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What do I NEED to read outside of the regular theory (a la "Settlers")
  • Black Reconstruction is excellent. I do still need to read the Jakarta method tho so thank you for the reminder.

  • What do I NEED to read outside of the regular theory (a la "Settlers")
  • Thanks, comrade. Dubois to me is vastly underrated and I appreciate being recommended a favorite!

  • What do I NEED to read outside of the regular theory (a la "Settlers")

    I am as white as the day is long. I have never set foot outside of the south. I'm just starting Settlers rn and it is very insightful. It does, however, have me afraid of my own ignorance. I'm the only person from my neck of the woods that I would even call somewhat "progressive", but still. I am aware I was raised in privilege and surrounded by hate. (I even attended a segregated school for many years as a child...) I've always been pretty proud of how far I've come, but I feel like I still probably have some things ingrained in me that need to be smashed up. Recommendations welcome for all kinds of topics. I like to read and learn from whatever is put in front of me.

    PS I would love any LGBT material. I do not think I am entirely a straight man, and I struggle with internalized homophobia often.

    Hot take: I fucking hate Pearl Jam
  • I grew up on grunge/90s alt and with Pearl Jam but after all that was already over. To me it was always part of one big sweet ass era of music. I get not being into the yarling, but to me its great. I don't have to know what Veder is saying cause I can feel what he's going for. They have so many good songs to me but one underrated one imo is Elderly Woman Behind the Counter in a Small Town.