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Do you like America? Why or why not?
  • I love America. I'm rather less fond of some of the people in it. The land is beautiful and varied. There is so much space here. And the constitution is really special, I think, though not perfect. The biggest flaw is people haven't been taking politics seriously and have elected unserious people.

    I swore to defend it many years ago. At the time I was a kid just paying lip service to a required oath, swearing to a god I never believed in, but the truth is I do love it and I would fight for it, warts and all.

  • Do your parents help you financially?
  • I don't understand the Jaguar at all. He keeps it in a storage facility and I've never even seen it. Whatever. I never counted on any kind of inheritance from them, so I guess they can spend it up however they want, but I've been out of work for three months now, chewing up the meager retirement I've managed to save just keeping bills paid, and it's just frustrating.

  • Do your parents help you financially?
  • My parents have never helped me. They've never been able to. On the other hand, we've given them a fucking car to make it easier for them to help us out with watching kids and running them around. Then my dad bought a Jaguar. And he has a boat. And a truck. But they didn't have air conditioning for about a decade because they couldn't afford it.

    I love them, but they are selfish and stupid when it comes to money. As long as they leave my sister (who is disabled and unable to work) some extra money when they pass so I don't have to pay a bunch for her, too, I'll be happy.

  • U.S. soldier in Japan charged with sexually assaulting teenage girl in Okinawa
  • That 1995 thing was a huge fucking deal at the time. It came out that shit like that happened before more than once and the army protected the perpetrators. But that particular potato was just too fucking hot and those fuckers did time in a Japanese prison.

    Might've been the incident that made me realize the rest of the world might not think we are big damn heroes.

  • What’s the worst piece of technology you’ve ever owned?
  • My ring used to do that shit. I stopped using it for like a year. Then I was bitching about it and someone said they just got one and it worked great. So I tried it again out of spite to show what a piece of shit it was and now it works within a couple of seconds. shrug

  • is this the right way to establish boundaries with my nosy coworkers at the hospital?
  • Some people are going to be offended unless you participate in their games. In the army I had someone tell me he was going to punch me if I didn't drink at a get together. So I drank. I probably would've anyway, but he was super weird about it.

    Redirect conversation, be noncommittal, let yourself get pulled away by duties, etc. Eventually if you're lucky you just won't be in the clique any more. But they're never going to understand what you're telling them without offense because they just don't want to. There is no polite, easy way to do this that isn't going to upset them. They will feel like you think you're better than them.

  • What did you routinely fall asleep listening to as a kid and what does it for you now?
  • It's not the soundtrack. It's like, the radio play or something. I can still hear the narration.

    Vader grips the rebels throat

    "We intercepted no transmissions. This is a consular ship. We're on a... diplomatic mission."

  • A ton of job postings might actually be fake
  • I had multiple interviews with a company and was told they went so well they stopped interviewing other candidates. The interviews did go quite well. Then they hired internally.

    It was a bullshit short term contract anyway, but that's the best interview I've had in 3 months of searching. I don't know if that counts as a "fake" job, but it was a huge waste of everyone's time.

  • Nate Silver's model for the 2024 election is out, currently predicts a 65% chance of a Trump victory.
  • I think there is a lot this fails to capture because certain things are unprecedented. Michigan's GOP is in utter disarray and it isn't the only one. And overturning Roe v Wade has energized the left and disillusioned whatever center remains.

    Now these facts are baked into the polling already, so obviously that's a big concern, but I believe this means polling is too far right across the board. I think who makes up likely voters has shifted. RvW drew in younger voters and I think now that they are engaged they will remain so.

    Time will tell. I've seen far less Trump support this year than I did in 2020, which yeah is anecdotal, but I think it's an indicator. Of course, even if I'm correct, Michigan isn't going to carry the election alone, and it looks like the rest of the rust belt is further to the right.

  • Live updates: Iran’s retaliatory attack on Israel has begun Iran retaliation live updates: Israel defends against drone and missile strikes

    Iran has launched drones toward Israel, IDF spokesman Daniel Hagari said in a statement, in an attack that Tehran had promised to carry out after its embassy in Damascus was hit last week.

    Iran retaliation live updates: Israel defends against drone and missile strikes
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