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"Sponsored recommendations": I pay for Spotify Premium, and yet somehow I'm still the product?
  • ..I'm still the product?

    Yes. You always will be with any corporate streaming service.

  • Twitter/X new ID Verification - First Look
  • Unlike the writing of Asimov, this is not a work of fiction. Do some digging for yourself and you'll see that World Economic Forum has plans for you and I. Many have indeed been introduced. Many governments are following the agenda and have been for decades. Your answer is why I'm pessimistic and know we're fucked. Klaus Schwab wants to be your feudal overlord. He knows what's best for you. It sounds like you're ready to trust him.

  • Twitter/X new ID Verification - First Look
  • If all the ignorant masses don't wake up to this WEF fuckery and it becomes "normalized" to need this for everything, then you'll need it to receive your basic universal payment in centralized digital currency. You'll also need it to incorporate your global "green score" which is like a type of social credit. Once cash is gone and decentralized crypto is illegal to own, most people will comply so they don't starve. A 100% identifiable human 100% tracked and controlled. Fail to comply to something and your identity gets switched off. Nothing works for you now. This is not fiction. Just pay attention to the agenda of WEF. And if you think this can't or won't happen then please explain how the fuck Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn still exist? Every person who is faced with this request for government issued ID for anything that isn't government should refuse and leave. Trusting these incompetent and abusive corporations with even more private information is illogical. They can't keep anything safe now. Giving them more won't "save you from the hackers". That is a disingenuous deception to double down on control. They care nothing for your privacy, safety or well being. "We had a data breach and your personal information has been compromised. It includes your name, email, phone number, address and government issued ID with face scan. Oops, sorry".
    Everyone needs to say "NO" to this now!

  • Customizing COSMIC: Theming and Applications
  • I think there's some tools in development that will help people create apps in Rust for COSMIC. Maybe a little patience is all you'll need.

  • Customizing COSMIC: Theming and Applications
  • I love the full overview as well. On every Pop installation I restore it to super key only. The Launcher then goes to it's original keys of super + /. You end up with the full activity view with the exception of the Gnome search bar. And we're talking about the COSMIC extension on Gnome right now, but the COSMIC desktop environment will be much more configurable from what I've been led to believe.

  • I'd rather have a "Would you like to hide all Sports related Content?" button than a "Would you like to hide all NSFW content?" button
  • I get that, but like the things I mentioned, most porn/comics/TV is boring, predictable, generic crap and a waste of time and brain cells. So, I don't understand why most porn/comics/TV is popular either. Absolute garbage! I can think of a thousand things I'd rather be doing than sifting through all that generic crap.

  • Customizing COSMIC: Theming and Applications
  • Yes, it's good enough to do many normal things with. And like you said, if you get stuck you can log out and into another DE. Logging out can be done from the top panel menu, the Launcher or using loginctl from a TTY if necessary.

  • Customizing COSMIC: Theming and Applications
  • I've never wanted to "rice" my Pop!_OS, but I think I've been disappointed that Gnome couldn't add some simple changes like the following from COSMIC without installing third party software.

    Beyond changing from Dark to Light mode and choosing an accent color you can change the application background, interface text palette tint and neutral palette tint. You’ll also be able to choose one of the three styles for the corner radii used throughout the interface and set an interface density.

    Finally! Notifications can happen where you want, and they're not connected to the calendar. This is a massive win for me. Gnome's is really annoying being top center and dropping down into your work. I've always turned off 95% of notifications. If I can have them bottom left or right I will love that.

    The notifications applet has been integrated into COSMIC DE! Unlike in Pop!_OS 22.04 LTS, notifications exist in their own applet, separate from your calendar.

  • Not everything needs an app
  • Not everything needs and app

    But then they couldn't scrape maximum personal data, collect your contacts, have access to your mic and camera, and track your every physical movement. Your so selfish!

  • I'd rather have a "Would you like to hide all Sports related Content?" button than a "Would you like to hide all NSFW content?" button
  • YES! A hide sports button sounds amazing. Including car sports of course.

    And a hide Hentai/Manga/Anime button. I don't understand its popularity.

