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This is What Prime Air Drone Delivery Looks Like - Core77
  • Does it have to drop packages from 3 meters off the ground? I'd rather it landed and gently deposit them. Even so, this won't suit all users - what if you're not in, or in an apartment? Guess it works for people with fenced back gardens. Still, its the future of delivery. These things can get work arounds.

  • Japanese firm TDK says new material allows solid-state batteries to reach an energy density of 1,000 Wh/L, which is around 100 times more than their existing conventional solid-state batteries.

    Japanese firm TDK says new material allows solid-state batteries to reach an energy density of 1,000 Wh/L, which is around 100 times more than their existing conventional solid-state batteries.

    A new discovery about immune system function could enable a ‘unified healer army’ of T cells, that could repair injured muscle, make fat cells respond better to insulin, and regrow hair follicles.
  • Researchers from the University of Cambridge made a groundbreaking discovery: regulatory T cells, a type of white blood cell, form a unified large population that travels throughout the body to locate and mend damaged tissue. This challenges the conventional belief that these cells are divided into various specialized groups confined to specific areas of the body. The implications of this finding are significant for the treatment of numerous diseases, as nearly all illnesses and injuries activate the body's immune response.

    It's also interesting they have tested a treatment based on this insight in mice and it has worked. That said, clinical trials can take years before human treatments become available.

  • A new discovery about immune system function could enable a ‘unified healer army’ of T cells, that could repair injured muscle, make fat cells respond better to insulin, and regrow hair follicles. Discovery of ‘new rules of the immune system’ could improve treatment of inflammatory diseases, say scientists.

    A single large population of healer cells, called regulatory T cells, is whizzing around our body - not multiple specialist populations restricted to specific parts of the body as previously thought. These cells shut down inflammation and repair the collateral damage to cells caused after our immun...

    Discovery of ‘new rules of the immune system’ could improve treatment of inflammatory diseases, say scientists.
    Stanford University is the latest entrant to develop an open-source humanoid robot. Will future robots be cheap, and widely available, like open-source software today?
  • I'm fascinated to see how powerful open-source AI has become. The implications of its growth run counter to so many dystopian narratives for the future that imagine everything owned by corporations and people reduced to serfdom.

    As robotics are essentially 3D AI, the implications hold true for this field too. Here we see more evidence of this in action. Stanford University is the 3rd major effort in as many months to announce an open-source humanoid robot. The other two are UBTech/Xiaomi, and the French grouping of HuggingFace/Pollen Robotics.

    I think it is overwhelmingly more likely that future robots will be cheap, and widely available than the dystopian 'corporations own everything' scenario. Yet few people factor this in. Robots will be economic engines of production. What does it mean for ideas like UBI if robot ownership is decentralized and widely dispersed?

  • Global funding in the cultured meat industry dropped by 75% in the last year. Singapore sees its chance to become a world leader, backing local and international firms.
  • Singapore has a population of 5.6 million people and is only 12 times the size of Manhattan Island. Understandably they have little room for agriculture, particularly the land intensive agriculture that producing animals for food requires. Mostly they import that from Malaysia, which is next door.

    I wonder if there are government officials in Singapore encouraging all of this with a view to food security? I often wonder the same with China and their efforts to accelerate renewables. That reduces one of their biggest vulnerabilities, that if there is ever a conflict over Taiwan that they might be militarily blockaded.

  • Latent Expertise: Everyone is in R&D - Ideas come from the edges, not the center
  • OP makes an interesting point here, that though current AI is geared to making things more efficient, it's not necessarily as good at making them better. I agree with the general insight. Though I find his worldview a bit limited, why is it only interesting to talk about this in terms of what businesses do?

  • The disruption of labor by humanoid robots
  • how these robots probably will be used for military purposes as well.

    Yes, and not to mention what non-state actors will be able to do with this technology. I'm sure there will be a day in the future when a terrorist attack is carried out by hacked robots.

    Despite all that I'm an optimist. I think reducing things like medical expertise to near zero cost will be such a huge boon to humanity, and I suspect most of this robotics power will be relatively decentralized. I don't really believe in dystopian narratives where corporate overlords own the world and the rest of us are reduced to serfs.

  • The disruption of labor by humanoid robots
  • In fairness the rethinkx people are doing a better job than most in drawing attention to this issue.

    However, I still think the term cowardice is merited, and not just for them.

    We constantly hear Silicon Valley types talk about disruption like this, but they’re always afraid to follow through with logical conclusions. I think it's because they know the only two choices are some sort of socialism, or chaos.

    It makes them frauds as well as cowards. On the one hand taking billions from private investors for AI; with the other hand creating a world where the stock market probably won’t exist, or will survive only as a shrunken relic.

