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Indie games using retro graphics
  • Out of the new stuff, Dread Delusion comes to mind. Kinda comparable to Morrowind, it's a quirky first-person RPG. And in terms of graphics, it even has an option to enable-disable wiggly pixels at the edges of textures!

  • How to rock longer hair as a dude?
  • Let me introduce you to the whole genre of metal music

    But seriously, I don't know of any famous male long haired metal musicians I wouldn't call masculine. Except maybe 80s glam rock/metal scene, but that's it's own thing. Hope that helps (sorry if not)

  • Connect A Song Motorheadbanger
    Napalm Death - You Suffer

    Okay, that was tough. The last song explores suffering for dubious reasons, evidenced by the line "for now you must suffer so that we may live". This song continues to explore this topic

    Connect A Song Motorheadbanger
    Necrophobic - Revelation 666

    Connection - 666

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
    Posts 3
    Comments 45