    A hide Games/Gaming/Gamer button including PS1-7, Xbox, Playstation etc..

    Definitely a hide Furry/yiff/fetish button.

    A boobs/celeb/shoes button

    A religion button.

    People can look at whatever they like, but it would be amazing of my block list could be reduced from a thousand to a couple. The brilliant thing about federated instances is also one of the most annoying. If you block something on you likely have the same community on or many of the other instances. Blocking the exact thing five times is tedious.

  • Cosmic theming
  • Your thoughts on The Orville?
  • I'm not sure how to answer without getting roasted, but including GQ in canon does complete the Star Trek good-then-bad movie pattern.

  • Rip Bram Moolenaar - Vim's creator - open source legend - charitable champion.
  • I don't care about Karma. And the link from here has three other links with which you can vote and pay tribute. My only motivation and concern with this post was to bring awareness of this event to the Pop community specifically. Your request for instance-correctness and minutia of post obligations in this situation seems a little off putting, but whatever. My whole point being: Bram was a genuine decent human.

  • Rip Bram Moolenaar - Vim's creator - open source legend - charitable champion.
  • OK, point taken/learned, but I'm not changing this now.

  • Rip Bram Moolenaar - Vim's creator - open source legend - charitable champion.

    I'm cross-posting from for awareness. If you would like to join the tribute please do so on that post, or one of the Vim instances.

    Your thoughts on The Orville?
  • The Orville is my favorite Star Trek franchise. It's canon - you can't deny it. The Orville revived the Star Trek Franchise and gave it a pulse. It's like blockchain. You can say it doesn't belong, but it will always be there and nothing can change that. It has great attention to detail and decent story writing with that original "there's a moral in this episode" that endeared ST in our hearts, something the newer ST franchises lack.

  • Cosmic theming
  • I don't think anyone could answer this reliably except a Pop COSMIC dev right now. They've been hinting at much better user enabled theming than GNOME, but the repos I thought were part of are archived. I see some development in libcosmic, but I don't know how to compare their intentions with Plasma. Wait for a DEV.

  • Linux 6.4.6 and Mesa 23.1.3 Released
  • I noticed in the link to Intel drm that the GT2 version has issues. I'm not sure what the difference is, but I'm having no issues with 12th Gen Intel i7-12700 AlderLake-S GT1. All good here.

  • Pop Package Updates (Week of July 23, 2023)
  • Yeah, a couple people mentioned that they had apps reinstalled. I had Geary reinstall itself, but no big deal. Just purge it again and put it on sudo apt-mark hold.

    The reason this happened was a reorganization of the metapackage. One of Pop's devs had this to say;

    one of the bigger changes that prompted it was the Ubuntu Pro ESM adds; now we can just drop packages like the one providing those instead of having to replace them with dummy packages to fulfill the dependencies or hack around them with additional packages. It also enables Pop!_OS server and decouples things that will make rolling out COSMIC Epoch easier, so it was really a win all around.

    These guys are always going above and beyond to maintain the open source freedom we appreciate so much.

  • Stuck between distros right now.
  • Totally agree. I've tested over 40 distributions over the years with mixed results. I've been using Pop!_OS for five years now and still loving every second of it. It has been stable, easy to use out-of-the-box and the devs are cutting edge awesome. Pop!_OS differs from nearly all other distributions due to System76 being an open source hardware sales company - They absolutely need a stable OEM operating system at all times. I could elaborate further, but I think the vote of confidence should be enough for OP to look for themselves.

  • Want Ads?

    Want ads? Because this is how you get ads. And not just ads, but targeted tracking and surveillance. Google wants to embed DRM in the entire web, and control it! They would be the ones who attest to what can be seen, and more to the point - What YOU see, or what THEY think you should see. Make no mistake, Google is an advertising company and this would crush all alternate and independent sites and content. Comply or never be seen again. This is purely an arrogant move to increase profits. Google doesn't want to save you from ads. This is a power grab to force you to see only their ads. And it's already being pushed into Chromium. What can you do? Get involved and voice your concern.

    Join the github peaceful protest to remove the pull request.

    Donate to organisations like Mozilla and EFF who will likely take this on if asked.

