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Slack users horrified to discover messages used for AI training
  • At this point, I think the genie is out of the bottle. I feel like unless you're on some p2p encrypted chat, anything typed into the internet is getting scraped. I'm sure everyone at this point has had at least one comment scraped and used for language model stuff.

    I don't like it. But it seems like corporations will always find ways to make money off of other people no matter what

  • Major ChatGPT-4o update allows audio-video talks with an “emotional” AI chatbot
  • This looks...well amazing but also horrifying. When they showed of GPT assisting with math equations, it made me think of how much better I would be at math if I had an assistant like that growing up.

    It also makes me think about how there are going to be so many scams and fraud in the future. It's already starting, and it's only going to get worse. I'm sure I'll be duped by something like this in the future.

    Also, people are going to totally be marrying gpt bots in the future lol.

  • how's your week going, Beehaw
  • Figured out how to set up a youtube stream with moderately non sucky results, which is impressive with the hardware I'm working with, so I'm looking forward to streaming to nobody LOL (No, but for real, have you seen some of the random youtube shorts streams? It's wild how many viewers some of these random channels have. Just gotta find a fraction of their momentum, and I'll be set)

    I'm practicing some unhealthy levels of faith that I'm going to succeed if I keep going. So let's see how far that gets me haha.

    Mmmm, otherwise I played Little kitty big city this weekend, which was a short but charming indie game.

    OH, and recently, I saw a video that talks about a piece of software that can convert n64 games to native PC applications, which sounds so unbelievably cool. I'm hoping tons of cool stuff gets made with it.

    Edit: I went live and had at least 1 viewer for half the stream. I consider that a win.

  • Iron
  • I was curious how long it would take to make a sword out of your own blood. If my math was correct(it probably isn't lol) the human body contains around 4.7 to 5.5 liters. And then you can apparently donate like 470 millileters every 8 weeks.

    So take 4.7(assuming the smallest people) X 300 = 1410 L total blood

    1410(total needed) / 0.47(donation amount) = 3000 donations X 8 weeks = 24,000 / 52 = 461.54 years

  • Animal Well - Review Thread
  • Some described it as metroid meets Outer wilds. Now I'm curious and might take a look. I'm not huge on sidescrollers, but it sounds interesting.

    From the scores It looks like Animal Well is doing well.

    I'll see myself out

  • Dell responds to return-to-office resistance with VPN, badge tracking
  • I'm terrified that one day, I'll be forced back into the office. I think I've gotten extremely lucky so far. I know 100% I would not have made it through the past couple years if I was in the office. We have personal offices, which is a step up from cubicles, but it's 4 white walls and no natural sunlight. In the winter I saw sunlight for maybe 10 minutes total a day if I was lucky.

    I just don't think people are meant to be working the way our current societies do. Conditions should be improved across the board for every industry regardless if you are doing white collar or blue collar work. Our lives are too short to be wasted making other people rich.

  • I've noticed a lot of chill religious people on Lemmy.
  • I haven't been on lemmy too much. But I've found beehaw specifically has been full of positive interactions. I get what you're saying regarding religious interactions though.

    I'm not personally religious, but I don't really care what other people believe in as long as they're treating others with respect, being a chill person, and dont force their beliefs onto others.

    Basically, as long as people aren't hurting each other and just being nice, that's all I ask, haha. You would think that would be easy enough to do but I suppose the tricky thing is we don't know what other people are dealing with in their personal lives when we communicate. People are complex I suppose.

    The world would probably be a better place if we could feel what it would be like to be in each other's shoes

  • Maybe hot take: as a handheld, the regular switch is an awful handheld
  • That would be really interesting. Heck I would even just take people making more games with the gba's restrictions. I've always thought it's super interesting. As developers get used to working with a console or system, we end up rolling into the next generation. So they don't really get to flex their skill as much as I think they probably could.

    I sometimes wonder what we would see if older consoles had another 7 years of life added to them. I try not to think about it too hard or I get kinda sad about the games we'll never see lol

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