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The Paradox of Blackmarket Wired Bluetooth Apple Headphones
  • Not only an airport, but elsewhere would likely not have been able to negotiate to same prices as a local. Sticker price is almost always the foreigner price, at least when it's matching or higher than the price one would pay back home.

    I'm almost certain I've seen $5 "lightning" headphones here in the midwestern US.

  • Why Aren't There More User Customization Options on Lemmy?
  • As usual when a comment like yours comes up, the feature already exists. In this case, its available only to instance admins.

    A better suggestion would be to setup one's own instance, but that's not dismissive enough, it seems.

  • Removed
    ‘Not genocide’ says Biden after ICC warrants sought
  • Honestly, it'll be easier to hold Biden accountable for this bullshit by keeping him in office. Can't say that for the other guy, so why would we vote for that?

    Stop assuming critcism of Biden equates to an endorsement of Trump. Its gross.

  • Most people are only half-listening
  • Tbf, being told by a stranger that they are upping their dosage un-prompted is itself some totally incomprehensible bullshit. Too many of the people that do this will actually accept any response that isn't a direct attack on or distraction from their personal narrative.

  • Right to Flex Arms
  • Main reasons historically were for work or hunting ... maaayybe to make sure you don't leave the gun somewhere or forget you have it while transporting it.

    Congratulations on a take just about perfectly as shitty as most of the replies you've got so far. Just. Wow.

  • Got 7 or 8 / 14 rule
  • "Over 18"

    ... my first thought when I read "never dated a woman" was "yeah, because these are mostly the basic requirements for an adult women. Sicko obviously likes them young"

  • Unforgivable
  • Dude on a tow-boat I was on recently would mix them in a bowl and just eat that, with a spoon. Based on the aftermath I had to wash though, he was a lot less thorough than this.

    What is here is dangerous and repulsive to us.

  • Why the state monopoly on identity is worse than Big Tech
  • I am absolutely not talking about "free stuff". They have to prove they have a job lined-up to get a work Visa; Proof they also have housing lined up and the ability to buy groceries should also be a part of that, and on the employer. It's the would-be employer who is claiming to "need" them, after all.

    I agree citizenship should be guaranteed after a set period of time, but I'll settle for them not breaking the law during that time. There are plenty of legal ways to support onesself and not "be a burden to society" outside of normal employment.

    The path to citizenship for people already here should be more straight-forward/much the same as well. I would argue that its harder to sneak into this country than to enter it legally. Seems to me that those people want it more, and have demonstrated they are willing to endure hardship to get here. "Free stuff" for them? Not available legally already, but they shouldn't be criminalized just for being here and needing food and/or a place to stay. No one chooses to stay in a shelter "to scam the system".

  • Is this somehow an intentional choice or a feature? I consider it insane ... (replaced with my own user profile, as I'm not trying to fill other users' inboxes for no real reason)(also, this somehow worked right when making this post, but not the original comment) [](/u/MachineFab812)

    While we're at it, am I missing at instance-agnostic method for linking posts as well?

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