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  • iCar

  • skramp rule
  • The pig one tho...

  • On the edge of the Lagoon
  • Btw, idk if it was on purpose but if you want people to be able to view the image directly in the app then you can just paste the direct link ( of the image to the URL section of the post.

  • Test
  • There's so many test posts lately.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • You mean my post

  • Anyone having trouble uploading images lately?
  • Do you mind if I use the word "sublemmy" in the announcement? People HATE this word and it will potentially kill off the announcement because 1/3 people will downvote it. xD

  • Password reset broken on
  • Naw, this platform is still very buggy so I doubt that it's your fault.

  • Solved - Unable to create a community...
  • The "name" is a permament name of the sublemmy and you can only write small characters and no spaces. "Displayed name" is the one you want to have capitalised characters and other stuff in.

  • Password reset broken on
  • Wow, that's crazy weird.

  • I can't change my community banner anymore
  • I get the same error, idk why :x

  • (Edit: recruitment is closed) I'm looking for 3-5 moderators for this sub!
  • Your mod postion has been removed because of your inactivity.

  • (Edit: recruitment is closed) I'm looking for 3-5 moderators for this sub!
  • Your mod position has been removed because of your inactivity.

  • We survived.
  • No, yesterday.

  • We survived.
  • You mean 2050

  • (Edit: recruitment is closed) I'm looking for 3-5 moderators for this sub!
  • Yeah, I responded to you 8 hours ago. Send me your matrix account in the private message.

  • "D-do the voice, Morty, I'm *burp* I'm almost there"
  • You can change it in the settings

  • Our first takedown and our move to (Crosspost from:

    cross-posted from:

    > cross-posted from: > > > Hey everyone, today I sadly woke up to a distressing email by my provider, telling me that "Waves Audio Ltd" ( sent them a takedown request about a guide posted to crack their app. This is complete bullshit of course, but the provider threatened to shut off my whole IP address. For now I've taken down the post, but I've also initiated measures to avoid this in the future. > > > > As such, we've now moved this site to be hosted by which is privacy focused and has a ton of experience handling such issues. Let me know if you notice anything weird during the transition period. > > > > However they are significantly more expensive! As such I've had to adjust our server costs for the next 6 months, and therefore our Ko-fi goal has been re-opened. Please consider donating to ensure this site can survive these particular gray waters we're sailing. > > > > I aim to ensure we are strictly legal, but these companies do not care about the law because they have enough money to bully people. > > > > Remember, do not post direct links and use base64 encoding for any potentially spicy links you post!

    (Edit: recruitment is closed) I'm looking for 3-5 moderators for this sub!

    Hi guys! I'm looking for moderators for this sub. Roles of moderators will be:

    1.) Responding to reported posts/comments.

    2.) Creating and maintaining rules for the community.

    3.) Creating and maintaining megathreads.

    4.) And some other things.

    About me and this community:

    I'm not the right person to moderate this community and I need people that are deep into the topic of antiwork/work reform, are willing to help in organising this sublemmy and giving it a direction. After getting moderators for this sub I will stay as a head mod for some weeks or maybe months to see how things develop and if moderators that I have choosen are doing things properly. Maybe we could even implement a way for choosing and demoting mods democratically but I'm not sure how that would even look like. If the community decides to do things democratically then I will probably have to stay as a tool that will be demoting/assigning mods when community decides so.

    To the people that want to apply for a mod postion, start your comment with "mod application" or other obvious keywords that will let me know that you are trying to apply and not just comment something.

    In your application please include your background and relationship with this movement and how you would like to help it move forward. Please avoid writing too short applications, make them long enough for us to learn more about you. Thank you!

    We just hit 2000 subscribers and 60 posts 🔥✊. If you are a lurker please help us grow the community by commenting and posting. ✌️

    If you are lurker please help us grow the community by commenting and posting interesting on topic quality info/discussions so we can attract more people and make this community more interesting to spend time on. ✌️

    Previous milestone:

    I will be soon opening the recruitment for mod team to better manage this community, stay tuned!

    About the antiwork ~~spam~~ flood that we just got on the local front page...

    I explained the situation to the poster where I told him that antiwork posts take too much space on the front page of our instance. Posts from antiwork shouldn't now take too much space unless more people start posting at which point it will be impossible to slow down sublemmy and it will settle down on the front page permamently lol.

    I just wanted to clarify that before I get any complaints. Have a great day guys.

    Martineski Martineski

    A fellow ADHDer addicted to the platform

    Schedule here:

    ! !

    Posts 67
    Comments 126