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Saw this beautiful Hawk in the middle of New York City!
  • That’s the most Keanu Reeves’s eating a sandwich on a park bench of Hawks that I have ever seen.

  • Still trapped on Baltimore ship, months after bridge collapse
  • What are you waiting for? A witty retort that inspires an argument? Nothing I have said states that I agree with the treatment of the crew by the American government.

  • Still trapped on Baltimore ship, months after bridge collapse
  • You're not "discounting", but indirectly condemning the whole crew when obviously it was the navigator and captain responsible for the negligence?

    Passing through a zone where there is possibility for a collision is normally an all hands on deck situation. So yes, they are partially at fault.

    Prick. And no, don't come at me with "but those 6 people who died", because that justifies nothing.

    Tell me how you really feel. As stated before I feel bad for them, this entire ordeal sucks for everyone, but I feel WORSE for the people that will not see their loved ones again. And name calling, really?

  • Still trapped on Baltimore ship, months after bridge collapse
  • I’m not discounting anything you said but this crew also killed six people with their negligence and knocked down a bridge. I feel worse for the families of the workers on the bridge they killed then I do them.

  • Cybertruck Breaks Down 35 Miles After Delivery, Tesla Says Coolant Leaks Not Covered
  • You have to imagine this would be covered under a state’s lemon law. These defaults, at this point, almost seem intentional.

  • ‘Indefensible’: UK prisoner jailed for 23 months killed himself after being held for 17 years
  • This feels worse somehow. With the death penalty there is a finality to sentencing, these people are stuck on an ever speeding treadmill of despair chasing hope like it’s a carrot on a string. Even if they get out, due to the conditionality of their original sentence, they can be thrown right back in with the flick of a pen. Like Sisyphus to his boulder these people are bound to sadness perpetually stuck in a state of fear.

  • Do you forget to throw things away sometimes?
  • Jokes on you it’s on my counter!… it never made it to the fridge.

  • Republican governor candidate is making his entire campaign about hating trans kids
  • You know what Republican white Jesus always says, “When the going gets tough, attack a child.”

  • Cops can force suspect to unlock phone with thumbprint, US court rules
  • FYI for iPhone users if you run into the Fuzz and you need to lock it out of biometrics, hit the lock button five times. This will start the emergency call count down but once canceled the iPhone can only be opened via passcode. Caveat, you need to have the five press to call turned on in Settings>Emergency SOS>Call with 5 Button presses

  • Tesla asks shareholders to vote again on Musk's $56 billion payout
  • I would more define Kimbal as cog in the clock of Elon. Everyone focuses on Elon, the face, but the true time keepers are the rest of the Musk family, Kimbal being one of those cogs.

  • Tesla asks shareholders to vote again on Musk's $56 billion payout
  • This is the most tone deaf decision. Missing shipping quotas, Cybertruck recall/delivery halt, cancellation of the Model 2, laying off 10% of your employees and what does all of this equate to in the eyes of the Board of Directors? Firing the CEO that caused most of these problems? FUCK NO let’s double down and prioritize an outlandishly large payday for Elon. Fucking hell this is ridiculous.

  • Right-Wing 'Reacher' Fans Flip Out After Alan Ritchson Calls Trump A 'R*pist And A Con-Man'
  • I tried to link to EvilBit’s comment but it didn’t work, here it is pasted from above: “I mean, the Rock Rock did just recently come out with his whole “yeah but both sides” cowardice. Apparently too many right-wingers buy his stupid energy drink and tequila for him to feel comfortable defending democracy in even the laziest, most minimal ways. “

  • Right-Wing 'Reacher' Fans Flip Out After Alan Ritchson Calls Trump A 'R*pist And A Con-Man'
  • Knowing them they probably purchased the Tom Cruise versions because, let’s be honest, attention to detail and critical thinking are not their strong suits.

  • Tesla's top engineering executive Drew Baglino leaves in massive leadership loss
  • If only there was something Tesla’s board of directors could do to improve morale and improve sales.

  • GOP Reps. Biggs, Gosar Subpoenaed in Arizona ‘Fake Electors’ Probe
  • That reads like the slogan for cheap cologne. “incontinence for men, a subtle, almost imperceptible smell of piss. iiinnncontinennnce”

  • MrPibb MrPibb
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