    Use Firefox, Librewolf, Mullvad browser or something not based on Chromium.

    Stop using Google products. Stop giving them any data to sell about you. Protest by withholding $. It will effect Chrome, Brave, Opera, Vivaldi and any thing based on Chromium. Here's more information.


    Curious about COSMIC - News and screenshot #2

    I'm not a System76 developer, but I'm excited about the new Rust based COSMIC desktop environment and like to share progress as I see it. Even though it's still pre-alpha software I think it's usable as a casual desktop that does some browsing, editing and communication type tasks. A little knowledge of controlling the system via command-line is helpful when currently playing in COSMIC. For example, you may have difficulty setting up a network and VPN, but command-line works fine for that. Just nmcli is enough. Maybe preparing some scripts beforehand will be of benefit as COSMIC utilizes your .bashrc and/or .zshrc. Additionally, it uses auto-suggestions, auto-completions and autojump so it makes living in the terminal a breeze. Having said, most Flatpaks and Nautilus are working fine. I think some Flatpaks still don't like Wayland much regardless of DE. Tiling works great and stacking was introduced recently. Resize is a fresh inclusion and is working well too.

    Above is a new screen which shows a neofetch and that I've been on for three and a half hours. In that time htop shows I'm clicking along at about 2GB memory. That includes cmus and OBS utilizing Pipewire. OBS is running on another monitor along with Nautilus and Image Viewer. So a nice load. Although I can do a nice screenshot with OBS, the desktop bogs down if I try to record or stream. It spikes about 3.6GB and the mouse is close to unresponsive, but works if you're patient. You'll notice that the "niceness" set by system76-scheduler is working properly too.

    What I wanted to spotlight in this screen was the diacritics seen in cmus player. These are a result of cosmic-text, a brilliant piece of software written in Rust from scratch by Jeremy of System76. It handles text shaping, rendering and layout. The diacritics you see are French, Icelandic, Tunisian and German. The reason I wanted to spotlight this is that critics of COSMIC DE said it would take three YEARS to achieve just this one thing. Jeremy had it working in three weeks. The rate of development for COSMIC is amazing fast. There's a way to go, but it's looking so good.

    The merits of a solid aluminum chassis.

    When many manufacturers are currently looking to cut costs by using plastics or ultra thin metal, I wanted to spotlight the beginnings of System76's new Virgo laptop by pointing out the use of solid machined aluminum for the chassis.

    The reason I wanted to bring attention to this is because I recently had a stupendous accident (you really wouldn't believe how it happened) with my HP Pavilion which is a full aluminum body. This machine hit CONCRETE on the CORNER from a meter high and survived with only a scratch/dent! The last time I dropped a laptop from half the distance it was destroyed. However, this HP has no signs of failure except the little scratch/dent and that corner of the deck sits about 1.5mm higher now. You can't notice it unless you look. The hardware, screen, hinges and system are perfectly OK.

    I paid top dollar for this at the time it was released because I have that old school European over-engineering gene ingrained. I believe things should be made to last (and be upgradeable), so I applaud System76 for starting with what looks like a massively solid machine.

    New To Federated Apps? Here's An Imgur-like Solution To Go With Your Lemmy (or anything else).

    Pixelfed is a federated, decentralized image hosting solution that respects your privacy. An example;

    >No analytics or 3rd party trackers

    >User data is not sold to any 3rd parties

    >Data is stored securely in accordance with industry standards

    >Admin accounts are protected with 2FA

    >We follow strict support procedures to keep your accounts safe

    >We'll give at least 6 months warning in the event we shut down

    Although instances can differ, they seem to be in stark contrast to your privacy abusing corporate sites. Regardless, you should read the fine print and privacy policy. Link - Enjoy!

    [Off Topic] For those new to Lemmy here's a decent explanation of federation/defederation.

    I normally wouldn't post such off topic material, but under the circumstances I think it is timely to help Pop!_OS Reddit refugees better understand how Lemmy, ActivityPub and federation work. I benefited from this explanation.

    M4775 M4775

    Pop!_Enthusiast. Open source and FOSS advocate.

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