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Keyboard apps stop working correctly in Voyager comment section.
  • Ok, that's really strange. The others seem to have the same problem with different solutions, which doesn't work for everyone. That's why I would suggest opening a new issue on GitHub. And post the link below your post so that others can contribute.

  • Keyboard apps stop working correctly in Voyager comment section.
  • Maybe it's because of GraphenOS? I tested it on Android 13 Vanilla (Nokia X1) with Voyager 2.17.1 (F-Droid) and Swiftkey and it works. Are you also using version 2.17.1? Did it work with 2.17.0?

  • Keyboard apps stop working correctly in Voyager comment section.
  • What device do you have? Do you have Android Vanilla / Android from the manufacturer, or do you have a Custom Rom? Sorry for the stupid question, but you only mentioned two keyboard apps. Have you tried other keyboard apps, for example Fossify Keyboard? Where did you get Lemmy from (Google Play, GitHub, F-Droid)?

  • My expenses : review request
  • There is the FinTS option, which I think only works in Germany. Accordingly, unfortunately I can't help you. :( I hope someone else can help you and you will find what you are looking for.

  • My expenses : review request
  • You're welcome. :)

  • My expenses : review request
  • Have you tried the app yet? If so, what are you missing in relation to your previous app? There would still be Oinkoin. But i think that's not what you're looking for.

  • My expenses : review request
  • There are three icons in vertical mode in the upper right. The one in the middle is for templates, there you can create entries and then plan at the bottom. However, it requires permission to the calendar.

    Edit: Added that the three icons are in vertical mode.

  • My expenses : review request
  • First of all, the app is open source: In addition, the apps available in the official F-Droid repo are subject to regulations. And with the app there is no hint, with undesirable features. In addition, the app is also built again by the F-Droid team and if something is noticeable there, the building is interrupted.

    I can recommend the app in my experience. I also purchased a license. It will connect to and validate the license. After that, you can block the app traffic with a DNS filter app (personalDNSfilter, RethinkDNS, etc.). At least that's what I did.

    If you still have concerns, you can contact the developers at Mastodon (

  • Feature Request: Material You theme support
  • You're probably right. Unfortunately, you can't always assume that. Some apps have completely replaced the old theme with Material You. And since not everyone likes Material You, I asked about this possibility.

  • Feature Request: Material You theme support
  • If Material You is implemented, could the current theme settings still be made available? At least if it's too much effort to maintain it.

  • Is there a Mastodon app (for Android) that allows for anonymous browsing?
  • You could use an RSS reader app and add a .rss to the end of a Mastodon URL. It works for individual accounts, hashtags, and instances.

  • Looking for FOSS Games
  • Here is also a website where you can see if there is an open source port to non-open source games or an alternative that e.g. tries something of its own / based on the gameplay. As an example, the following "clones" are listed for Minecraft: Minetest, Mineclone2 (now VoxeLibre), ManicDigger and more.

    Edit: fixed some grammatic fails.

  • Looking for FOSS Games
  • To name a few: AssaultCube, Battle for Wesnoth, Cube2: Sauerbraten, FligthGear, Freeciv, Freeciv21, Nexuiz Classic, OpenArena, OpenHV, OpenRA, OpenTTD, Remnants of the Precursors, SpeeDreams, Stone Kingdom, SuperTux, SuperTuxKart, Unciv, Urban Terror, Veloren, Warozone 2100, Widelands, Xonotic

    P.S. It may be that not all of them are FOSS, but they run natively on linux.

  • Can I still get the 15th anniversary Creeper cape?
  • I also don't know why Mojang/Microsoft handles it this way. They could make it available by next year, because I don't think Minecraft has another birthday this year where there's another cape. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that you can still get the Cape.

  • Can I still get the 15th anniversary Creeper cape?
  • Yes, I got the link from the waybackmachine. I went to the link and then right-clicked on the Sing in to Claim button and then copied the link, pasted it here and then removed the waybackmachine stuff so that the link is the original link again.

  • Can I still get the 15th anniversary Creeper cape?
  • The link I sent, I also got from the waybackmachine. I also see the page with the tickets without a waybackmachine. Then it is probably no longer possible to get the cape. It's a real shame that Mojang / Microsoft run fomo. There are now two options left for you. 1. Politely ask the Mojang support about the cape. 2. Ask on other platforms if anyone still has a code for the cape (If there was a code at all, I don't remember if it wasn't just added to the account).

  • Can I still get the 15th anniversary Creeper cape?
  • This is the Link that was embedded in the Sign in to Claim Button. Maybe it still works:

  • Can I still get the 15th anniversary Creeper cape?
  • I would like to give it away, but I would wait for the answer from, if there is also interest. Do you already have a cape? And it's not clear whether the code really works.

  • Can I still get the 15th anniversary Creeper cape?
  • I received two TikTok codes and I don't know if the second one really works. It says that it expires in two days.

  • Can I still get the 15th anniversary Creeper cape?
  • There are three capes. The 15th Annivesary Cape, Twitch Cape, TikTok Cape and a Twitch Hat or something like that. Do you have one of the others, or are you only interested in the 15th Anniversary Cape?

  • Monstanner Monstanner šŸ§

    German Let's Player and Streamer. Also GNU/Linux & OpenSource enthusiast. Break the Windows and Gates. šŸ§

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