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The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion
  • Maybe this week I can go back to playing a little bit. ATM I'm doing some backlog with Secret of Mana and Fallout New Vegas.

  • Applicazioni per PeerTube
  • Per newpipe consiglio la versione con sponsorblock. Si trova su F-Droid senza problemi

  • bank app with Graphene OS
  • I'll give a look. Thanks for the information

  • bank app with Graphene OS
  • Thank you very much for your help

  • bank app with Graphene OS
  • If you can check Credit Agricole Italia you will do me a big favour. Thanks

  • bank app with Graphene OS
  • It is not on the list, I sent you a private message with the bank name. Thanks

  • bank app with Graphene OS

    Maybe I'm going to change my phone with a pixel one and I'm thinking to instal Graphene OS. There is somebody that can try to instal my bank app and tell me if it works? Searching online I did not find any way to check. Thanks.

    Hotel > AirBNB
  • Same, I've done 5 days in France for new year with friends and we get zero problems.

  • What modern (gaming) laptops should be avoided for proprietary firmware or whitelists/gate keeping? Also posted Linux GPU telemetry data from Stable Diffusion
  • I have a Dell G15 with rtx3050ti. I have no problem with linux, also they directly sell it without windows.

  • People around the world, do you drink tap water without boiling?
  • Sorry is a "must" for me, I do not like the taste.

  • Searching a Mind Map FOSS software
  • Thanks, later I'll give a check. I think that freemind pop out on my search but I get so many results that I did not know which was better

  • Searching a Mind Map FOSS software

    Hi, I need a Mind Map software for building a network of people that I know. Can you suggest me something FOSS please?

    People around the world, do you drink tap water without boiling?
  • Also italian, do you drink tap water? The only time that I drink tap is if I'm at muntain because it has a good taste, in all other case must be filtred and carbonized.

  • I am working on a new lemmy app for iOS and Android, here's my current progress
  • Love, I use infinity and keep the style for lemmy will be a big upgrade. Also think about make the app FOSS and on FDroid.

  • What's the best Linux alternative to Windows for gaming
  • I know. I try to explain better. My laptop has the intel integrated graphics and the nvidia dedicated. From PopOs I usw the hybrid mode, zo both the card are running. From lutris and heroic I have no problem. I switch the toggle andthe game will run with the nvidia card. From steam all the games that will use proton use the nvidia card as default. While all native linux games not, they will use the intel ones if not specified.

  • What's the best Linux alternative to Windows for gaming
  • The problem are only native linux games runned trought Steam. In hybrid mode they will not use the discrete graphic card. For the rest I have no problem

  • What's the best Linux alternative to Windows for gaming
  • ATM I use PopOS on my rtx3050m laptop. Once you understand how to setup all the command for using the discrete graphics it runs flawless.

  • Lx32 Lx32
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    Comments 14