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Would you support a mandatory retirement age of 75 for US House, US Senate & US Supreme Court Justices and if not why?
  • Term limits have been shown to create ‘brain drain’, and ultimately what winds up happening is that that legislators must focus on career growth - either spending their time in office campaigning for the next elected position, or looking to opportunities beyond politics. It takes time and experience to become skilled in crafting bills that don’t have adverse effects and cannot be overturned or lawyered to do things they aren’t intended to do.
    The net result is that it creates a slew of amateur legislators, and professional lobbyists, as legislators are forced to retire just as they become skilled at the job.

    An alternative to a retirement age is mental/physical fitness reviews, but that’s also tricky. If there isn’t a defined process then unscrupulous people will just use a doctor of choice to get the results they want, but if there is a process, politicizing that process to serve one party or the other could mean using mandatory retirement to force key vacancies.

    I do think that at some point we need to pry the hands of people off the levers of power, and I can’t think of a way that is as ‘non-corruptible’ as a set age limit. It would not always be personally fair, but it would probably be for the greater good.

  • Fictional alien time travellers can’t be black, insist morons
  • I only want realistic episodes of a show centered around a godlike being that can manifest any reality they choose.

    Where’s “The Doctor has to paint a fence”, “Dr. Who and people coughing while standing uncomfortably close at the shops” or even “Dr. Who’s request for holiday got denied and now they are answering emails on a glorious day”?
    If my escapist fantasy isn’t reminding me of my dreary life, then what’s the point?

  • Radical acceptance
  • One of my sisters once told me she was proud of me for being out with my bisexuality.

    When asked, she said it was because I am liberal, and often refer to the people I date as partners. Then I had to explain to her what nonmonogamy was, and I’m not sure if that was more or less acceptable to her.

  • Check it out! Technology survived a Carrington Event
  • Using an IQ scale that only classifies scores into categories of 0-49, and 50+, I’ve determined I’m as smart as Einstein.

    … which is to say, it’s a bit silly to assume a classification system with a “catch all” maximum is going to produce equitable results in that maximum range. (Not that they are bad systems, just that you can’t compare things in that range without qualifiers.)
    Never mind that how directly a flare is aimed at the earth factors heavily, too.

  • Donald Trump's Crowd Size Raises Questions
  • I do live in a small city, so that probably factors. When you get out of population centers, you do pretty readily see Trump bumper stickers, other random political messaging on vehicles, and I’m sure if I went into rural towns, I’d see more yard signs.

    On a highway outside of town, there was a farm that had a quarter billboard-sized Trump 2016 sign facing the highway from 2016-2020. It was changed to a 2020 one, but after the election, someone spray painted “Pussies” on both sides of it in neon pink marking paint.
    It stayed that way for a few months, but now it’s a for sale sign.

  • Donald Trump's Crowd Size Raises Questions
  • It’s sort of interesting to realize that even though it’s still only May, I haven’t seen much of any campaign signs out. That may change, but I vaguely recall a plethora of yard signs, even in May 2020.

    Heck, even the one sign I did see put up - One for RFK that went up in February - was taken down about a month ago.
    I sort of feel that everyone is a bit wishy-washy this cycle.

  • iPad Pro with M4 chip boasts impressive performance jump compared to just-released M3 MacBook Air
  • I’m so annoyed they announced this.

    I have a slew of raspberry pi’s kicking around, doing various things. I also have a name brand NAS that reportedly lets you run other software, including containerized apps, but their implementation is whack and doesn’t work super well.
    I want to get a more powerful machine for use as a replacement server. I’d like to spin up my own LLM tools, use it to with software like photoprism to auto tag my pictures, or even spin up Frigate on it.

    My leading contender had been either a Jetson Orin nano or a system with the core ultra 155h chip. But now I might have to wait until they announce/release M4 Mac minis - which is really annoying because I want instant gratification for my half-baked ideas.

  • Reddit locks down its public data in new content policy, says use now requires a contract
  • I used a tool to mangle my comments last June, manually verifying that every single comment in my decade+ account history was changed.
    About a month ago I looked at my profile, and several comments — including ones on the first page of my profile (that I definitely know would have been edited, that close to the top) — were reverted to their unedited state.

    I wonder if an edit then delete would do it - multiple steps.

  • Putin is ready to launch invasion of Nato nations to test West, warns Polish spy boss
  • It’s all fucked.

    Russia fucks around until someone deems them worthy of finding out. Sure, it seems fun when U.S. pilots are cranking up the AC/DC and doing their hero walk on the way to wipe every single Russian airbase and fuel depot off the map, but then half of the west’s water systems, electrical grids, and networking infrastructure gets hacked and severely damaged/bricked. Russia gets hacked and grinds to a standstill. China takes advantage of the chaos and invades Taiwan. The U.S. bombs the chip fabs in Taiwan into powder, and anti-satellite operations trigger the Kessler syndrome. Maybe some of the other regional conflicts pop off, too.

    The bright side is that assuming no nukes fly, we’ll see earth’s habitability improve for a while, once people starve and consumption/ability to produce goes way down.

  • Michigan Republican unseated after losing to Democrat by 20 points
  • There’s just no incentive. The market is going to dictate that carriers allow this to happen.

    It has to be regulated. But “the market” also has its hand in congress’s underpants - the same congress that passes laws, and approves assignments, so only “approved“ people make their way to regulatory positions.

  • Advice on finding a partner?
  • It’s not bad. I’m like, 5’9”, but I have a 29” inseam. I’m all torso, so I got these short legs that are pretty thick. So, I got that curvy booty.

    Technically, I baited her into it. I told her I had just sent butt pictures for a friend - explaining that it was a quirk of our otherwise normal friendship (my friend and I had quasi dated for awhile until she moved out of state, and she liked my butt).
    My now-wife said I should send her photos next time I took some. I sent my butt, she sent her butt, and somehow we wound up with pets.

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