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28 August 2023
  • Test 2, please ignore also.

  • [SOLVED] syncing issue with
  • Plus one, having the same issue.

  • 18 February 1986
  • LOL it sure is. Anyone else go through DARE in school?

  • Self-checkout theft causing problems for retailers — and shoppers who despise receipt checks
  • Theft is one thing and who knows what the numbers actually are for self checkout. Even with theft and us making a mistake or two, they don't have to pay cashiers, I'm sure they're coming out wayyyyy ahead.

  • Too many strips posted a day, stop it!
  • You’re welcome and glad to be here too ;)

  • How reddit crushed the biggest protest in its history: Did it, though?
  • This is how it feels to me as well.

  • Too many strips posted a day, stop it!
  • Thanks Klanky. Seems like the early ones are not as big of a deal to fly through, as most of us have seen them a bizallion times.

    I do want to get on schedule matching the release dates, even just for nostalgias sake. As a kid I remember making sure to ask my Dad for the paper everyday to see C&H. Really sucked when I missed a day. Then I got my first C&H book some years later and I was finally able to catch up on the ones I missed.

  • [request] Strip where calvin keeps waking up from dream and free-falling when getting off the bed
  • I don’t remember that one off hand. Probably recognize it once I see it though. I’m posting a few a day in chronological order so hopefully it comes up for you soon.

    If by some miracle someone remembers the (approximate) date it came out I can find it.

  • 14 December 1985
  • I was partially to a few others, but C&H was really good the entire run. I think Bill was really smart to stop when he did.

  • Reddit Is No Longer Fun
  • I’m committed to Lemmy at this point, but it is nice to light a few fires at Reddit as I’m walking out the door.

  • MrSebSin MrSebSin

    Hello I’m Seb. I love my partner and our lil doggy. We got the dog to replace our son who left. Can’t blame him, he grew up and doesn’t want us to tell him to do homework anymore. When I need to pay the bills, I’m a creative professional of 30+ years.

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