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[Advice] Best portable induction stove to replace gas burners

Hey! I wasn't too sure if this question belongs here or over in Technology but here we go.

My roommate and I want to stop cooking with the gas burners at our place for various reasons and so we were considering getting one of those portable induction stoves and using that to cook instead. We're renting the place so we don't have the option of completely replacing the stove.

I was wondering if someone has some experience with this and maybe a stove model to recommend, or is it a terrible idea and would not work for X reason? Thanks in advance!

Questioning my gender again. Quite sure in bigender but idk
  • I'm not the most knowledgable on this, so take what I say with a grain of salt.

    What should be the most important is how you yourself feel, and then labels should come with that, and not the other way around: you shouldn't "choose" to identify as demiboy, and then try to change how you act and behave to try and match what's on the label.

    The fun in labels and the such is that you can interpret them as you want (for yourself)! You can say you identify as demiboy and mean with that 100 boy, 50 girl or 100 boy, 23 girl or even 100 boy, 75 girl and none of those are more correct or a better fit to the demiboy label: it all comes down to what you decide "demiboy" means to you (also this applies to any other gender you might identify as, I'm just picking demiboy as an example as it's a bit more specific).

    Also, you can always change your mind after choosing a label, it isn't set in stone so another option you have is to just pick one and roll with it, find out how it feels and how YOU feel about it, and if you don't like it then pick something else and try that!

    I hope this makes some sense and is maybe helpful. Good luck on your discovery journey !

  • How are cishet people viewed in general in the LGBTQ community?
  • In this case yeah, it's formulated quite awkwardly by me since (I'm just gonna stick to she) she goes by she/her in daily life, but online she uses she/them and she told me she felt nonbinary to some degree although she hadn't told anyone else so I didn't really know what pronouns to use so I thought "let's roll with both".

    Her exact words were something like "I just go by as female because I don't want to deal with the hassle of having to explain to people" so I actually don't know what she'd prefer in an ideal world

  • How are cishet people viewed in general in the LGBTQ community?
  • That's in a way a bit what I'm wondering about, like I don't want to come off as performative so I usually wouldn't bring it up except if the context made it relevant, but I also don't know if not explicitly supporting the LGBTQ community is passively enabling bigotry or something

  • How are cishet people viewed in general in the LGBTQ community?
  • Like I don't feel like I'm an ally because I don't really go out of my way to show it? I don't really know how to explain it other than my sister who is very explicitly an ally, like she has a bunch of rainbow stuff in her room and on her backpack etc and has a lot of queer friends while on my end I don't really show that? Like of course if someone was being a piece of shit towards my gay friends I'd step up and try and defend them, but that goes for any of my friends too?

    Again I don't really know how to word it but I don't recognize myself in the term "ally" (although I've been considering putting a rainbow pin on my backpack or something because rainbows are cool)

  • How are cishet people viewed in general in the LGBTQ community?

    First of all I'd like to apologize in advance for any insensitive statements I might make (I hope I don't though), I'm trying my best not to and I was just curious :)

    I'm an 18-year-old cishet guy currently in uni and recently the thought popped into my head that I have no clue how the LGBTQ community would view me as someone who's not in the space or actively an ally. I would more accurately describe myself currently as a "don't care" person in the sense that to me it genuinely does not matter what someone identifies as or who someone is attracted to. I don't know how much this means, but I have multiple gay friends, my roommate is bi and I dated a person who went as a girl in day to day life because it was more convenient to her/them although she/they told me she/they partially identified as nonbinary (correct pronoun usage pls >.<) but I don't know if all this is the classic "but i have a black friend" argument that racists use.

    To cut to the point: I'm curious as to how I would be seen by queer people in general, as I've witnessed both very inclusive and nice people (mostly here), but also some that said that LGBTQ places are not to be used by cishet people and I'm wondering what the best attitude to take would be.


    Muscular imbalance and non straight neck

    Maybe wrong category but it fits the best.

    Hey everyone, I started working out more recently and thus looking in the mirror more often. I rather quickly realized that for some reason my left pectoral is slightly bigger than my right one, and that my neck goes a bit more to the right in its natural state. One of my friends with whom I work out also mentioned to me that my pull-ups tend to be imbalanced which I'm trying to work on.

    To get to the actual question: can a muscle imbalance like mine result to a "tilted" neck and thus would be solved by fixing the imbalance, or should I get worried and go see a doctor in case my spine is fucked somehow? I'd love to hear from anyone with similar experiences to mine!

    Thanks and have a nice day !

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