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To those genuinely interested in moderating
  • No worries, thanks anyway!

  • To those genuinely interested in moderating
  • How does it work when you ask to moderate a federated magazine?

  • /kbin Issues
  • Hi, not sure if this is the right thread but here goes.

    Threads do not seem to federate properly.

    Until a month ago or so, submitting a thread to a federated instance (tested on:, threw an error page, but the thread was regularly posted. Example:

    As of at least 2 weeks ago, the error page remains but threads do not federate anymore. Example:

    If it can be of help, posts, links and comments seem properly federated to the same abovementioned instances, i.e. appear on target instances within a few seconds. No error displayed when submitting.

    Hope this can be addressed sooner or later. Right now I'm using local accounts on those instances to work this around.

  • Tom Hanks says AI version of him used in dental plan ad without his consent
  • Right? I remember watching some time ago a AI-generated video of an actress - I think it was Kirsten Stewart - doing a monologue. It was eerily undistinguishable from reality. This is happening, and actors have all the rights to be upset by it until proper compensation rules are in place.

  • Who here is still on X, formerly Twitter?
  • I'm in read only mode, only to follow a couple of celebrities and otherwise watch the dumpster fire.

  • Trump wrote to-do lists for assistant on White House documents marked classified: Sources
  • The RNC can’t even find enough testicular fortitude to tell Trump to fuck off.

    They need Trump's rabid following to have any chance in the upcoming election, simple as that. Relying on the Dem's inanity and self-sabotage tendencies is too much of a risk, so they are resigned to kiss the orange oaf's arse to save their seats.

    I'm sure a vast majority of the Rep MP's is secretly hoping Trump gets properly incarcerated and invalidated in some way from running, so that they can say "sorry, not our fault" and return to autonomy.

  • Carlos Sainz wins the 2023 Singapore Grand Prix
  • Not gonna lie, I ship those two a little bit. <3

  • Now that some time has passed, what do you like and dislike about kbin?
  • Among all Fediverse softwares, Kbin is the one I like the most - from the clean interface to the local community, which I really like - just the right balance between serious topics and memes, and decent comment quality.

    Even if I'm most active on some federated communities, I don't plan to switch anytime soon.

    The only headscratcher that - more than "not like", just puzzled me a bit - is the different naming convention (magazines, microblogs, etc.), but again it's a small thing.

  • Can you recommend me a book?

    My eyesight is getting shot by looking at a monitor for so many hours, both at work and off work, so Doc said to switch to analogue - if I have to read something, let it be books.

    I'm into pretty much all genres, so if there is any book you particularly like or recommend, I'm all ears (and eyes)!

    EDIT: thanks for the great suggestions, I'm checking all of them!!!

    What questions do you hate being asked and why?
  • I feel you. I hate that question. I'm over 50, don't have kids and the reasons are only mine. And my wife's.

  • What was supposed to be "The Next Big Thing!" but flopped?
  • Not considering vaporware or failed products (e.g. Eolo car):

    • The Esperanto language. (Yes, I'm old)

    • NFTs.

    • Blockchain. Yes, it has its use, but it's not the pervasive, all-use game changer it was claimed to be.

    • Sony Betamax. Pity because it was better than VHS.

    • New Coke. Nuff said.

  • reporting content on kbin
  • What if hate speech is coming from the owner of a magazine?

    Right now there's no other way than contacting the admins, I'm afraid.

  • reporting content on kbin
  • What if hate speech is coming from the owner of a magazine?

    Right now there's no other way than contacting the admins, I'm afraid.

  • That forest is beautiful.
  • Women: "Do you men like us shaven, trimmed or natural?"

    Men: "Yes"

  • My name is Wil Wheaton. I Live With Chronic Depression and Generalized Anxiety. I Am Not Ashamed.
  • I got in a rabbit hole of his blog articles and my word, this poor guy really had it bad his whole life. I'm glad he's better now.

  • rule
  • don't google "1man1jar".

  • rule
  • What a horrible day to have a memory.

  • "Forcing" magazine federation from other instances?
  • Fantastic, thanks! Probably that's why it was never picked up - I was always searching either using or but never using the first @ symbol.

  • "Forcing" magazine federation from other instances?
  • Yes, nobody subscribed to it because as @Armaell says, you can't subscribe to a magazine that hasn't been federated yet.

    I also hope we will see the current content here! (It's in Italian though :D)

  • /kbin meta MeccAnon
    "Forcing" magazine federation from other instances?

    Going straight to the point: I was wondering what is the criteria for kbin to pick federated magazines (number of subscribers maybe?) and if there is a way or workaround to pull/force them into the "All magazines" list.

    For example, I am interested in, which would translate into kbin's URL It has been created weeks ago and probably it hasn't been picked because of lack of content. I would like to contribute to it without having to create a feddit account (I'm quite attached to my kbin one).

    I'm sure many of us here had/have the same issue - how did you work around it?

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    MeccAnon MeccAnon
    Posts 7
    Comments 21