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People doing the 30 days linux Challenge are having several problems because of Mint's old packages and technology. Why people still recommend it when there is Fedora and Opensuse with KDE and Gnome?
  • Linux users can’t even agree [...] so how am I supposed to pick one with any confidence?

    Easy. You make a post like the OP, count the positive mentions of distros in the comments, and bam, you have your distro of choice. It's called the Linux newbie roulette and works kind of like the magic hat in Harry Potter that sorts you into your house.

  • It has already been removed again
  • So, I think it’s pretty stupid to argue whether “convicted felon” should be in his opening lede line for Wikipedia.

    True though that may be, I don't think it's surprising that this would happen, and since making the post I have been falling down a rabbit hole of finding out how Wikipedia is handling situations like this, partly through taking more than a glancing look at the talk pages for the first time ever, and it's fascinating.

    Currently my deepest point of descent is this sub-thread on the Admin board about the "consensus" boxes on top of talk pages being an undocumented and unapproved feature.

  • Last Week in Fediverse – ep 69\70 | [Blog Article]
  • Right so WhatsApp and messenger are gatekeepers and they must allow interoperation with who anyone who wants to ie me running my own signal instance?

    There are several stipulations on interoperability in the new regulation (Ctrl+F "interop"). To my understanding it is stipulated that they have to make interoperability possible for certain third parties, but how to go about this is not exactly specified on a technical level - meaning the specific way to implement this is left to the gatekeeper. So your Signal server may or may not be able to depending on how exactly they go about this.

    They also need to interoperate with signal hence if a works with b and c works with a why wouldn’t b work with c?

    No they need to enable interoperability period. Says nothing about Signal (the software) per se. Meta has announced they plan on implementing it based on the Signal protocol (not Signal messenger software, not Signal server software).

    Cos if thats hoe it works or if im not allowed to interoperate with WhatsApp or messenger in the first place then this juat seems like its handing the monopoly away from the companies to the government and giving the people fuck all.

    To my knowledge the aim of the regulation is exactly that, to allow anybody interoperability with these "core platform services". The status quo is that the regulations has been announced by the EU, it has gone into effect, and Meta has announced how they will implement interoperability to comply. Once the implementation is available and then found lacking in regard to the regulation it would be up to the affected third party to sue Meta over it.

  • If you owned a magic library people donated to in order to preserve media for eternity but which was going through overpopulation, what criteria would you use to decide which media survived/discarded?
  • In Germany, Mein Kampf is banned except for educational purposes, eg in history class.

    Strictly speaking this is incorrect, although the situation is somewhat complicated. There are laws that can be and were used to limit its redistribution (mainly the rule against anti-constitutional propaganda), but there are dissenting judgements saying original prints from before the end of WW2 cannot fall under this, since they are pre-constitutional. One particular reprint from 2018 has been classified as "liable to corrupt the young", but to my knowledge this only means it cannot be publicly advertised.

    What is interesting though is how distribution and reprinting was prevented historically, which is copyright. As Hitlers legal heir the state of Bavaria held the copyright until it expired in 2015 and simply didn't grant license to anything except versions with scholarly commentary. But technically since then anybody can print and distribute new copies of the book. If this violates any law will then be determined on a case-by-case basis after the fact.

  • It has already been removed again

    Edit: Stickying some relevant "war reporting" from the comments to the post body, in a hopefully somewhat chronological order. Thanks for diving into the trenches everybody!

    So the "and convicted felon" part of the screenshot that is highlighted was in the first sentence of the article about Donald Trump. After the jury verdict it was added and then removed again pretty much immediately several times over.

    Then the article got editing restrictions and a warning about them (warning has been removed again):


    During these restrictions there is a "RfC" (Request for Comments) thread held on the talk page of the article where anybody can voice their opinion on the matter:

    Money quote:

    > There's a weird argument for \\slight support\\. Specifically because if we don't include it in the first paragraph somewhere, either the first sentence or in a new second sentence, there are going to be edit wars for the next 2-6 years. Guninvalid (talk) 22:01, 31 May 2024 (UTC)

    There is a second battlefield going on in the infobox on the side (this has also been removed again at this point in time):


    The article can apparently only be edited by certain more trusted users at the moment, and warnings about editing "contentious" parts have been added to the article source:


    To summarise, here is a map of the status quo on the ground roughly a day after the jury verdict:


    Last Week in Fediverse – ep 69\70 | [Blog Article]
  • No, the DMA has nothing to do with RCS, at least not directly.

    Yes, WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger were initially just XMPP servers, but have since had proprietary expansions.

