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Amsterdam to give car traffic less priority as streets and sidewalks fill up
  • Yeah, I grew up in a remote place, lived somewhere with to-the-door post for quite a while, and now live in a remote place again ... I pick up my post from the village bar, and it's a very good excuse to stop for a drink while I'm there :-)

  • David Brooks Thinks Class Has More to Do With Where You Eat Than Where You Work
  • Completely agree, though if I do try food from other countries I want to have it as close as possible to how it's enjoyed by discerning locals ... I'm not sure if that counts as being snobbish?

    Some people I work with have literally the same sandwich every day ... Pa Amb Tomaquet is a national dish that invokes pride (if done right) while also being thoroughly working class.

    What I've seen of fancy places is the "peasant food" is fancied up with "better" ingredients, or the recipe is changed, which just turns my appetite off ... fortunately that's not a frequent problem for me since I can't afford to spend on eating out, lol

  • What type of game you want to see that doesn't fully exist yet?
  • 1: An open world exploration game that doesn't have combat ... like Breath of the Wild but without all the fighting and with lots of short stories and puzzles.

    Basically I want to be able to go wandering off and uncover ancient ruins etc without having to fight for my life.

    2: Snowrunner, but with a good narrative story mode and gearboxes that actually work.

    There's so much potential to have engaging stories in that game, which could be tied into improved game structure (namely restricting truck / tire choice to make some tasks challenging in an interesting way).

  • What type of game you want to see that doesn't fully exist yet?
  • So, Tux Kart?

    Edit: or more old school, Wacky Wheels (I think I still have a copy somewhere)

  • What type of game you want to see that doesn't fully exist yet?
  • I don't think Farm Simulator has any combat

  • What do you think the bare necessities of the current world is?
  • I live in a remote place and a few times a year have to live without stuff, so my list after water, food and shelter (assuming those are the minimum version of what the word means) would be: A sanitary toilet A means of washing oneself A reliable way of cooking food A reliable way of providing light at night Access to

  • Any songs where it's amazing or perfect... except for that one part that sticks out like a sore thumb?
  • Yaught - Paradise Engineering.

    Bring in the retro synth, introduce a slapping bass beat, and just when you're ready for a shot of adrenalin in comes the overraught, out of tempo, spoken word over the top.


    Similarly, every Mogwai album has to have a synth-voice track for some reason. Presumably to give the audience a chance to go to the loo without missing anything.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Only if the monkey can tap dance

  • Spanish FA president Rubiales resigns over Hermoso kiss
  • Thanks for adding some context, I missed out on that!

    As for Vox, they'll keep defending him because they always look for the worst possible opinion to have and then jump on that ... because unfortunately there's enough people out there with the same shitty views who will then want to vote for them even harder.

    I'm crossing all my fingers for a not-PP government.

  • Antarctica warming much faster than models predicted in ‘deeply concerning’ sign for sea levels
  • I'm in what was one of the greener parts of Spain, we're on year 2 of a drought already and over the last 3 years we've repeatedly hit 40°.

    I'm genuinely worried for the future, and it feels completely out of my hands.

  • Spanish FA president Rubiales resigns over Hermoso kiss
  • Agreed on all counts ... that said, his first "I'm not going to resign" speach got resounding applause, so I'm sure he had a lot of behind-the-scenes support to stay as long as he did.

    Hopefully whoever gets his job will be both better and able to cut out more of the rot.

    (I live in Spain, I've been royally pissed off at how the players have been treated)

  • Beehaw on Lemmy: The long-term conundrum of staying here
  • Hi, just wanted to say I think you're really cool and keep up the good work :-)

  • Beehaw on Lemmy: The long-term conundrum of staying here
  • Yeah, I'm old so I tend to gravitate towards forums by nature, lol ... it's a mature and proven way of working, though harder to maintain momentum on compared to an aggregator like this

  • Beehaw on Lemmy: The long-term conundrum of staying here
  • What we move to could still have an app ... I'm using Liftoff and Connect, they both do ok, and I'm guessing adapting to another app (or good mobile web frontend) wouldn't be as painful as you think!

  • Beehaw on Lemmy: The long-term conundrum of staying here
  • That seems like a big ask given that the admins mentioned they don't have the resources to start from scratch and a Lemmy fork wouldn't fix the issues. There is almost no possibility of this happening, my friend

  • Beehaw on Lemmy: The long-term conundrum of staying here
  • My understanding is that kbin is even less mature than Lemmy.

    Also, OP stated that they've weighed up all available options (which would obviously include kbin) and to please not suggest things in this thread, I guess because of getting bogged down in semantic arguments rather than discussing the community aspect.

  • NASA [Rule]
  • Star Trek TNG literally started with space jellyfish, too

  • Not counting games that were unfun because of bugs, what’s the most unfun video game that you’ve played and what made it unfun?
  • I can totally see why you wouldn't like Snowrunner ... I love it, and doing rescue missions to recover flipped trucks and struggling through hard terrain at a slow pace are the parts I like about it, lol

  • Inside the New York Times’ trans coverage: ‘I wonder if people at the top fully believe in trans people’s humanity’
  • Same thing with The Guardian, where their feminist opinion pieces were written by an actively transphobic woman for a long time after it was considered not-cool.

  • Does anyone else feel that recreational sports get a lot less fun as an adult?
  • It's funny how you describe team sports for kids, when I was young it was always used as a system to punish the weak.

    Anywho, my favourite hobbies that keep me fit have all been based on not being in a team. Mountain biking was always the best, but now my knees disagree so I'm doing 3D / field archery ... I've managed to make a new friend through that, so even though I'm crap I still enjoy going :-)

  • Mortal Kombat 11 on sale for PS4

    Not a very old game, but I just picked up the "Ultimate Edition" for €10 on sale, first time I've touched a fighting game since the first Soul Caliber on Dreamcast.

    It seems to have a mountain of content, doesn't take itself too seriously (Rambo Vs. Robocop!), and isn't full of long combos, flashing lights, or confusing perspective changes.

    I'm not normally one for fighting games, but it's being a lot of fun for me right now :-)

    Any hard core fans care to weigh in on my to-watch list?

    I enjoy a bit of anime, but I don't follow all the news and shows - I just pick up stuff by recommendations or a bit of searching.

    So, people who actually know what they're talking about - are any of these actually good? Are any so bad they're worth completely avoiding? Any of them have particularly off-putting / offensive "fan service"?

    Teppen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, Akudama Drive, Black Lagoon, Akatsuki no Yona, Chikyuu Shoujo Arjuna, Appleseed

    What's the worst example of an anime fumbling the story?

    You get settled in, enjoy whats shaping up to be a great series, look forward to seeing what happens with the characters once they're introduced ... aaand the writing trips over it's own feet and faceplants into the ground like so many defeated enemies. What's the worst one out there, and what happened to it?

    Sports psychology for overcoming distraction?

    Has anyone got tips for overcoming distraction?

    This morning I was getting in some archery practice before the day gets too hot (I managed to knock out just over 100 ends without feeling achy, which is good progress in terms of conditioning) however I struggled with concentration ... there were many things to distract me, mostly noise but also being attacked by mosquitos and a little frustration with part of my technique that I need to work on.

    I took my time to breathe and try to focus, but with someone splitting bricks by hand nearby it still cut into my head.

    So, any advice would be appreciated!

    Archery - my back garden practice space

    I'm lucky to have a space (with nothing killable behind it) in which to practice, this was at 15m but I can go up to 30m (if I don't care about having any grouping ... I'm still quite new)

    LucyLastic LucyLastic
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