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Be careful.
  • "Cheat Enabled."

  • What’s your “I can’t believe other people don’t do this” hack?
  • Next time you're eating the chips at a Mexican Restaurant, get a side of lemons/limes.

    Apply citrus to chips and sprinkle desired salt amount.

    The salt will stay on the zesty chips throughout the salsa dipping process.

  • 1990 Pontiac Trans Sport SE
  • Just don't put anything on the dashboard.

  • A manipulated video shared by Musk mimics Harris' voice, raising concerns about AI in politics
  • "Never underestimate the power of stupidity in large groups."

  • "How old am i" and "where are my pants"
  • I took a nap today. When I woke up I asked my wife what time it was. She said 5:30. I still had to ask her if it was Sunday. It is indeed still Sunday.

  • One in three Republicans now think Donald Trump was wrong candidate choice
  • Something about laying in a bed you made yourself...

  • The governor of Kansas vetoed four anti-abortion measures. Republicans rammed them through anyway.
  • “We must learn to live together as brothers or we will perish together as fools." -MLK Jr

  • The governor of Kansas vetoed four anti-abortion measures. Republicans rammed them through anyway.
  • All I said is it is misleading. Your points don't lead to the same conclusion the TLDR does.

  • The governor of Kansas vetoed four anti-abortion measures. Republicans rammed them through anyway.
  • I wouldn't say she lost any "friends" in high school.

    I think the TLDR is a little misleading as well. Encourage EVERYONE to think for their selves, no matter the location.

  • I just won an auction for 25 computers. What should I setup on them?
  • Senior year of Highschool, I put Unreal Tournament on the school server. If it were me, I'd recreate that experience, including our teacher looking around the class. That was almost 20 years ago, I hope everyone is doing alright.

  • More Canadians dive into streaming, pushing traditional TV aside
  • Do you guys not have to pay for cable in order to get internet? Must be nice...

  • Matthew_Gasoline Dharmagheddon


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