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Yesterday I saw the CNN version of Have I Got News For You.
  • As an American who watches a lot of British panel shows, “not bad” is as close to a glowing review as I could hope for. Our reproductions just don’t seem to capture the secret sauce for these shows. The panelists usually come across as unlikable, or miss comedic opportunities the British casts usually seize on. It’s also usually the same cast of d-list celebs who I don’t care for. If they look like they’re having a good time and not being just plain mean to each other it’ll probably work. Gonna check it out tonight. Thanks.

  • Do you take out expandable in your phone?
  • I haven’t owned a phone with removable storage since the Samsung Galaxy S5 back in 2015. (I miss that phone) Since then I’ve gone from iPhone, to Pixel, to Pixel, to iPhone, to iPhone. None of which had/have removable storage. Personally I don’t require much storage. The largest consumer of storage on my current phone is “Messages” at like 10G. I’m pretty sure the Photos app offloads photos to iCloud regularly so It says only 1G of storage.

  • FTC Says Social Media Platforms Engage in 'Vast Surveillance' of Users
  • The new-ish Federal Trade Commission head has been making a push to work on quite a few projects for the past couple of years. They have a very small resources and man-power compared to the war chests of multibillion dollar companies, but recently, somehow managed to bring charges against Google as a monopoly. This in my opinion is a good thing. I consider myself a social liberal and a fiscal conservative. I don’t like how our government seems to take the money of these companies and turn a blind eye as they do what they want in pursuit of the almighty dollar. I support her endeavors working for the interests of the majority of people and not those few with the most money.

  • A bag of Cheetos created a huge impact on a national park ecosystem
  • You’re telling me that in the 90 years that this cave has been open to the public, no one on a tour has dropped a piece of trash inside it? I’m assuming food isn’t allowed on the tours through the cave, probably because someone did just this exact same thing.

    I’m with the rest of the doom-scrollers. What a horrible human beings. What a pieces of trash, littering in our national parks, but seriously will this be the end of it? Is this article playing it up just a bit too much? Littering in my area is a fine up to $5000.00. Use the system and charge them.

    Edit: “Rangers at Carlsbad Caverns National Park in southern New Mexico describe it as a “world-changing” event” Motherfucker someone chiseled out rock. Poured concrete for walkways and added steel handrails for fat-sweaty tourists to walk through this bitch. Where is the line for what damages this natural wonder?

    Can you imagine the amount of microbes on the hand rails??

  • The series of thoughts when military jets go over in the US
  • It's the same thing in the US. I see C-130's flying in formation and think they're probably training or clocking flight time. OP is using terms like "militarism holidays" which I've never heard anyone use in conversation here, ever. We have "air shows" on patriotic national holidays like Independence day, or Memorial day. At some large sporting events like the NFL Superbowl, or maybe the MLB World Series get "flyovers" over the stadium.

  • Ender-3 V3 Plus for cosplay props
  • The best upgrade I made for the Ender 3 for adhesion was a PEI coated build plate. I don’t know the specs of the V2, but the brand I went with was “Wham Bam Systems” mine didn’t have a magnetic bed so I had to purchase the kit with the magnetic plate, and stainless steel PEI coated build surface. It was nice being able to pull off the plate and pop prints off of it. Be careful printing PETG on PEI it can fuse to the PEI

    If the V2 has some sort of leveling system make sure it’s working correctly or the PEI sheet isn’t really going to help. Mine did not. I had so many failures where the print head crashed into the sheet and gouged it. The Z end stop wasn’t the best. I added a BLTouch probe and flashed the firmware and it got much better.

  • Ender-3 V3 Plus for cosplay props
  • Creality is good because they brought an entry level 3d printer to market for an affordable price, and people like me got into the hobby because of that. The price point shows in the parts they use to assemble it. I’ve clocked countless hours learning how to correct failures, and upgrade the cheap parts for better, more reliable parts, add features, modify and flash firmware.

    Five and a half years ago I bought that ender 3 pro. I think it was around $250 USD. I probably spent over $300 more upgrading it and replacing parts. In retrospect I shouldn’t have cheaped out, but that’s the conclusion I came to. I no longer want to waste time fixing the printer. If I walk away and don’t print anything for weeks/months at a time I’d like to have confidence when I fire it up it’s going to work.

    I ordered a Prusa MK4S about a month ago which was the top-end hobbyist printer back then, and I am blown away by the difference. Prusa may not be the top at the moment, but the quality and support is there.

    I recommend that unless you have the free time, you’re willing to tinker, and are not easily frustrated, you should look into a higher quality brand.