  • The disruption of labor by humanoid robots
  • the marginal cost of labor will rapidly approach zero.....................................Moreover, history shows that although capital (in the form of facilities, machinery, and knowledge) have substituted and thus displaced labor time and time again, labor has nevertheless evolved to remain complementary to that capital.

    This illustrates the problem I always have with these discussions. It's even more frustrating in this article, as it clearly states facts, but in the most cowardly of fashions avoids honest implications. How are we supposed to have a free market economy based on capitalism when there is zero value for labor either physical or intellectual?

    Every single part of our financial system is based on that; from banking to mortgages to consumer spending to the stock market having valuations to property having valuations. If every single job you can imagine, even the future ones, can be done by machines that are vastly cheaper than humans on the minimum wage, you cannot possibly have an economy that is anything like today's. Yet cowards that they are, the authors of this article lead us all they way to that conclusion, but are too scared to say it.

  • A Swiss research team's discovery of the quantum phenomenon of superradiance in biological cells may have startling future implications for medicine, AI, and consciousness research.
  • There are many theories linking consciousness and quantum physics, and it's important to say that this research doesn't prove any of them. However, if the research can be replicated in a proper peer reviewed way, it will provide startling new correlations between observed effects of consciousness and quantum physics.

    These tryptophan networks are common in microtubules, structural components widespread in all cells. Although no one knows why anesthetics cause people to lose consciousness, there is evidence for them having effects in these microtubules. There is also existing research that seems to show correlations between quantum behavior in these microtubules and the actions of anesthesia. With this fresh research, now it seems there may be a further link between these microtubules and quantum physics.

    Its possible implications for AI may be huge too. Some assume current approaches to AI will lead to some form of machine consciousness; this suggests that belief may be misplaced, as 3D structures like microtubules may play a role in creating it.

    ORIGINAL SOURCE: Ultraviolet Superradiance from Mega-Networks of Tryptophan in Biological Architectures

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    A Swiss research team's discovery of the quantum phenomenon of superradiance in biological cells may have startling future implications for medicine, AI, and consciousness research.
  • Huge error? No, but sloppy,

    Sure, but maybe that is a distraction from what is significant here.

    Assuming this finding is valid, and can be replicated in a peer-reviewed way, then the link between quantum effects in the tryptophan networks in tubules and the action of anesthetics, is at the very least a startling coincidence.

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    A Swiss research team's discovery of the quantum phenomenon of superradiance in biological cells may have startling future implications for medicine, AI, and consciousness research.
  • The wonderful science YouTuber Anton Petrov has done a great video giving an overview of this finding. He discusses it primarily in the context of anesthesia and consciousness, but the discovery could have wider implications.

    There are many theories linking consciousness and quantum physics, and it's important to say that this research doesn't prove any of them. However, if the research can be replicated in a proper peer reviewed way, it will provide startling new correlations between observed effects of consciousness and quantum physics.

    Its possible implications for AI may be huge too. Some assume current approaches to AI will lead to some form of machine consciousness; this suggests that belief is misplaced.

    ORIGINAL SOURCE: Ultraviolet Superradiance from Mega-Networks of Tryptophan in Biological Architectures

  • Deleted
    Japanese electronics firm TDK claims a 100-fold increase in energy density over lithium ion batteries, with its new ceramic batteries - though they will only work for coin sized batteries.
  • DK has both the research and manufacturing capacity to make these claims credible. Earlier this year they outlined an improved chemistry for lithium ion batteries that might boost their capacity between 10 and 40%.

    The ceramics in these batteries are too delicate for batteries that large, even so small wearable devices that need to charge much less often will be very commercially popular.

  • A new open-source humanoid robot project suggests dystopian sci-fi tropes may have got it wrong; AI and robots will be decentralized/widely available, not hoarded and controlled by corporate elites.

    Many people have been surprised how quickly open-source AI has kept pace with the AI efforts getting billions in investor funding. It's worth wondering if the same may happen with robotics. After all, robotics are primarily AI too, though embodied in a 3D environment. Recently two major Chinese manufacturers, UBTech Robotics and Xiaomi, introduced an open-source humanoid robot, now there's another. This is from Hugging Face, the popular AI hosting platform, and French robotics firm, Pollen Robotics.

    One of the primary dystopian storytelling sci-fi tropes that feeds into popular ideas about AI & robotics, is that corporations will be all-powerful in the future, with 99% of humanity reduced to downtrodden serfs. Yet open-source AI & robots suggest the opposite. They suggest that power would be decentralized and widely available. The more people can meet their basic needs (food, medical care, etc) from open-source AI & robots, the more power drains away from elites trying to hoard and control these resources.

