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How do I activate Windows?
  • I've used that script and can confirm it works. I was actually coming into this thread to recommend it. I don't think there is anything nefarious in that script. Or at least I haven't had anything bad happen on the machine I used it on. I suppose someone with more knowledge could look through the script to see if anything looks out of place.

  • Are there any sim-racers here? What do you play?
  • Re-replying to this just to say that the last two weeks of my life have been consumed by Assetto Corsa and all it's amazing mods. The free-roams are great, but the vintage cars and tracks are what have been occupying all my time. Trying to cut a clean and fast lap around Battenbergring in an Alfa 33 has consumed all my free time.

  • ass thicc
  • Why is every drawing Ben does somehow weirdly horny? Pete has a pretty flat ass so I'm not sure why he drew him with that dump truck. Unless it's a play on his last name or something.

  • Jordan Peterson is very brave standing up to the woke neo-communist moralizers who defend disabled and sick kids.
  • I don't remember the surgeries but I do remember visiting the hospital in Chicago a few times as a kid. Really cool place, I remember having a lot of fun there, in between getting X-rays.

  • Jordan Peterson is very brave standing up to the woke neo-communist moralizers who defend disabled and sick kids.
  • That's awesome! Super lucky too. Like, what are chances? For me it was pretty standard. My family Dr gave us a referral to them, and they took the case. I don't remember any of the surgeries since they all happened before I was 2.

  • Jordan Peterson is very brave standing up to the woke neo-communist moralizers who defend disabled and sick kids.
  • Fun fact: at the risk of doxxing myself, I can walk today because of the free surgeries I got as an infant from the Shriners. I was born with some pretty fucked up legs, and the Shriners did a lot of work to make them mostly right.

  • Are there any sim-racers here? What do you play?
  • Shutoko Revival Project

    Yoooooooooooooo this is awesome!

  • Zionists getting wild in r/lgbt
  • They deleted the post hahaha

  • Are there any sim-racers here? What do you play?
  • Dirt does look like a really good time. I think I'm going to try to play beam tonight with my friends. We used to hang out and do trail drives/rock crawling. I got a one month subscription to iracing since it was on sale, so maybe I'll give it a try later.

    I've never tried a motorcycle racing game. I don't know if I'd like it. I've never really followed MotoGP or anything like that. I did really enjoy the old MX games on ps2. But that was decades ago so I might just be nostalgia blinded.

  • Are there any sim-racers here? What do you play?

    Recently BeamNG added VR support. So the other day I dug out my old Logitech racing wheel and gave it a go. Holy shit is it fun. Beam is fun in flat, and it's fun in VR too. But, I wanna try out racing against people.

    So if anyone here races, what do you play? Iracing seems expensive, entirely too serious, and a huge commitment. So I'm worried about going that route. Dirt 2 looks fun, and so does the new WRC.

    I hate owls
  • I banned owls a few days ago when you banned leftism. You haven't unbanned leftism so owls are still banned.

  • Zionists getting wild in r/lgbt
  • Looks like it's getting absolutely ratioed now. Some great comments in there.

  • Liberals love to point to the thing they caused and publicly mourn it for social capital


  • Comment here and I'll tell you what your mega ultra gay fursona is
  • I've only got a regular gay fursona. I'm not sure what my mega ultra gay fursona would be.

  • Welp...I did a dumb thing and bought a VR what do I play?
  • It feels weird to say the VR is my hobby, but I guess that's the most accurate way to describe it. My first headset was a rift s I got second hand back in 2020. I've been a big fan of VR gaming since. Most of the games I was going to recommend have already been listed so I'll just share my favorites.

    For shooting and gun type games, H3VR(Hotdogs, Horseshoes, and Hand Granades) is the absolute best. The guns are great, the dev does almost weekly updates, and it's still getting better.

    Into The Radius is an awesome horror survival game that's basically Stalker in VR. The atmosphere is perfect, and it's probably one of the most immersive vanilla games you can play. Reloading magazines in the middle of a fight, bullet by bullet, can really ramp up the tension.

    Fallout 4 VR and Skyrim VR are both incredible games once you mod them. In vanilla form they honestly suck, but with mods, they become a completely new game.

    VRChat is wonderful. It's free. Go to the world LSMedia and watch a movie in 3d. LSMedia is one of the "movie" worlds that has pretty much every movie, TV show, and anime you can think of. 3d movies in VR just work. They work how they were supposed to in theaters. It's kinda mind blowing to be honest. I'd just recommend staying on private worlds unless you like hanging out with strangers. I just play with friends on private.

    DCS and VTOLVR are both great flying games. VTOL is meant from the ground up to be in VR, so it's a lot more simple. DCS is a full blown flight sim. VTOL is a lot more casual, DCS is a lot more rewarding. I like both of them for different reasons.

    Vermillion is oil painting in VR. Painting in VR is such a natural way to use VR. Vermillion is great if you've ever wanted to try out oil painting but dont want to go buy all the stuff.

  • Welp...I did a dumb thing and bought a VR what do I play?
  • There's a mod available that adds full motion controls to elite and it works pretty good.

  • Welp...I did a dumb thing and bought a VR what do I play?
  • I mostly fly helos in DCS, but I can confirm that it is awesome. But I'd like to point out that a lot of the more popular modules have full flickable cockpits and full motion controls. The UH-1H, AH 64, and KA-50 all fly great in VR with motion controls, no joystick needed. A bunch of other modules are full motion as well, but the only fixed wings I can confirm fully work are the p51 and f86. I haven't tried any others.

    *Edit to say that I highly recommend a rudder pedal though.

  • Look at these dope ass lilies

    These flashy fuckers are 1.5 meters tall and have these beautiful bright orange flowers on them. The species is "Lilium Lancifolium" or "tiger lilies". The previous owner of our house planted tons of them around the yard and now each year they come back.
