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America Deserved 9/11 Megathread
  • I once got on the wrong plane entirely that’s how loose shit was. As a kid I remember we would be waving goodbye to people on the tarmac at smaller airports.

  • “But… But… Stalin loved to starve people”
  • A lot of his essays have been collected here

    He’s an academic so you also find a lot of his work on libgen especially if you search journals.

  • “But… But… Stalin loved to starve people”
  • Look up the work of Mark Tauger. He is an economic historian who specializes in the period.

    He describes the worst human-driven cause of the famine being the mass slaughter of livestock, cattle but also very importantly mass slaughter of horses used for meat and labor, by kulaks and Ukrainian nationalists.

    He also describes the relief efforts made by the Soviets, especially once the higher leadership in Moscow began taking a more active role as the crisis deepened.

  • Nine-El-Ev-EN!! Nine-El-Ev-EN!!
  • It’s “9/11” as a brand just like “7-11”

  • Removed
    This is what western solidarity looks like
  • He was sealioning. The point of that kind of troll is to make you go to effort while he invests none and since his world view isn’t based on rationality but rather based on emotions and vibes he doesn’t care that he’s wrong.

    AKA typical Reddit brained NAFO jackass.

    Good for you investing the effort though you king.

  • America Deserved 9/11 Megathread
  • Yea the Diada that’s today

    The un-independence day

  • America Deserved 9/11 Megathread
  • I would like to extend my best wishes to all, even the haters and losers, on this special date, September 11th.

  • America Deserved 9/11 Megathread
  • I’m not supposed to laugh at 9/11 but I’m allowed to hijack a jet in GTA who is the real monster

  • America Deserved 9/11 Megathread
  • Jet memes don’t smelt 9/11 dreams

  • America Deserved 9/11 Megathread
  • The people who died didn’t deserve to die but America deserved 9/11 does this make sense?

  • America Deserved 9/11 Megathread
  • Can we please stop celebrating on this awful day, the diada of Catalonia when they lost their independence and became part of Spain you awful fucks

  • today i will remind them
  • Edit: not an important argument

  • today i will remind them
  • your comment reduces to “it was of minor scientific value but a propaganda win” which is exactly what I’m saying.

  • today i will remind them
  • And if it was important why did we stop?

    Like it’s cool in a “I’d like to take a submarine to visit the titanic” dare devil sense but why was it important?

    How did it improve the world?

  • today i will remind them
  • Yeah people were “psyched” about it but when they stopped being psyched and stopped watching - when they lost the tv ratings - the Apolo mission was canned.

    How is what you said even vaguely a rebuttal of the idea it was showy propaganda with minimal scientific value?

    Playing golf on the moon actually wasn’t an important thing to do. It’s cool, I’d like to do it… but it’s really pretty superficial. It’s a vanity propaganda piece and nothing else that’s why we didn’t go back because it doesn’t matter.

  • today i will remind them
  • Why?

    Why even is getting a man on the moon important?

    And if it was important why did we stop?

    The value of manned missions was propaganda which is why the Apolo mission was cancelled when it stopped getting TV ratings. Because getting humans on the moon didn’t actually deliver anything of much importance except those TV ratings.

    “First game of golf on the moon” good job USA you did it meanwhile the USSR landed on Venus.

  • I got kicked off my favorite trans discord for defending the USSR
  • I wrote a longer rely to op but I think it’s when the rights and liberties of the individual are made supreme to the point of overriding the rights of the community, that’s when it’s just crypto-libertarianism masquerading as anarchism.

  • I got kicked off my favorite trans discord for defending the USSR
  • I think it’s strident individualism masquerading as anarchism.

    Both anarchism and socialism heavily center community. They put slightly different emphasis on different parts of community and anarchism is more decentralized but anarchism still places community and a persons place and rights vis a vis their community as well as the expectations a community can have of its members at the center.

    It’s less obvious with anarchism since anarchism is less proscriptive about what form community should take and usually it’s some vision of a decentralized variety of voluntarist communes or something like that, but it always has the idea of a person as a part of their community at the center.

    Strident individualism, the idea that the individual is more important than the collective, is antithetical to both anarchism and socialism and this is what really separates right-libertarianism from anarchism.