    An AI-powered wearable system tracks the 3D movement of smart pills in the gut.
  • The human intestine is 6 meters long. It can be useful to locate problems with millimeter precision as this approach claims to do.

  • Swiss researchers want to build edible robots. So far they've developed edible batteries and other components, and say there may be a surprisingly wide range of use cases for edible robots..
  • Edible robots and robotic food — edible systems that perceive, process, and act upon stimulation — could open a new range of opportunities in health care, environmental management, and the promotion of healthier eating habits. For example, they could enable precise drug delivery and in vivo health monitoring, deliver autonomously targeted nutrition in emergencies, reduce waste in farming, facilitate wild animal vaccination

    I think this is one of those ideas, that when you first hear about it you scratch your head thinking what on earth could that be useful for?, but then the more you think about it, actually these researchers have a point.

    It would be silly to have large edible robots but what if the future is filled with trillions of tiny insect-sized robots? There are already drones being built this size. From that perspective, this makes more sense. For a start they are biodegradable. It gives them all sorts of uses in monitoring health and delivering medicine to animals. Suddenly you can have a whole layer of monitoring tiny robots in the environment and not have to worry about pollution when they come to the end of their useful life span. Not to mention this is a targeted way of delivering food to vulnerable species that may be affected by climate change emergencies.

  • The former head of the US's National Security Agency joins OpenAI board
  • I have zero confidence in the promises of any of the big tech companies when it comes to privacy and AI.

  • Elon Musk bets Tesla on Optimus, says over 1,000 robots working in factories next year
  • I have a feeling it will be China who gets there first with mass-produced robots. They have the manufacturing base for it, nowhere else on the planet does near as much.

  • The world’s on the verge of a carbon storage boom, but that comes with problems too.
  • What concerns me is that a lot of these efforts seem to be political in nature and are tied to mitigating the inevitable decline in the fossil fuel industry. More often it makes more sense to speed up the use of renewables and dropping the use of fossil fuels. Fossil fuel use still hasn't peaked. That is mainly driven by China, who are still building new coal and gas electricity plants. However the peak year of fossil fuel use is very near, there is some speculation it may even be this year for oil use. From then on it will be in steady decline, so of course that industry is going to do everything they can to delay.

  • The world’s on the verge of a carbon storage boom, but that comes with problems too. The world’s on the verge of a carbon storage boom

    Hundreds of looming projects will force communities to weigh the climate claims and environmental risks of capturing, moving, and storing carbon dioxide.

    The world’s on the verge of a carbon storage boom
    Silicon Valley's False Prophet Silicon Valley's False Prophet

    The tech industry has craved a messiah since the death of Steve Jobs, but in OpenAI CEO Sam Altman they’ve discovered more of a false prophet — a seedy grifter that uses his remarkable ability to impress and manipulate Silicon Valley’s elite to mask a total lack of technical

    Silicon Valley's False Prophet
    Even with poorly labeled training data, new research shows AI outperforming Radiologists in diagnosing rarely encountered conditions.
  • This is interesting as it runs counter to what many people think about current AI. Its performance seems directly linked to the quality of the training data it has. Here the opposite is happening; it has poor training data and still outperforms humans. It's not surprising the humans would do badly in this situation too; it's hard to keep up to date on things that you may only encounter once or twice in your entire career. It's interesting to extrapolate from this observation as it applies to many other fields.

    One of the authors of the paper goes into more detail on Twitter.

  • Artificial Lymph Nodes Teaches T Cells To Kill Cancer Artificial lymph nodes teaches T cells to kill cancer

    Researchers have tested an artificial lymph node that teaches the immune system to recognize and kill cancer cells in mice.

    Artificial lymph nodes teaches T cells to kill cancer
    A Chinese company seems to have taken the lead from OpenAI in AI-video generation.
  • Four months is a long time in 2020's AI development. OpenAI debuted Sora in February this year but hasn't publicly released it. Now a Chinese company called Kuaishou has got ahead of them with a model it calls Kling. Kuaishou is TikTok's biggest competitor in China and has a video-sharing app used by 200 million people. Presumably, that is where all its training data came from. Unlike OpenAI, Kling is available to some of the public.

    This tech still doesn't look ready to level the TV and movie industry. It does 5-second clips, but who wants a 90-minute movie made up of nothing but 5-second clips?

  • Tufts University scientists create tiny biological robots from human stem cells that can heal neuron tissue.
  • This technology is still very much at the proof of concept stage. What's fascinating is that they did not expect the neuron tissue to be healed in the way it was, and don't even understand how the stem cell robots did so.

    That is a problem though. How do you develop the potential for something, when you don't really know what it may be able to do, or how it may be able to do it?