specifically for Steam Deck, so I had to try it. I ended up playing way more than I meant too (made it all the way to the Boat Segment and got stuck on the helicopter fight). I forgot how damn good this game is, it’s hard for me to resist playing it too and procrastinating all my other titles. Though ig all that matters is I’m having fun.

    I picked up the bucket in the photo at the train station and carried it as far as I could. I ended up getting all the way to the teleporter with it before sadly I lost it, ending what I’ve dubbed Bucket%. I found another one after that and carried it all the way to the sewage tunnels for fun, but accidentally dropped it and couldn’t get it back.

    Day 50 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots

    Today’s is a pretty Simple one. the Game is Project Zomboid. I usually don’t like sharing 2D games because they’re hard to make look presentable, but i also like sharing images that break out of my usual “Here’s a Landscape shot” and wanted to share this. Me and My friend had a cookout in a motel we have a Base in. My Character is a Regular Middle Aged Suburban Dad named Jerry, while his character is My Character’s Adoptive Stoner Son, named Cable. There’s a whole lot more “lore” behind them but that’s the general gist of it.

    MyNameIsAtticus MyNameIsAtticus
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