    In the context of the DMA both of them will be forced to make interoperability with other third-party messengers possible, since Meta has been designated a "gatekeeper" under the new regulation. Meta has announced they plan on doing so via an implementation of the Signal protocol.

  • What do I need to trouble shoot second hand desktop computer? And how?
  • So the circle is where a little speaker should be attached:

    Sometimes these come with the case, but in your case not apparently or the PC guy would have attached it. You can buy these pretty cheap (one or two bucks) and they look like this:

    When you have one attached and start the PC the mainboard will run some tests, and if it detects a problem there will be a pattern of beeps coming out of the speaker. You can look up what this pattern means in the handbook somebody linked above.

  • Lemmy Support Muehe
    Lemmy should trigger Firefox's translation feature based on the browser/instance/post/comment language settings

    So I have tried to search this community, Lemmy in general, and the GitHub issues on LemmyNet/lemmy repo, but didn't immediately see anything discussing this.

    It would be really cool if Lemmy would trigger Firefox's new translation icon in the address bar based on the browser/OS/Lemmy language as compared to the post/comment language.

    So i.e. if my browser/OS language is English and the post is flagged German or contains comments that are flagged as German, the Firefox address bar should show the little translation beta icon in the address bar, because Firefox can translate between these two languages.

    Bonus points if it doesn't offer German translations if I'm logged in and have set German as one of my languages in the Lemmy settings.

    (by the way the dialogue always adds "Undetermined" regardless of if it being selected in the settings or not, not sure if that's intended)

    Hope you guys can figure it out. Right now the Firefox button doesn't seem to pop up regardless of which Lemmy instance I visit and which language is set where, but it does appear for a lot of other websites.

    And while I'm here, thank you for all you do for us users and the Fediverse/ActivityPub in general. It's much appreciated! :)

    Angeklagt: Bildung einer Kriminellen Vereinigung - Letzte Generation 🧡
  • Carla Hinrichs bei Jung & Naiv klang da irgendwie anders.

    Hab ich noch nicht gesehen, danke für den Hinweis. That said, sie ist Listenplatz Nummer 3. Das hieße wenn ich deren FAQ richtig verstanden habe sie wäre erst bei ~600.000 Stimmen/~2,1% drin.

    Ich glaube allerdings nach wie vor, dass das keinen Effekt haben wird. [...] Wenn der/die eine LG Abgeordnete, der/die es vielleicht rein schafft, dann dort life vor denen protestiert, wird das denke ich eher unfreiwillig peinlich, aber sicher niemandes Abstimmungsverhalten beeinflussen.

    In der Not frisst der Teufel Fliegen... Wie gesagt mir würde es sogar schon reichen wenn die da nur den Cicero machen. Einfach bei allen anderen Themen nach Gewissen abstimmen, aber vor und nach jeder Rede immer schön sagen: "Der Klimawandel muss besiegt werden!" Bei jedem Thema den Kontext zum Klimawandel suchen und hervorheben. Den Konservativen bei jeder Gelegenheit ins Gewissen reden mit "Ja aber denk doch mal einer an die Enkelkinder!" Wer weiß, vielleicht gewinnt ja diesmal die Republik...

  • Angeklagt: Bildung einer Kriminellen Vereinigung - Letzte Generation 🧡
  • P.S.: Stellt sich raus die haben noch kein Wahlprogramm geschrieben, wird noch verhandelt und bis "Anfang Juni" soll es fertig sein.

    Es gibt ein vorläufiges Programm und es gibt eine FAQ-Seite. Liest sich auf den ersten Blick grob satisfaktionsfähig. Money Quotes:

    Wie werdet ihr im Parlament abstimmen?

    Natürlich nehmen wir unser gewähltes Amt ernst! Unsere Abgeordneten können, wie alle anderen, ganz normal reden und abstimmen – was wir auch tun werden! Wir selbst sagen ja, dass wir Wandel in der Politik brauchen. Wir werden also auch ernsthaft abstimmen. Wie genau, das machen wir an unseren Werten und Forderungen fest, sowie an den Ergebnissen der Runden Tische

    Warum schließt ihr euch nicht mit anderen Parteien wie der Klimaliste zusammen?

    Es stimmt, dass eine Aufspaltung in mehrere Parteien oder sonstige politische Vereinigungen dazu führt, dass die Gruppierungen sich gegenseitig Stimmen „wegnehmen“. Wir sind jedoch keine normale Partei, sondern wir wollen das Parlament mit vergleichsweise unkonventionellen Methoden richtig aufmischen. Mit uns wählt man also nicht nur gute Klimapolitik, sondern auch den Protest ins Parlament!