  • Removed
    Holy shit
  • I’ve never watched any of his videos, but I’ve seen clips. I just can’t do it with the amount of cringe inducing content. The channel shows his last upload was 7 months ago. That’s one hell of a transformation. My first thought is “is this real or some sort of AI filter?” My second thought was what kind of damage did he do to himself in the process of this transformation? Was it “natural” via diet and exercise, or surgery? 7 months and 250 pounds lost (if that can be believed) seems very, very extreme. I don’t even know if with some money and a paid physical trainer with questionable ethics it could be possible. The amount of excess skin would be another thing to consider. He got me to click and watch a couple of minutes so maybe he won the game, but at what cost?

  • 'The Substance' review - Absurdist horror comedy unleashes jaw-dropping body horror
  • Demi Moore and Denis Quaid. I’m in. Gonna go find and watch ‘Revenge 2018’.


    Ooooo. Revenge 2018 is not good. I’m half way through it and so far there are major details that are just wrong. Burning yourself out of being impaled on a dead bush/tree and somehow not roasting yourself alive. Deciding not to remove the foreign object impaled in your abdomen until hours later. The choice of cauterization for the wrong type of wound. Clearly a pump shotgun with a mounted large objective rifle scope being called a rifle. The shotgun has two flashlights mounted. One in the handguard, and one under the barrel directly in front of the other. I guess it could be a laser sight, but why? Because it looks cool? It’s certainly not effective.

    If these few details are so wrong then how am I supposed to interpret any other details about the movie? As an accident? Framing, color, lens choice, shot length.

    This is style over substance. Fast food of cinema.

    Now I’m worried about this upcoming movie. I hope the attention to details get much, much better.

  • What is something you would like to see in a game?
  • I’ve got a few of their bundles we’ve played multiple times. Quiz night style games are awesome for a while, but we like to play a more action(?) style of games where you control your character and work together or go off on your own to progress the group.

    I thought last train outta worm town was awesome.

  • What is something you would like to see in a game?
  • Couch co-op is rare these days, but I would like to see more co-op in general. I used to have game nights on Friday night with friends on discord, but we just ran out of good games to play. Limiting factor being how many people can play at the same time. Most of the co-op games we have right now seem to be designed to make you miserable. You’re gonna fail, but how long can you last? I just want to have some fun with 2-6 friends without getting discouraged. One of the best ones we played was “Golf With Your Friends”. I don’t even like golf, but we all could play, no one had to sit out, and we had a blast until it got boring.

  • How could a disruptor weapon feasibly work?
  • This cabinet is truly spectacular—one of the finest you’ll ever see. It's got so many shelves, folks, you wouldn't believe it. Absolutely tremendous. Each shelf is perfectly designed to showcase your prized possessions. Believe me, the craftsmanship is second to none. These shelves are not just shelves; they’re a statement. They’re big, they’re beautiful, and they hold everything perfectly. This cabinet is going to be a tremendous addition to any room—nobody does shelves like this, folks. It’s going to be huge!

  • China's chip capabilities just 3 years behind TSMC, teardown shows
  • Golf clap.

  • Sanity Check: Installing Linux on a New Drive on an Old PC
  • I would hold off on attempting an installation.

    If the system is locking up using a “live cd/dvd” you’ve likely got hardware issues. I would start there. If you can tail the logs while in the live images environment it might give you an idea of what is locking up the system. The fact that the SSD isn’t showing up might be a sign post of which direction to check. Does it show up in the bios? I’m not experienced with Mint, But on a Debian based system I would check the kernel logs/dmesg for indicators of the fault.

    There are also bootable cds that can run hardware tests on the cpu, memory, and disks that you could use for more extensive checks.

  • Solar Eclipse April 2024

    In the path of totality at Carbondale IL. Carbondale Reservoir. Near Southern Illinois University. Thank you Carbondale!

    iPhone 15 Pro Max. No skill whatsoever.

    Well... Shit.

    I was headed back home 1200 miles when at the first gas stop I let my bike fall over. I tried to park it away from the gas pumps to get off and stretch my legs. The spot I chose (poorly) was unleveled and the wind caught it and pushed it over. The tip over scratched the saddle bag and broke my brake lever. At my next stop I found an auto parts store for some steel stick epoxy to temporarily ‘weld’ the lever back together. I let it cure for a few 30 minutes before setting off angain, and then a few hours before using it properly, but that only lasted a few hundred miles. Everything is an easy fix, but damn I was utterly deflated the rest of the trip with my scratches of shame.

    A Hawk in our Back Yard

    This guy has been visiting us regularly. I hope he takes care of our ground hogs for us.

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