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He Made a PowerPoint on Mothers Starving in Gaza. Then He Lost His Government Job.
  • It's more like when you work for the government, you're allowed to say what in a personal context. Once you start throwing around a title linked to the government, you're no longer speaking as yourself, youre speaking as the government. The government can tell you what the government is allowed to say.

    It's the difference between an employee of the coast guard joining Greenpeace vs. That employee publicly saying the United States Coast Guard is joining Greenpeace. The coast guard can't fire an employee for their own political beliefs, but they can totally fire a guy for saying shit the coast guard doesn't want while representing the coast guard. Public speaking and seminars and shit like this have explicit rules about who can say what and when as a government employee in an official capacity.

  • Amazon execs may be personally liable for tricking users into Prime sign-ups
  • The civil suits that only have standing when there is criminal conduct already involved? You don't get one without the other. The only practical difference to a member of the public is the legal standard needed to prove guilt. Seeing as the criminal justice deck is already stacked in the favor of protecting their own enforcer, the difference is moot. It remains one of the only legally viable defenses where ignorance of the law is an acceptable excuse.

  • Amazon execs may be personally liable for tricking users into Prime sign-ups
  • That's literally the basis of qualified immunity. If law enforcement gets a pass explicitly due to ignorance of the law, why wouldn't their financiers? Further, if the punishment for the crime is a fine, then the law can only ever meaningfully punish the poor. The concept of law is working exactly as intended in this country.

  • Extra sharp
  • Apparently North Korea is launching balloons filled with poop over South Korea
  • That's kind of every industry though? Kpop is particularly insidious but it's right along the lines of child pageantry, game development, and teaching in the US for exploitation. Just because someone else tells you that you have to work yourself into the ground to achieve success, it doesn't mean you have to actually do it. 9/10 times you're working harder to make up for mismanagement and being gaslit into thinking you're the problem. Parents, bosses, whoever thinks they're the authority, they're all trying to get you to forget that everyone's superpower is the power of choice. Someone else can always force your hands but nobody can ever make you choose to do anything. You must agree to be truly complicit.

    Also I saw baby metal the other week. They're pretty neat and vaguely kpop inspired so kpop gets a pass for now.

  • Mexico City could run out of water in a month unless it rains
  • I just watched a whole Astrum video about this. It's less about one being hotter than the other and more about the seasons being more extreme. The orbit of our planet is actually a little egg shaped, and the closest we pass to the sun happens to be in early January. In the north, due to our tilt, it happens during winter, giving us a more mild season. In the south, the opposite is true. They have hotter summers and colder winters than we do.

  • Pure evil concentrated in one photo
  • IIRC scrappy turned heel in one of those crappy early 2000s animated movies and he ended up murdering Velma, who is clearly the most breedable of the group. All the homies hate scrappy doo.

  • Gamers Are Becoming Less Interested in Games With Deep Strategy, Study Finds
  • To be fair, Morrowind is just that kind of game. It's been many years since I've played it, but I remember it being one of the last truly open world experiences I got from playing games. The plot drops you off in the first city and kind of just let's you go at it. I remember hours of just wandering until I ended up at the city of vivec, which is the mess of floating pyramid temple lookin jobbies out on a lake somewhere. I didn't know shit about anything but it was awesome and that was enough for me. Elden Ring almost brings this feeling back sometimes.

  • Astronomers are on the Hunt for Dyson Spheres
  • Time will always be the great filter. Even if we did spot a Dyson swarm, we have no feasible way to contact anything on a practice timescale. Any speck of civilization we detect will be hundreds of thousands of years out of date at best, billions at worst. Life in the universe, imo, is basically guaranteed. If it happened once, it can happen again. Meaningful contact between separately evolved concurrent sapient species? Not likely.

  • But being vegan is more expensive!?
  • If I ever come to Fr×nce it will be to burn their women and rape their churches as they did to my people hundreds of years ago. That you elected your own fascists into power only confirms my condemnation.

  • But being vegan is more expensive!?
  • Generally I wouldn't go around hate mongering, but the fr×nch deserve worse. Start off with the fact that I'm a native American man with a French last name. There is an entire genocide in that statement, but for the fr×nch, it is but one of many. Besides the rampant colonization, which you have noted, the most distinguishing characteristic of a true fr×nchperson is the ability to care only about Fr×nce, its "culture", and anyone else they deem sufficiently fr×nch. Take note of the current and MASSIVE antimuslim attitude in Fr×nce right now. Idk if that's some hard right Vichy leftover, but the whole Vichy government is an issue of its own. Take your pick but it's a shit show all the way down.

  • But being vegan is more expensive!?
  • You are right 100% unfounded discrimination is not acceptable. Unfortunately for the Fr×nch, there are hundreds of years of documented history confirming that the discrimination against the Fr×nch is entirely warranted in 99 cases out of 100.

  • oh look. im so glad the $43 million dollar secret project the fans funded will now spawn AI generated garbage while still not being available on audible. isnt that just the greatest? /s Spotify Modifies Terms for Audiobook Rightsholders, Changes May Put Authors in Legal Peril With Narrators

    An ominous new change in Spotify's terms for audiobook rightsholders allows Spotify to "create derivative works from" audiobooks.

    Spotify Modifies Terms for Audiobook Rightsholders, Changes May Put Authors in Legal Peril With Narrators

    cross-posted from:

    > Spotify just changed their TOS, giving them unprecedented rights to create "derivative works" from audiobooks > > They frame it as though it's for user content, more likely it's to train AI, but in fact it gives them the right to do almost anything they want - up to (but not including) stealing the content outright.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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