  • Angeklagt: Bildung einer Kriminellen Vereinigung - Letzte Generation 🧡
  • Wenn jetzt Leute, die vorher links/grün gewählt haben, stattdessen “Pöbler” wählen, die keine Ausschussarbeit machen und am Ende nicht mal abstimmen (klingt für mich so), dann kommen weniger sinnvolle Maßnahmen durch, nicht mehr.

    Aktivismus kann jetzt alles mögliche heißen von Farbbeutel schmeißen bis hinter jeder Rede den Cicero machen und sagen: "Im Übrigen meine ich der Klimawandel muss weitestmöglich gestoppt werden!". Ich würde denen da im Zweifel schon erst einmal zutrauen innerhalb wenn auch am Rande der Hausordnung zu operieren, und ein Gegengewicht zur Klimawandelleugnung von AfD und Konsorten wäre glaube ich halt echt nicht schlecht. Lässt die "normalen" Grünen wie vernünftige Verhandlungspartner aussehen. Und uns läuft halt echt die Zeit davon, wir brauchen mehr Druck. Wie gesagt, ist das letzte Parlament vorm Point-of-no-return.

    Muss mal gucken was die sich denn so ins Wahlprogramm geschrieben haben...

  • Angeklagt: Bildung einer Kriminellen Vereinigung - Letzte Generation 🧡
  • Du also ganz ehrlich, eigentlich bin ich da ja bei dir, aber bei dem hanebüchenen Schneckentempo was bei dem Thema an den Tag gelegt wird hätten wir in diesem konkreten Fall die "Pöbler" schon vor 2-3 Dekaden im Parlament brauchen können glaube ich. Jetzt sind wir mit der Situation konfrontiert das wir noch knapp 5,5 Jahre Zeit (bis 2030) haben um die globalen Treibhausgasemissionen zu halbieren(!), sonst haben wir hier echte Probleme am Arsch (sagt das IPCC). Das ist knapp eine Legislaturperiode im Europaparlament. Glaubst du echt wenn wir die gleichen Figuren hier weiter Dienst nach Vorschrift schieben lassen wird das was? Ich hab ja meine Zweifel und überlege halt ernsthaft da mal ein paar Wadenbeißer wie die LG vorbeizuschicken, vor allem vor dem Hintergrund des OP...

  • Why 2006 - 2009 RPGs Just Hit Different!
  • I take it you didn't play ranged weapons then. :D They tried to modernise the combat and kind of made it worse, except ranged combat though. Free aim was just a lot better than target locking in earlier games. But melee in 3 wasn't really fun. That said, huge battles generally worked better in 3 and there were a lot more of them with a lot more NPCs involved, so that was kinda cool. Magic was also a bit more fun. But yeah, the game was overly ambitious in many ways and that hurt it a lot, even if you *disregard the clusterfuck of a release and its aftermath...

  • PSA: Be careful when travelling to Germany, especially in Bavaria

    You can check where you are allowed to consume in public on this website (click the button saying "Verstanden, zeig mir die Karte!", you are agreeing to a no warranty disclaimer):

    The regulations don't apply to private spaces and only when in sight of the protected locality in the centre of the red circles.

    And there are other regulations, so many other regulations...

    But hey, I can at least legally consume in the privacy of my own home now, so I got that going for me, which is nice.

    What launching through Steam feels like

    WINE_SIMULATE_WRITECOPY=1 %command% + Proton Experimental = working

    In light of recent events...

    > Human dignity shall be inviolable. To respect and protect it shall be the duty of all state authority.

    Article 1 section 1 of the Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany.

    But this... does put a smile on my face


    Somebody made a post promoting the proprietary search engine they are working on, claiming in the post that it "would make Stallman smile". In a comment below the post they said that they made the statement about Stallman to "drive engagement". The post was later removed for promoting proprietary software.

    Image description:

    At the top is a screenshot from the modlog saying:

    > Removed Post We're building a search engine to compete with DuckDuckGo. No JS, no WASM, no spying. Just a statically generated results page. > reason: Comm rule 2: Don’t promote proprietary software

    Below that is an image of Stallman smiling.

    Open Source Showerthoughts #0

    I am sure hope somebody™ already thought of this. Feel free to advertise your project here.

    P.S.: Image transcription:

    Patrick from SpongeBob SquarePants gesturing to the left with open hands:

    Somebody should take document type conversion from Pandoc and version control from Git

    Patrick gesturing to the right in a pushing motion:

    And build a frontend around it

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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